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How do I accept a Facebook developer request?

How do I accept a Facebook developer request?

Accepting a Facebook developer request allows third-party apps and services to integrate with your Facebook account. Here are the key steps to accept a developer request on Facebook:

What is a Facebook developer request?

A Facebook developer request is prompted when you try to use a third-party app or service that needs access to some data or functionality in your Facebook account. For example, signing into a website with Facebook, using a Facebook app on your phone, or allowing an app to post updates on your timeline. The developer request popup will show the specific permissions the app is requesting and the developer name.

Why you get Facebook developer requests

You will get a developer request when trying to use an app or service that needs access to parts of your Facebook account that are not publicly available. This is a security measure by Facebook to ensure you intentionally allow access to your information. Some common reasons you may get a developer request include:

  • Logging into a website or app with your Facebook account
  • Using your Facebook login for single sign-on access
  • Allowing an app to post updates, photos, videos on your timeline
  • Letting an app access your friends list, interests, photos and other info
  • Connecting your Facebook data to another third-party service

The developer request prompts you to review the specific permissions the app is requesting before accepting. This gives you control over what data or functionality the app can access.

How to accept a Facebook developer request

Accepting a developer request on Facebook is simple. Just follow these steps when you get a developer request popup:

  1. Review the permissions being requested by the app. Make sure you are comfortable granting access.
  2. Check the developer name to ensure it matches the service you are trying to use.
  3. Click on the Accept button to grant permission to the app.
  4. If prompted, log into your Facebook account and complete any additional steps.
  5. The app will now have access to the approved permissions until you manually revoke them.

Let’s look at each of these steps in more detail:

1. Review requested permissions

Carefully review the permissions the app is requesting. These could include access to your profile info, friends list, news feed, photos and videos, groups, events, and more. Only accept requests for data the app legitimately needs to function.

2. Check the developer name

Verify that the listed developer name matches who you expect it to be based on the service you are using. This ensures someone else isn’t impersonating the app to get access to your account. If you don’t recognize the developer, you may want to research them first before accepting.

3. Click the Accept button

Once you’ve reviewed the permissions and developer details, click on the blue Accept button to approve the request. This grants the app access to the specified areas of your Facebook account.

4. Log into Facebook if needed

For added security, Facebook may prompt you to log into your account before the permissions are finalized. You may also need to complete additional steps depending on the app. Follow any instructions shown to finish accepting the request.

5. Access remains until revoked

After accepting the developer request, those permissions will remain active until you manually revoke them. You can review and remove app permissions in your Facebook settings at any time.

Important things to know about developer requests

Here are some other important tips to keep in mind about Facebook developer requests:

  • Grant the minimum permissions needed. Don’t just blindly accept all requested permissions.
  • Revoke app permissions if you stop using the service to limit access.
  • Legitimate apps will specify the developer name on the request.
  • If anything seems suspicious about the request, deny access.
  • Permissions are tied to your account and carry over if you get a new device.
  • Developer requests only appear on the desktop website, not in mobile apps.

Managing app permissions

You can review and manage the permissions for all your connected apps and services in your Facebook settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click on “Apps and Websites” in the left column
  3. You will see a list of all your connected apps and services
  4. Click the “Remove” button on any app to revoke permissions
  5. Alternatively, click an app and adjust the individual permissions

Monitoring app permissions ensures outdated or unused connections don’t maintain access to your account. It’s a good idea to periodically check and prune any unnecessary apps.

Accepting developer requests on mobile

The developer request popup only appears when accessing Facebook through a desktop web browser. On mobile apps, the permission approval process is handled differently:

  • On iOS, a native permissions prompt will appear asking if you want to Allow or Don’t Allow access.
  • On Android, approving permissions is handled through the Google Play Store listing for the app.
  • Read all prompts carefully to understand what data the app can access.

So on mobile, simply watch for system permission prompts and app install screens to control what informationthird-party services can access.

Why you might deny a developer request

Valid reasons for denying a Facebook developer request include:

  • The requested permissions seem excessive for the app’s purpose
  • You don’t recognize or trust the developer name
  • You changed your mind about using the app or service
  • The app appears suspicious or hacked in any way
  • You are no longer actively using the app
  • You want to limit the information third parties can access

As a rule of thumb, always be cautious about granting broad access to your Facebook account. Only approve requests from recognized developers for permissions that make sense.

Warnings about dubious developer requests

Be wary of any Facebook developer requests that:

  • Come from an unrecognized developer
  • Ask for odd or excessive types of permission
  • Appear when you aren’t trying to take any action
  • Claim to be from Facebook or another trusted service
  • Redirect you to a suspicious external website

These could be phishing attempts to gain access to your account. When in doubt, deny the request. You can also report suspicious requests to Facebook for further investigation.


Accepting a Facebook developer request allows third-party apps controlled access to parts of your Facebook account data and functionality. Carefully check the permissions and developer name before approving. You can revoke app access at any time through your Facebook settings. Be cautious of any request that seems suspicious or unnecessary to avoid compromising your account security. Following these best practices keeps you in control of what information Facebook apps can access.

That covers the key things to know about accepting developer requests on Facebook. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!