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How do Facebook ads actually work?

How do Facebook ads actually work?

Facebook ads have become an essential part of digital marketing strategies. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides marketers with an unparalleled opportunity to reach their target audience. But how exactly do Facebook ads work? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about how Facebook ads work and how to create effective Facebook ad campaigns.

How do Facebook ads work?

Facebook ads work by allowing businesses to show targeted ads to specific Facebook users based on their interests, behavior, demographics, and more. Advertisers can choose their target audience, set a budget, and pay for their ads on either a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing model.

When a user logs into Facebook, they may see ads in their News Feed from businesses that have determined they fall into their target market. If the user clicks on the ad, the advertiser pays Facebook a small fee. Even if the user doesn’t click, just having the ad displayed still provides value to advertisers in the form of brand awareness.

The Facebook ads auction process

So how does Facebook determine exactly which users will see an advertiser’s ad? Through an auction process.

Whenever an ad is eligible to show to a user based on the advertiser’s targeting, that ad enters an auction with other ads competing to show to the same user. Facebook holds millions of these auctions every second!

In the auction, Facebook evaluates:

  • The advertiser’s bid
  • The estimated action rate, based on the ad’s historical performance
  • The relevance of the ad to the user
  • The estimated impact of the ad, based on the ad’s historical performance

The ad with the best combination of these factors wins the auction and shows to the user. This fully automated, real-time process allows Facebook to show users the ads deemed most relevant to them.

Setting up a Facebook ad campaign

To start running Facebook ads, advertisers must first set up a Facebook ad campaign using Ads Manager. This involves the following steps:

  1. Choose campaign objective – Advertisers select a goal for their campaign, such as getting more website visitors, conversions, or app installs.
  2. Set up ad account – Advertisers connect their ad account to a payment method and specify a daily budget.
  3. Define target audience – Advertisers specify the demographic and interest-based data to target their ideal customers.
  4. Create ad creative – Advertisers design ad images, video, and/or text.
  5. Set bid and pricing model – Advertisers choose whether they want to pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM) and set a bid amount.
  6. Place order – Advertisers submit their ad and have it reviewed by Facebook before it begins running.

Once a campaign is live, advertisers can monitor performance data and tweak targeting to improve results.

Facebook ad targeting options

One of the key benefits of Facebook advertising is the ability to reach a very specific target audience. Facebook provides detailed targeting options to help advertisers only show their ads to people likely to be interested. Targeting categories include:

Core demographics

Options like age, gender, location, language, and relationship status. For example, advertisers could target women ages 25-35 who live in Los Angeles and speak English.

Interests and behaviors

Categories like interests, activities, device usage, and purchase behaviors. For instance, advertisers could target people interested in photography who have purchased a digital camera in the past six months.


Ways to target lookalike audiences modeled after a company’s existing customers or website visitors. This allows finding new audiences with similar characteristics.

Advanced features

More complex options like custom audiences, exclusions, and combinatorial targeting. For example, advertisers could target men who live in Canada AND recently engaged with their website AND have shown interest in sports.

By combining different targeting specifications, advertisers can reach very specific subsets of the 2.9 billion Facebook users.

Facebook ad formats

Facebook offers a variety of different ad formats for both mobile and desktop environments:

Ad Format Description
Photo Ads Single image ads with a link description below. Can showcase products visually.
Video Ads Short video clips up to 240 minutes long. Audio is required. Appear in-stream or within the News Feed.
Carousel Ads Ad units with multiple images/videos that users can horizontally scroll through. Good for showcasing product catalogs.
Collection Ads A showcase of multiple product images that drive to a single landing page. Allows dynamic retargeting.
Slideshow Ads Cinematic ads with multiple images that display in a sequenced storyboard format up to 10 images.
Playables Interactive full-screen visual ad experience such as mini games. Engages users without linking them out of Facebook.
Instant Experience Ads Immersive, interactive canvas that loads without redirecting to another page. Useful for showcasing mobile apps.
Lead Ads Ad unit that lets users submit contact information directly within Facebook to get sales leads.
Dynamic Ads Automatically generated ads with changing content pulled from product catalogs. Helps scale retargeting.

Each format is designed to enable advertisers to convey their message creatively and effectively given the small ad real estate and fragmented attention spans of social media users.

Facebook ad placements

Facebook ads can appear in several locations across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network:

News Feed

The constantly updating list of posts that users see when they log into Facebook. One of the most popular placements given high visibility.

Instagram Feed

The scrolling feed of photos and videos that users access within the Instagram app. Provides highly visual ad real estate.

Instagram Stories

Full screen ads displayed between user stories that disappear after 24 hours. Best for time-sensitive campaigns.


Ads can appear as Sponsored Messages within the Messenger message inbox. Enable one-to-one communication at scale.

Right Column

Vertical column of ads displayed on the right side of the Facebook website. Appears while browsing the News Feed.

Audience Network

Ads shown on third-party apps and websites that are part of the Facebook Audience Network ad network. Expands reach beyond just Facebook properties.

Understanding the nuances of each placement can help advertisers select the optimal locations to meet campaign objectives.

Creating effective Facebook ads

The key to success with Facebook advertising is testing different messaging, visuals, audiences, and placements to determine the optimal combination. Here are some best practices to create effective Facebook ads:

  • Use eye-catching imagery and video
  • Convey a clear value proposition
  • Target a specific, defined audience
  • Include a strong call-to-action
  • Keep text short, scannable, and engaging
  • Use dynamic creative optimization
  • Leverage emotional storytelling techniques
  • Develop ad variations to test
  • Analyze data and optimize for key metrics

Well-designed Facebook ads incorporate visual media, compelling text, and clear messaging tailored to different audience segments. Testing and optimization is key to improving performance over time.

Measuring Facebook ad results

Facebook provides advertisers with robust analytics and reporting to measure ad performance. Key metrics to track include:


The number of unique people who saw the ad. Assesses potential impressions delivered.


How many times on average each user saw the ad. Can indicate whether to adjust targeting or optimize creatives.


The number of clicks an ad received. Measures direct engagement and interest.

CTR (Click-through rate)

Clicks divided by impressions. Benchmarks audience interest levels.

CPM (Cost-per-thousand impressions)

Ad spend divided by impressions shown in thousands. Calculates efficiency of reach.

CPC (Cost-per-click)

Ad spend divided by clicks. Evaluates cost efficiency of clicks.


Number of desired actions taken after seeing an ad, such as email signups or purchases. The ultimate measure of ROI.

Regularly analyzing ad performance data enables advertisers to optimize their Facebook campaigns for maximum results.


With its precise targeting capabilities, interactive ad formats, and measurable results, Facebook advertising provides an efficient and effective way for businesses to connect with their ideal audience. By following Facebook best practices, regularly testing and optimizing ad variations, and monitoring campaign analytics, advertisers can drive real business value from their Facebook ad investments.