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How do hackers access Facebook accounts?

How do hackers access Facebook accounts?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2021. With so many users, Facebook accounts have become a major target for hackers and cybercriminals looking to steal personal information or spread malware.

What are the ways hackers can access Facebook accounts?

There are several techniques hackers use to gain unauthorized access to Facebook accounts:


Phishing is one of the most common methods used by hackers. In a phishing attack, the hacker sends an email or message that appears to come from Facebook. The message will generally warn the user that their account is at risk and provide a link to reset their password or “secure” their account. If the user clicks on the link, they are taken to a fake Facebook login page where any information they enter is captured by the hacker. The hacker can then use the stolen login credentials to access their account.

Social Engineering

Hackers may use social engineering to manipulate Facebook users into giving up their login information. This could involve contacting the user pretending to be Facebook support, a friend in need, or someone offering an enticing opportunity. By building trust and exploiting human psychology, hackers can trick users into voluntarily revealing their passwords or other account details.

Password Guessing

If a hacker obtains a Facebook user’s email address or username, they may try guessing or brute forcing the account password. Password guessing programs can run through thousands of common password options like “password123” or dictionary words rapidly. Unless the user has a very strong and unique password, it’s possible for hackers to gain access this way.

Keylogging Malware

Keylogging malware tracks keyboard input on an infected device. Hackers can install it on a victim’s computer or smartphone and then receive logs of everything the user types, including Facebook passwords and other sensitive information. Keyloggers are often distributed through phishing links or by getting users to install seemingly legitimate programs unknowingly containing malware.

Accessing Saved Sessions

When you log into Facebook on a public computer or a device someone else has recently used, there is a chance your session may still be open. Hackers with physical access to the computer can access these active sessions to take over your account. Always log out of Facebook when using public devices.

Third-Party Breaches

When other websites or services that have your Facebook login info get hacked, your account is put at risk. Your Facebook credentials may have been exposed in a breach if you use the same login details across multiple sites. To stay protected, use unique passwords for all your important accounts.

SIM Swapping

Hackers may attempt to get your cell phone number transferred to a SIM card they control by contacting your provider pretending to be you. Once they have your number, they can use two-factor authentication via text message to reset your Facebook password and access your account. Avoid this by adding extra security protections on your mobile provider account.

Malicious Browser Extensions

Browser extensions that promise special features or deals can actually be used to steal your Facebook session cookies and take over your account when you install them. Only install reputable extensions from official browser extension stores like the Chrome Web Store.

Compromised Friends

If one of your Facebook friends has their account hacked, there is a chance the hacker can leverage that account’s connections and interactions for further attacks. Be cautious of unusual messages coming from friends’ accounts as they may have been compromised.

How can Facebook users improve security?

Here are some tips to better protect your Facebook account from hackers:

  • Use a strong, unique password that would be difficult to guess.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for extra login security.
  • Be skeptical of unsolicited emails, texts and messages claiming to be from Facebook.
  • Avoid logging into Facebook on public, shared or unfamiliar devices.
  • Secure your computer and phone from malware using antivirus software.
  • Check your login history and activity for signs of unauthorized access.
  • Limit the personal information you share publicly on your profile.
  • Report suspicious posts, accounts or messages to Facebook right away.
  • Turn on login alerts to be notified of logins from new devices.
  • Use the Privacy Checkup tool to ensure your security settings are locked down.

Taking measures to stay safe online goes a long way in keeping hackers out of your Facebook account and protecting your personal information.

What should I do if my Facebook account is hacked?

If you believe your Facebook account has been hacked, follow these steps immediately:

  1. Log out of all active sessions on Facebook. You can do this under Settings -> Security and Login.
  2. Change your Facebook password to a new, random one. Make sure it is long and complex.
  3. Verify your email address and phone number listed on your Facebook account are correct.
  4. Submit a report to Facebook about your hacked account at
  5. Check your Facebook privacy settings and app permissions to see if they have been changed by the hacker.
  6. Scan your computer for malware, adware and keylogging software and remove anything suspicious.
  7. Notify your Facebook friends that your account was hacked in case the hacker messaged them.
  8. Enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security on your account.
  9. Deauthorize any unfamiliar sessions in your login history that could be the hacker.

Taking quick action limits the potential damage from a hacked Facebook account and helps secure it going forward. Make sure to monitor your profile closely for suspicious posts, messages or new friend requests as well.


Facebook accounts contain a wealth of personal information – photos, messages, check-ins and more – that make them a prime target for hackers. However, there are many steps users can take to improve security and make their accounts more hacker-proof. Using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious when contacted about account issues will keep most attackers out. With proper precautions, Facebook users can safely enjoy connecting with friends and family online. If your account is ever compromised, act rapidly to regain control and prevent identity theft or further abuse. Paying attention to Facebook security protects both your account and your privacy.