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How do hackers steal your FB account?

How do hackers steal your FB account?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a nightmare. Your personal information, photos, conversations with friends and family, and more are all stored on Facebook. If a hacker gains access to your account, they have access to all of that sensitive data. Unfortunately, hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the ways they break into Facebook accounts. Understanding how they do it is the first step in protecting yourself.

What do hackers want with your Facebook account?

Hackers break into Facebook accounts for a variety of nefarious purposes:

  • Access personal information they can use for identity theft or fraud
  • Post malicious links that spread viruses or malware to your friends
  • Access private conversations and photos they can exploit
  • Post spam content promoting shady products or websites
  • Pretend to be you and scam your Facebook friends and family

In essence, by hijacking your account, hackers gain a mask of credibility that lets them freely move about Facebook to perpetrate cybercrimes and abuse. It allows them to blend in seamlessly while taking advantage of your network of connections and private information.

How do hackers actually get into a Facebook account?

Hackers use a variety of techniques to break into people’s accounts. Some of the most common include:


Phishing involves creating fake Facebook login pages to trick users into entering their usernames and passwords. They often distribute links to these pages through email campaigns. The pages look identical to the real Facebook site, fooling victims into thinking they’re entering their details securely. But in reality, everything just goes right to the hackers.


Malicious software installed on a victim’s device can steal Facebook login credentials behind the scenes. This includes keylogger malware that records keystrokes to grab usernames and passwords. It may also include malware that scans the web browser history and memory for login credentials entered on Facebook.

Credential Stuffing

Hackers use lists of usernames and passwords stolen in past security breaches and “stuff” them into the Facebook login page, hoping they match an active account. Since people reuse passwords across sites, credentials leaked elsewhere often work to access Facebook as well.

SIM swapping

SIM swapping involves hackers socially manipulating a mobile provider into transferring or porting a victim’s phone number over to a SIM card they control. With access to text/call 2FA verification codes sent to the number, the hackers can then easily reset the Facebook password.

Compromised third-party app

When users connect their Facebook account to third-party apps and sites for single sign-on convenience, this can open a door for hackers. If one of these third parties gets breached, tokens or keys used for accessing Facebook may be leaked as well, allowing account takeovers.

What steps can you take to secure your Facebook account?

While hackers have many tricks, there are also ways you can make your Facebook account much more secure against their attacks:

  • Activate two-factor authentication – This adds a second layer of verification to prevent takeovers.
  • Use strong, unique passwords – Makes passwords harder to crack and prevents reuse across sites.
  • Be vigilant against phishing – Verify the URL and look for the green lock icon before entering your password.
  • Revoke third party app access – Deauthorizes single sign-on apps when no longer in use.
  • Check the login history – Monitor for any suspicious access locations.
  • Enable Facebook login alerts – Adds notifications for when certain login attempts occur.
  • Don’t click suspicious links – Even from friends, as their accounts may be compromised.
  • Install anti-virus software – Helps protect against malware trying to steal credentials.

Are some people more at risk than others?

There are certain situations and behaviors that make people more prone to having their Facebook accounts hacked:

  • Reusing the same password everywhere – Since most people do this, hackers can use credentials leaked on one site to access Facebook accounts as well.
  • Connecting many third party apps – The more apps synced with your Facebook login, the more opportunities for a breach to spill over.
  • Having lax security settings – Enabling two-factor authentication and login approvals adds critical roadblocks.
  • Falling for phishing scams – If you enter your login credentials into fake pages, they go straight into hackers’ hands.
  • Not monitoring activity – Failing to check things like login locations means you won’t detect early if your account is compromised.
  • Using public Wi-Fi – Unsecured public networks make it easier for credentials to be intercepted.
  • Visiting shady websites – They may download malware or exploits that steal Facebook login information.

Basically, anything that makes your credentials more easily obtainable to hackers, or gives hackers an open door into your account, heightens the risk of it being compromised. Having strong security protections in place is critical.

What are the telltale signs your Facebook may be hacked?

If you see any of the following, it likely means your Facebook account has been compromised:

  • Strange posts or messages start appearing from your account
  • Friends receive messages from you that you didn’t send
  • The email associated with your Facebook changes
  • Your login details suddenly stop working
  • New friends you don’t know start appearing
  • New login locations show up that don’t match your activity
  • Your profile information like name or photo changes

You should immediately change your password and enable two-factor authentication if you observe any of these signs of a potential hack. Also review your security and privacy settings closely.

What should you do if your Facebook gets hacked?

If your Facebook account gets hacked, stay calm but act quickly. Follow this checklist:

  1. Secure your account – Change the password, enable two-factor authentication, and look for any suspicious security settings.
  2. Check for compromised information – Review your info, photos, posts, apps, payments, etc. for unauthorized changes.
  3. Warn friends and contacts – Let them know to beware of suspicious messages “from you”.
  4. Scan all devices – Run antivirus scans on any systems where you accessed Facebook to check for infections.
  5. Deauthorize apps – Revoke access to any third party apps connected to your account.
  6. Report the hack – Notify Facebook and friends to stop damage and prevent repeated attacks.
  7. Assess the impact – Determine exactly what the hackers had access to while in your account.
  8. Change passwords – Update passwords on any other linked sites or apps as a precaution.
  9. Monitor activity – Stay vigilant for new malicious behavior going forward.

Taking these steps can help lock down your account after a hack and prevent further abuse. But catching a hack early limits the potential impact.

Can a hacked Facebook account be recovered?

In most cases, a hacked Facebook account can be recovered, as long as proper steps are taken quickly. Here’s the process:

  1. Regain access – The first priority is regaining access before more damage occurs. Change the password and enable two-factor authentication.
  2. Gather info – Facebook’s security team will need details like when the hack occurred, what changed, what content was posted, etc.
  3. Report the hack – File a report through Facebook’s hacked account channel with details about the incident.
  4. Prove your identity – To verify account ownership, provide info like the registered email, friends’ names, Page roles, etc.
  5. Secure the account – Facebook will validate details and guide through steps to fully secure the account again.
  6. Remove unauthorized changes – Once access is restored, delete any content, apps or changes made by hackers.

This process allows Facebook to walk the rightful account owner through regaining control and removing malicious changes. The sooner it’s started after a hack, the better the chances of recovering the account.

Can you tell if someone blocks you on Facebook?

There are a few ways to tell if someone has blocked you on Facebook:

  • You will no longer be able to view their Facebook profile or see any posts they make.
  • Any comments you’ve made on their posts in the past will be deleted.
  • You won’t be able to start a new conversation with them on Facebook Messenger.
  • If you try to tag them in a post or photo, their name won’t appear as a suggested tag.
  • You won’t see their name pop up as being active or having recently posted.

Keep in mind Facebook does not directly notify you if someone blocks you. You simply have to deduce it based on their profile and posts no longer being visible.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

Blocking someone on Facebook prevents them from being able to interact with you and view your profile and posts. Here’s what happens when you block a user:

  • They won’t be able to see your Facebook profile or any content you post.
  • Any existing comments from them on your posts are automatically deleted.
  • They can no longer tag you in any posts or photos.
  • You won’t receive any messages or calls through Facebook Messenger.
  • They are removed as a friend if you had previously added them.
  • Any future friend requests or messages they send will not reach you.

In essence, blocking completely cuts off their access to your Facebook presence. However, they may still be able to find some info about you through mutual friends.

Should you block or unfriend someone on Facebook?

There are a few key differences between blocking and unfriending someone on Facebook:

Block Unfriend
Cuts off all communication and interaction Just removes from friends list
Prevents seeing your posts and profile Can still view your public info and posts
Deletes existing comments from them Leaves past interactions and comments
More severe and complete disconnection More casual friendship termination

In general, blocking is better for problematic contacts you want to fully remove from your digital life. Simply unfriending still allows some limited visibility of each other.

What should you do if someone blocks you on Facebook?

If you suspect someone has blocked you on Facebook, it’s best not to pursue the matter further. However, you can still take a few constructive actions:

  • Reflect on what may have prompted the blocking and learn from it.
  • Focus your energy on more positive relationships in your life.
  • Respect their decision and don’t try contacting them through other means.
  • Wish them well and move on gracefully.
  • Delete or archive any old messages or photos relating to them.

Harassing them about the blocking will only make the situation worse. Take it as a sign it’s time to move forward and concentrate on the people who do wish to engage with you.

Is blocking someone on Facebook effective?

Blocking can be a very effective way to halt unwanted interactions and sever connections on Facebook. Key advantages include:

  • Prevents all communication and visibility of your profile.
  • Applies retroactively to delete existing comments.
  • Easy to implement with one click.
  • Much more complete than simply unfriending.
  • Allows cutting ties permanently or temporarily.
  • Lets you avoid awkwardness of directly rejecting a friend request.

However, blocking has some limitations:

  • Doesn’t prevent viewing fully public info about you.
  • Access to your content could still occur through a mutual friend account.
  • The person may continue to harass you through other channels.
  • You may still stumble across their profile through shared connections.

Overall blocking is very effective on Facebook itself, but general online harassment may require further measures if it persists elsewhere.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be a distressing experience. But being aware of how hackers operate and taking proactive security measures can reduce your risk. Enable two-factor authentication, use strong passwords, be wary of phishing attempts, revoke unused app permissions and monitor your login activity. If you do suffer a breach, act quickly to recover your account and remove any unauthorized changes. Blocking unwanted contacts on Facebook can also help manage your digital life and connections.