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How did a hacker get my email and password?

How did a hacker get my email and password?

Having your email account hacked can be a scary and frustrating experience. Your private communications and sensitive information may have been compromised. Understanding how it happened is the first step to gaining back control and preventing it from happening again.

How Do Hackers Get Passwords?

Hackers use a variety of methods to obtain passwords and break into email accounts. Some of the most common ways include:

  • Guessing weak or common passwords – Hackers use password guessing software that runs through combinations of common words, names, dates, etc. until they gain access.
  • Phishing – Deceptive emails leading users to enter login credentials on fake websites. The hacker captures the information entered.
  • Keylogging malware – Malicious software tracks keystrokes to record passwords and other sensitive data.
  • Data breaches – When a website or service is hacked, account information including passwords is sometimes leaked publicly or sold on dark web markets.
  • Password reuse – Using the same password across different accounts makes a hacked password usable in other places.
  • Shoulder surfing – Directly observing someone’s password as they type it in a public place.

How Did My Account Get Hacked?

Determining how your specific account was compromised can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to figure it out:

  • Review account activity – Check your account’s login history, forwarded emails, deleted messages, sent messages, and other recent actions for anything suspicious.
  • Scan devices – Run security scans on your computers, phones, tablets, etc. to detect keylogging or other malware that may have captured your password.
  • Check databases – HaveIBeenPwned and similar services can tell you if your account appears in hacked databases where passwords are available.
  • Think back – Reflect on any emails, downloads, public WiFi use, or other events that could have exposed your password.
  • Contact provider – Your email provider may be able to reveal details on the source of unauthorized access.

Preventative Measures

Whether or not you determine the exact cause, there are important steps to take now to improve your email security and avoid future attacks:

  • Change your password – Update your password to a strong, unique one that hasn’t been used elsewhere.
  • Enable 2FA – Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection beyond just a password.
  • Update software – Maintain up-to-date antivirus, operating systems, and other software to close security holes.
  • Avoid phishing – Delete suspicious emails without opening attachments or clicking links.
  • Limit password reuse – Use different, strong passwords for each important account.
  • Review permissions – Remove unauthorized account access that may have been granted by hackers.

Following security best practices is the best defense against the numerous ways hackers try to steal credentials and infiltrate accounts.

Detecting Unauthorized Access

Once your account has been compromised, hackers may continue accessing it covertly for some time. Be alert for signs of unauthorized activity:

  • Unfamiliar sent emails – Messages you didn’t send appearing in your sent folder.
  • New filters/rules – Hackers may add filters to delete or redirect certain messages.
  • Unusual logins – Logins from unfamiliar locations.
  • Forgotten contacts – New contacts added without your knowledge.
  • Missing emails – Important messages automatically deleted or kept hidden from your inbox.
  • Changed settings – Settings like forwarding rules modified without your input.

If you observe any suspicious account activity, secure your account immediately and contact your email provider.

Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Your Email

Follow these steps to comprehensively protect and restore your email security after a hack:

  1. Log out all devices – End any other active sessions attackers could be using.
  2. Change your password – Update to a new, strong, unique password.
  3. Remove unauthorized users – Take back account access from anyone you don’t recognize.
  4. Enable 2FA – Add an extra verification step with a code from an app or SMS.
  5. Check filters and rules – Remove any redirecting or deleting emails.
  6. Review forwarded emails – Make sure your emails aren’t being shared without your consent.
  7. Scan for malware – Check your devices for keyloggers or other spyware.
  8. Contact provider – Ask for additional breach assistance and security options.
  9. Monitor activity – Continue watching for unauthorized actions for a few weeks.

This comprehensive process will help secure your email from current and future intrusions.

Recovering from Email Hack Damage

Once your email is hacked, there may be significant damage to recover from even after you secure the account. Some potential consequences include:

  • Personal information theft – Hackers may have access to private messages, photos, documents with sensitive info, and other personal data.
  • Financial fraud – Email is often tied to online financial accounts and can be used for theft and fraud.
  • Other compromised accounts – Breached email accounts are used to reset passwords and take over other accounts.
  • Missed messages – Hackers may have deleted or redirected important emails before you ever saw them.
  • Embarrassing sent messages – Email could have been sent in your name you didn’t authorize.

Here are some tips for recovering from these types of fallout:

  • Scan credit reports for suspicious activity and consider a credit freeze if evidence of identity theft exists.
  • Change passwords on all other accounts, prioritizing financial ones.
  • Review account activity on other accounts for any unauthorized actions.
  • Contact anyone who may have received false emails from your account.
  • Search email trash and other folders for lost important messages.
  • Consider contacting legal counsel if the hack has caused significant personal or financial damage.

How to Report an Email Hack

If your email was hacked, reporting it to the proper authorities can help limit the damage and prevent the attackers from hacking others. Here are ways to report email compromise:

  • Email provider – Report the hack directly to your email provider like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc. They can secure your account and investigate.
  • FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) – File an official internet crime report with the FBI at
  • FTC – Report identity theft resulting from an email hack to the FTC at
  • Police – Local police may file your complaint in an official crime database and document evidence.
  • Employer – If the breached email is a work account, inform your company’s IT security team.

The more email compromises that get reported, the better authorities can track hackers and hold them accountable.

Best Practices to Avoid Email Hacks

While no email account is completely immune from hacking, following cybersecurity best practices can greatly reduce your risks. Recommended precautions include:

  • Strong unique passwords – Use random 12+ character passwords on every account.
  • Two-factor authentication – Add an extra login step like a code from an authenticator app.
  • Password manager – Safely generate and store strong passwords.
  • Caution downloading files/attachments – Don’t open suspicious downloads that could contain malware.
  • Avoid phishing emails – Spot fake messages designed to steal your login credentials.
  • Keep software updated – Maintain the latest security patches on all applications and systems.
  • WiFi security – Only access public WiFi through a secure VPN connection.
  • Minimize shared passwords – The fewer who know a password, the better.

Making strong unique passwords, enabling extra login protections, and updating your software are the most effective ways to keep hackers out of your email and other accounts.


Having your personal or work email account hacked can be a major security breach with consequences ranging from lost information to identity theft and financial fraud. Understanding common hacking techniques like phishing and password guessing provides insight into how to guard against them. Taking preventative measures like strong passwords and two-factor authentication before a hack occurs is critical.

If your account is compromised, act quickly to change your password, remove unauthorized access, scan for malware, monitor activity, and report the incident. Continue vigilantly watching for suspicious behavior that could indicate hackers still have access. Take steps to recover from any identity theft, financial loss, or other damages caused by the breach.

While email hacks may seem inevitable, following best practices greatly decreases the risks. Everyone benefits from more awareness around email security and hackers facing repercussions for their crimes.