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How can you tell if someone has restricted you on Facebook?

How can you tell if someone has restricted you on Facebook?

Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to restrict who can see their posts and information. If someone has restricted you on Facebook, it can be frustrating not knowing why you can no longer see their profile or posts. Here are some ways to figure out if you’ve been restricted on Facebook and what it means.

Check if you can see their posts

The most straightforward way to tell if you’ve been restricted by someone on Facebook is to check if you can see their posts in your news feed. If you suddenly stop seeing someone’s posts even though you’re friends with them on Facebook, it’s likely they have restricted you.

To check, go to the person’s profile page and see if their recent posts are visible. If you can only see their older posts, but not anything new they’ve shared, that’s a sign you’ve been restricted.

You may also notice you no longer get notifications when they post something new or get tagged in a post. This happens when you’ve been restricted from seeing someone’s timeline posts.

Try to view their profile information

In addition to limiting who can see their posts, users can restrict who is able to view their profile information on Facebook. This includes info like their work and education history, family members, relationship status, interests, photos and more.

To see if your access to someone’s profile has been limited, go to their about page and check if you can view the different sections. If you get error messages or see limited information, it’s likely they have restricted your ability to view their profile.

See if you can comment on their posts

Along with restricting who can see their posts and info, users can limit who is allowed to comment on their Facebook posts. If you find you are suddenly unable to comment on someone’s posts that were previously open for public commenting, this indicates they have restricted you.

To check, go to one of their recent posts and try submitting a comment. If you get an error message or the comment box is missing, you have most likely been restricted from commenting.

Check your messaging ability

In some cases, someone may restrict your ability to directly message them on Facebook Messenger. This prevents you from starting new conversations with them or continuing existing message threads.

Try sending them a new message or replying to an existing conversation you’ve had. If your messages fail to send or they disappear instead of being delivered, you have likely been restricted from messaging that person.

See if you can react to their posts

Users have the option of limiting who can react and respond to their posts and photos. If you find you are no longer able to like, love, laugh at or use another reaction on someone’s posts, this means they have likely restricted your ability to interact with their content.

Trying reacting to their posts using different reactions like Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry emojis. If you are blocked from reacting, it’s a sign you’ve been restricted.

Check your friendship status

When someone restricts you on Facebook, it doesn’t affect your friendship status. You will still appear as friends on each other’s lists. However, you may notice you no longer have the option to remove them as a friend.

Go to their profile and try to remove, unfriend or block them. If the option is missing, this typically means that they have restricted your profile and removed your ability to end the friendship connection.

See if you show up in their friends list

While restricting someone doesn’t remove your Facebook friendship, it does prevent them from being able to see that you’re friends. So even though you’re still connected on each other’s friend lists, they will no longer see you on their list.

To check if this is the case, have a mutual friend look at the person’s friends list and see if you still show up. If you’re no longer visible as their friend, they have most likely restricted you.

Look for a lack of notifications

When someone restricts you on Facebook, it limits your ability to get notifications about their activity. You’ll stop getting notified when they post, get tagged, change their relationship status, have a birthday and more.

So if you suddenly stop getting any notifications about someone you normally hear from, they likely restricted you without you realizing it.

Check your news feed filtering settings

Before assuming you’ve been restricted by someone, it’s a good idea to check your news feed filtering settings. Facebook allows you to customize whose posts you see in your feed.

Go to your news feed preferences and make sure you didn’t accidentally hide or snooze posts from the person. If they are not listed as someone you hid or snoozed, it’s likely their posts are missing because you got restricted.

Use the View As tool

Facebook offers a View As tool that lets you see what your profile looks like to other people. This can help identify if someone has restricted you.

Go to the View As page and enter the person’s name you think may have restricted you. Browse your profile as if you are that person. If major sections are missing or limited, it’s likely they have restricted viewing access.

Check privacy settings

In some cases, missing content from someone may be the result of their own privacy settings rather than restricting you specifically. It’s possible they adjusted their settings to limit who can see their posts.

View their privacy settings and make sure they haven’t changed the audience for who can view their content. If it’s set to a limited group that doesn’t include you, that’s why you can’t see their information rather than being restricted.

Ask the person directly

If you believe someone has restricted you on Facebook and you want to know why, consider asking them directly. Send them a message or speak to them in person to find out if they intentionally limited your access and their reason for doing so.

Keep in mind that you may not get an answer if they restricted you intentionally. But if it was an accident or misunderstanding, they may adjust the settings to restore your access.

Look for references to you being restricted

In some cases, the person who restricted you may give clues or indirect references to doing so in other posts or interactions. Pay attention if they mention limiting access, privacy, filtering feed content or similar phrases.

These types of references may indicate they intentionally restricted you and are acknowledging that action in a discreet way short of a direct admission.

Consider if you had any interactions before being restricted

Think back to your last few interactions with the person before you realized your access was limited. Did you have an argument, disagree on an issue or have some other negative experience?

If you had a significant conflict recently, their decision to restrict you may be connected to that incident even if it’s not directly stated.

Don’t make assumptions

While being restricted on Facebook can feel personal and make you want to assume why it happened, try not to jump to conclusions. There are many reasons someone may limit access that have nothing to do with you specifically.

Unless they directly tell you they restricted you and why, you can’t know for certain the exact reason based on just the restricted access itself.

Respect their decision

If you determine someone did intentionally restrict you on Facebook, avoid trying to pressure them to change it. Respect their decision even if you disagree with their reasoning or don’t understand why.

Harassing them to remove the restriction will only demonstrate why they likely felt the need to limit your access in the first place.

Adjust your expectations going forward

Once it’s clear you’ve been restricted, adjust your expectations around interacting with that person on Facebook. Don’t expect to see their posts or communicate.

Mentally prepare that your Facebook relationship has fundamentally changed and interactions will be very limited compared to before.

Focus on other connections

Rather than obsess over why someone restricted you on Facebook, shift your focus to nurturing other connections with friends and family on the platform.

Invest time in those relationships so one limited Facebook friendship doesn’t dominate your experience.


Being restricted by someone on Facebook can be upsetting and confusing when it happens without explanation. While the specific reasons aren’t always clear, there are ways to identify if your access has been limited.

Checking if you can see someone’s posts, view their profile, react to content and send them messages can confirm if you’ve been restricted. It usually results from a conflict or intentional decision by the other user.

If you’ve been restricted, avoid harassing the person about it and focus your Facebook energy elsewhere. And if you decide restricting access is necessary, be thoughtful about who you limit and why to avoid misunderstandings.