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How can you tell if two people are friends on Facebook?

How can you tell if two people are friends on Facebook?

There are a few ways to determine if two people are friends on Facebook. The main indicators are:

  • They are listed as friends on each other’s profiles
  • They frequently interact with each other’s posts
  • Their posts and photos show they spend time together offline

Facebook’s friend system allows users to send friend requests to other users. When a friend request is accepted, the two people are listed as friends on each other’s profiles. This is the clearest sign that users are confirmed friends on Facebook.

However, friend status is not the only way to gauge if two people have a close relationship on Facebook. You can often tell if two people are friends based on their interactions. Friends will frequently like, comment on, and share each other’s posts and photos. Tagging each other in posts is also common. If two people frequently interact for an extended period of time, it is a strong sign of a friendship.

Checking if two people appear in photos together can also help determine friendship. Friends often post photos of time spent together, such as selfies, group shots, and event photos. If you notice two people frequently appear in photos on each other’s timelines, it means they spend time together offline and have a relationship beyond just being Facebook friends.

Checking Friend Status

To check if two people are Facebook friends, first visit one person’s profile. In the Friends section, look for the other person. If they are connected as friends, their name and profile photo will appear here.

Next, visit the other person’s profile and check their Friends section. See if the first person is listed there. If both people display each other as friends, it means they have sent and accepted friend requests and are connected on Facebook.

There are a couple places where friend status is displayed:

  • In the left sidebar under Friends
  • On the intro section of their profile, under the Friends tab

If someone only has a limited profile, you may need to send them a friend request to confirm if they are already friends with someone. The friend request will say “Confirm” instead of “Add Friend” if they are friends.

Signs of Friendship Interactions

Interacting frequently on Facebook posts is a key sign two people have a close relationship. Close friends tend to like, comment on, and share each other’s content often.

Here are some types of interactions to look for:

  • Likes – Friends will regularly like each others’ posts, photos, status updates, and other content.
  • Comments – Friends have conversations by commenting back and forth on posts.
  • Sharing content – Friends may share or re-post each other’s status updates, links, and photos.
  • Reacting to posts – Beyond just liking posts, friends will use other reactions like love, laugh, sad, angry frequently.
  • Tagging each other – Friends often tag each other in posts when relevant, especially photos, events, and location check-ins.

To identify these interactions:

  • Look for a pattern of ongoing interactions over weeks/months rather than just a few sporadic interactions.
  • Interactions will frequently happen from both people, not just one person interacting with the other’s content.
  • Interactions often contain conversations via comments or inside joke references.

These types of back and forth interactions require an established relationship and comfort level that is common between friends.

Signs Friends Spend Time Together Offline

Facebook provides a window into real world connections. Close friends will often post about time spent together offline. If two people’s profiles display multiple signs of offline time together, it indicates a friendship.

Here are some things to look for:

  • Photos together – This includes selfies, group hangout photos, travel photos, etc. Friends have lots of photos of real interactions.
  • Check-ins at the same place/event – Friends will check-in at restaurants, concerts, trips, parties, and other locations.
  • Posts about shared activities – Friends write about experiences like travel, meals, events, etc. saying “we” did this.
  • Family connections – Close friends sometimes know and interact with each other’s families online.

These social media signs mimic real-world friendships – spending time together, shared memories and experiences, and being part of each other’s lives.

Other Clues of Friendship

Along with the main signals above, some other clues can indicate a Facebook friendship:

  • Tagged in photos together frequently, especially profil pictures
  • Share common interests, hobbies, beliefs, opinions based on posts
  • Send each other gifts and use Facebook features together
  • Wish each other happy birthday publicly
  • Check into trips, events, and locations together
  • Reference inside jokes only friends would understand
  • Previously worked together or went to school together

These types of interactions require some backstory and shared experiences as friends have. Just being connected on Facebook does not necessarily mean two people are close friends socially. Look for in-depth and consistent interactions over time.

Limitations of Facebook Friendships

While Facebook provides many clues about friendships, there are some limitations:

  • People connect casually with loose acquaintances and strangers
  • Friends lists can include hundreds of people, with varying levels of actual friendship
  • People interact less frequently with some Facebook friends after connecting
  • Friends may interact more privately via messaging than publicly
  • Some people use Facebook infrequently so signs of friendship are limited
  • Facebook shows a limited view of complex real-world relationships

Two people may barely know each other in real life despite being Facebook friends and interacting occasionally. Or they may have been close friends at one time but drifted apart.

The key is looking for consistent, reciprocal interactions over an extended period of time. This indicates the strongest Facebook friendships based on the platform’s public displays of connection. But friendships can still exist off of Facebook without these visible signs.


While there are limitations to gauging friendship solely from Facebook activity, in general you can tell if two people are close friends based on:

  • Mutual friend status
  • Frequent interactions on each other’s posts
  • Appearing together frequently in photos
  • Check-ins, shared memories and references that indicate time spent together offline

These signals must be consistent and reciprocal over months or years to indicate a strong established friendship, rather than just a casual social media connection. The more public interactions two people display across Facebook, the more likely their profiles show a genuine friendship. But the clearest confirmation is when two people demonstrate consistent ties both online and offline.

Examples of Facebook Friend Interactions

Here are some example scenarios showing signs of friendship on Facebook:

Scenario 1

Emily and Jackson have been Facebook friends for 5 years. They like and comment on each other’s posts and photos several times a week. Emily wishes Jackson happy birthday every year publicly. And Jackson comments on photos of Emily’s baby sometimes referring to him fondly as “my little buddy”. They also frequently check-in together at concerts, restaurants, and other local places. This frequent interaction over years, combined with signs of offline time together, indicates a solid friendship.

Scenario 2

Mia and Liam have been Facebook friends for 10 years, since high school. They now live in different cities. They still interact by liking and commenting on major life events like engagements, new jobs, or new homes. But the interactions are only every few months when big news comes up. This shows they still have a friendship connection but may not be very close currently.

Scenario 3

Eva became Facebook friends with someone she met once at a party 2 years ago. They have never interacted on Facebook since initially connecting. This limited connection indicates they are probably more acquaintances than close friends.

Tips for Evaluating Facebook Friendship Status

Here are some tips for looking at Facebook activity to evaluate if two people have a close friendship:

  • Consider the length of time they have been connected on Facebook. Longer term friends tend to have more interactions.
  • Look for who initiates interactions. Reciprocal engagement from both people indicates a stronger tie.
  • Note if interactions seem to represent actual experiences together or just casual social media contact.
  • Don’t assume limited public interactions means no friendship, people vary in how much they share publicly.
  • Look for other mutual friends they may have beyond each other.
  • Observe if they interact with or are aware of each other’s families.
  • Check if they interact in Facebook groups or events pages together beyond just their profiles.

Evaluating Facebook friendship requires looking at consistent patterns of interaction over time, not just temporary likes or comments. The more public signs of a connection two people display across Facebook interfaces, the more likely their online activity represents an authentic friendship.

Summary Table

Signs of Facebook Friendship Examples
Mutual friend status Listed on each other’s friends lists
Frequent profile interactions Likes, comments, tags, reactions to posts
Appear together in photos Selfies, group photos, events
Check-ins at same places Restaurants, trips, parties, etc
Inside jokes and references Only close friends would understand
Share interests and opinions Hobbies, views, beliefs evident in posts

This table summarizes key signals and examples that indicate a Facebook friendship based on profile activity and interactions.


Determining friendship from social media alone has limitations. But in general, consistent, long-term interactions and connections displayed between two people on Facebook indicate a greater likelihood of a close real-life friendship. Mutual friend status, commenting, tagging, sharing life events, memories, photos, and interests all provide social signs of bonds that mimic real-world closeness. As with any relationship, friendship occurs along a spectrum, but the more active engagement two people share across Facebook, the stronger their tie likely is.