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How did Palihapitiya make his money?

How did Palihapitiya make his money?

Chamath Palihapitiya is a venture capitalist and former Facebook executive who has built a fortune of over $1 billion. He made his money through savvy early investments in companies like Facebook and Slack, as well as by founding his own venture capital firm, Social Capital.

Early Career

Palihapitiya graduated from the University of Waterloo in Canada with an electrical engineering degree. He began his career at AOL, quickly working his way up to become AOL’s head of AIM. In 2005, he joined Facebook as one of the company’s first executives and was responsible for overseeing user growth.

As an early Facebook employee, Palihapitiya was able to acquire Facebook stock options before the company went public. When Facebook held its IPO in 2012, Palihapitiya’s shares were valued at around $200 million. He sold most of his Facebook holdings between 2012 and 2015, netting over $300 million.

Venture Capital Investments

After leaving Facebook in 2011, Palihapitiya used his newfound wealth to enter the world of venture capital. He founded Social Capital in 2011 and began investing in promising startups. Some of his most successful VC investments include:

  • Slack – Palihapitiya invested $1 million in Slack’s seed funding round in 2009. When Slack went public in 2019, Social Capital’s stake was worth over $1 billion.
  • Box – Social Capital was an early investor in cloud storage company Box. Their total invested capital of $77 million turned into over $500 million at Box’s IPO.
  • Yammer – Social Capital made a $5 million seed investment in Yammer in 2009. The company was acquired by Microsoft for $1.2 billion in 2012.

In total, Social Capital has made investments in over 100 startups since its founding, with dozens of exits over $100 million. Palihapitiya’s track record for picking winners early on has turned Social Capital into one of the most successful VC firms in Silicon Valley.


In recent years, Palihapitiya has made hundreds of millions of dollars sponsoring SPACs, or special purpose acquisition companies. SPACs are essentially “blank check” public companies that raise money from investors without having an actual business. The SPAC then uses the cash to merge or acquire companies and take them public.

As a SPAC sponsor, Palihapitiya leverages his reputation in the tech industry to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for potential deals. He then collects a sizable stake (usually 20%) of the SPAC for himself as the sponsor. Here are some of the major SPACs Palihapitiya has sponsored:

SPAC Amount Raised
Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp (IPOA) $600 million
Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp II (IPOB) $414 million
Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp III (IPOC) $1 billion
Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp IV (IPOD) $300 million
Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp V (IPOE) $800 million
Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp VI (IPOF) $1 billion

As you can see, Palihapitiya has raised over $4 billion through SPAC offerings in just the past few years. Given that he takes 20% of the SPAC equity, his personal stake is worth hundreds of millions. Even if the SPACs don’t find viable acquisition targets before their deadline, Palihapitiya pockets millions in fees and sponsor shares.

Personal Investments

In addition to his VC firm Social Capital and SPAC sponsorships, Palihapitiya has made a number of high-profile personal startup investments over the years. These deals add to his overall wealth gain:

  • Bitcoin – Palihapitiya revealed he owns bitcoin and bought his first coins back in 2012 or 2013. His total bitcoin holdings are not public but likely total millions given the early investment.
  • Clover Health – Palihapitiya was an early investor in health insurance startup Clover Health. His stake was worth around $500 million when the company went public via a SPAC merger in 2020.
  • Virgin Galactic – Palihapitiya privately invested $100 million into Richard Branson’s space tourism company Virgin Galactic. He sold his personal take in Virgin Galactic in 2021 for around $213 million.

Palihapitiya has said in interviews his goal is to take big early stakes in disruptive startups and hold for the long-term. This personal investment strategy has likely earned him hundreds of millions more as many of his early startup investments continue to grow and mature.

Golden State Warriors

Palihapitiya is also a part-owner of the Golden State Warriors professional basketball team. In 2010, he joined as part of an investment group led by Joe Lacob that purchased the Warriors for $450 million. As of 2022, the Warriors are valued at $5.6 billion, making them the 3rd most valuable NBA team behind the New York Knicks and Los Angeles Lakers according to Forbes.

While the details of Palihapitiya’s Warriors stake are private, his return is likely hundreds of millions given the over 10X increase in the team’s value since he first invested. Sports team ownership has proven to be a highly lucrative investment for many ultra wealthy businessmen like Palihapitiya.

Current Net Worth

Forbes estimates Chamath Palihapitiya’s net worth at $1.2 billion as of October 2022. The majority of his wealth comes from his early Facebook stock, savvy VC investments in startups like Slack and Box, and the hundreds of millions raised through SPAC deals.

At age 45, Palihapitiya is just getting started as an investor and entrepreneur. He continues to raise new SPACs on a regular basis, scoping out the next generation of startups and disruptive technologies. His Social Capital VC firm now manages assets over $2 billion and is expanding into new domains like biotech. Palihapitiya is considered one of the most influential businessmen in Silicon Valley, with a knack for identifying the next big thing.

Given his young age and continued deal-making, it’s likely Palihapitiya’s net worth will continue to grow substantially in the coming years. His early investment in bitcoin also gives him major upside if cryptocurrency valuations continue rising over the long-term. While he has already achieved elite billionaire status, at just 45 years old the best may be yet to come for Chamath Palihapitiya.


In summary, Chamath Palihapitiya amassed his $1+ billion fortune through several key strategies:

  • He acquired Facebook stock options early on as a top executive and sold most of his holdings after the IPO for over $300 million.
  • He made prescient VC investments in startups like Slack and Box well before they went public or were acquired.
  • He has raised over $4 billion through SPAC offerings, collecting huge sponsor shares for himself in the process.
  • He holds bitcoin purchased in the early years and owns stakes in Virgin Galactic, the Warriors, and other personal startup investments.

Still just 45 years old, Palihapitiya has many years ahead to continue doing deals and growing his wealth as one of Silicon Valley’s top investors. Through a mix of luck and skill, he has put himself in a position to capitalize on the rapid growth of companies like Facebook and Slack that went on to be worth tens of billions of dollars. His SPAC sponsorship strategy should continue to deliver him hundreds of millions in cheap equity in the years ahead as he raises additional blank-check funds.

While not without controversy, Palihapitiya’s business acumen and bold risk-taking have earned him the respect of the investment community. His net worth is poised to keep rising dramatically if he can continue identifying promising startups and trends before the rest of the market catches on.