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How can you tell if someone is active on FB Dating?

How can you tell if someone is active on FB Dating?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new dating app feature within the Facebook mobile app. It allows Facebook users to create a separate dating profile to match and chat with other users who also have a Facebook Dating profile. But how can you tell if someone you know is currently active on Facebook Dating? Here are some signs to look out for.

Their Main Facebook Profile Shows Limited Activity

One clue that someone may be active on Facebook Dating is if their main Facebook profile shows limited recent activity. For example, if someone used to post status updates, photos, check-ins and engage with friends daily on their regular Facebook, but now their newsfeed has gone quiet, it could be because they are focused on other activity like Facebook Dating. They may be trying to keep their dating activities more private from their main friends list.

Photos Used Across Both Profiles

Many people use similar photos across both their main Facebook profile and their Facebook Dating profile. So if you notice a friend using dating-style photos as their newest profile pictures on regular Facebook, like attractive selfies, photos showing their figure or solo travel photos, it’s a good chance they are also using those to promote themselves on Facebook Dating.

Status Updates about Dating Activities

Some Facebook users aren’t so shy about their dating activities and will even post status updates related to their Facebook Dating matches. You may see someone post about going on an exciting first date with someone new from Facebook Dating, or complaints about how difficult dating apps are. Statuses expressing interest in dating or meeting new people are a giveaway.

Responding to Messages at Odd Hours

If you notice a friend up late at night or early in the morning responding to Facebook messages, they may be chatting with dating matches. The prime time for usage of dating apps is in the later evening when people have alone time after a long workday. So if someone is frequently active on Facebook during those off-peak times, dating may be the reason.

Changes in Relationship Status

When someone becomes active on Facebook Dating, it’s common for them to switch their main Facebook profile relationship status to “Single” if it’s not already. This signals to potential matches that they are available. So if you see a friend suddenly change their relationship status from “In a Relationship” to “Single” and they were not previously, they may be testing out Facebook Dating.

Using Facebook on Their Phone More

Since Facebook Dating is only available via the mobile app, someone using it will need to be on their phone to message matches and check notifications. If you notice a friend suddenly glued to their phone when you’re hanging out or constantly checking it, Facebook Dating may be the compulsion. Lots of messaging and checking who has viewed their dating profile may have them hooked.

Dating App Profile Visible on Main Profile

Some Facebook settings allow you to display your Facebook Dating profile on your regular profile and make it visible to your friends. So if you notice a preview of someone’s dating profile is suddenly visible on their main profile with a heart icon, it’s clear they have an active dating profile you can investigate further. They may have intentionally made it public.

Increased Number of Friends You Don’t Know

Facebook Dating encourages you to add some of your successful matches as friends on your main Facebook profile. So if you notice a friend suddenly has a spike in new Facebook friends you don’t recognize, they may be dating connections. However, proceed with caution here as many false assumptions can be made.

More Interest in Doings New Social Activities

Someone active on Facebook Dating will likely be going on more dates with new people. So if they are suddenly expressing interest in checking out the new pub downtown or art exhibit, asking you to join Singles Meetups or taking salsa dancing classes, it may be related to dating activities. Especially if they were previously homebodies.


While not completely foolproof, looking for signs like limited main profile activity, dating-style photos, flirty statuses, increased phone usage, and relationship status changes can be good indicators that a friend may be trying out Facebook Dating. Just be careful not to jump to conclusions or make accusations without more solid evidence. But if you do suspect a friend’s new dating habits, show your support by offering them dating advice or asking them how it’s going. They may open up about this new part of their social life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you see who views your Facebook Dating profile?

No, Facebook Dating does not allow you to see who has viewed your dating profile. This feature was intentionally left out to encourage more genuine interactions without user vanity or judgment. However, Facebook does allow users to see which of their dating profile photos are getting the most Likes from others.

Is Facebook Dating free?

Yes, Facebook Dating is completely free to use. There are no subscriptions or in-app purchases. This makes it one of the most popular free dating apps available today. However, there are some optional premium features that require payment in Facebook Dating.

Can you use Facebook Dating on a computer?

No, Facebook Dating is only available on the Facebook mobile app. It cannot be accessed via desktop or laptop browsers. This is to facilitate faster messaging and notifications for dating interactions. Mobile also enables features like location-based matching.

Do you need a separate Facebook account for Dating?

No, you don’t need to create a separate Facebook account for using Facebook Dating. It is part of your existing Facebook app. However, Facebook Dating does have you create a distinct dating profile that is separate from your main Facebook profile. Your dating profile only displays your first name to other users.

Can your friends see your Facebook Dating profile?

Friends are unable to view your full dating profile automatically. However, you can choose to add your dating profile to your “About” section on your main profile for friends to see a preview, but they would need to click to view the full profile. Friends can only see your dating activities and matches if you intentionally show them.

Is Facebook Dating safe?

Facebook Dating was designed with several safety features and protections to help prevent unwanted or inappropriate interactions. This includes the inability to send photos or links in messages to start and automated scanning of profile details and messages. Users can also easily block, mute or report others within the dating interface.

5 Tips for Spotting Someone on Facebook Dating

Here are 5 simple tips to spot the signs that a friend may be using Facebook Dating:

Tip Explanation
Look for dating-style photos Photos focused on their figure, selfies, solo travel, etc. may be used across both Facebook profiles
Notice flirty statuses Statuses expressing interest in dating, meeting people or complaining about it are a clue
Watch their relationship status Switching to “Single” from “In a Relationship” can signal they are looking
See odd hour messaging Being active late night or early morning is common for dating app users
Look for dating links on main profile Settings may show their dating profile linked on their regular profile

Comparing Activity on Facebook Dating and Tinder

Facebook Dating and Tinder are two of the most popular dating apps. Here is a comparison of signs of activity and use on each platform:

Facebook Dating Tinder
Profile Photos May overlap Facebook profile Usually different from other social media
App Usage Done through Facebook app Via standalone Tinder app
Activity Hours Evenings and late nights Peak usage around 10pm
Matching System Based on detailed preferences Quick photo swiping
Cost Free (optional paid boosts) Free version with paid upgrades

As you can see, both platforms have some similarities when it comes to detecting activity. But Tinder usage tends to be focused in the app itself rather than across social media.


Spotting whether a friend is using Facebook Dating usually requires observing small changes in their social media activities, posts, photos, status updates, and behaviors. Comparing a spike in dating-related signals and actions to their typical Facebook usage can reveal if they’ve taken their social life in a new romantic direction. Look for shifting relationship statuses, flirty posts, dating-style photos, and increased focus on their phone and messaging activity. With the right eye, you may just have a new dating Sherlock in your friend group.