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How can you tell if Facebook Marketplace buyers are fake?

How can you tell if Facebook Marketplace buyers are fake?

Facebook Marketplace has become a popular platform for buying and selling new and used items. With millions of active users, it provides a huge potential customer base. However, as with any online marketplace, you need to be vigilant about interacting with fake buyers on Facebook Marketplace.

Warning signs of a fake Facebook Marketplace buyer

Here are some common red flags to watch out for when evaluating potential buyers on Facebook Marketplace:

Minimal profile information

Fake accounts often have very little info filled out in their profile. They may have no profile photo, friends, posts or other personal details. This lack of identifying information should make you wary.

Account was recently created

Be cautious of brand new accounts with no Facebook history. Fake accounts are often created specifically to scam sellers, so be extra vigilant if the account seems too new.

Vague initial inquiry

Scammers will often send a vague first message like “Is this available?” This allows them to cast a wide net before targeting specific items or sellers to scam.

Won’t meet in person

Most real buyers will agree to meet up to complete the transaction. Scammers will often make excuses to only pay and ship the item unseen.

Evasive about details

When you ask specific questions about the condition, size, purpose for buying, etc., scammers will often be evasive or vague in responses.

Unusually high/low price offers

Fake buyers may offer an unusually high price to get you to ship the item before paying. Alternatively, an unusually low offer could be a tactic to build trust and set up a scam later.

Requests your email/phone number early

A common scam tactic is to immediately try to move the conversation off Facebook and onto email or text. This allows them to delete the Facebook trail once a scam is underway.

Vague payment promises

Scammers will often promise they “can pay” without specifying how or when. Or they may mention obscure payment methods with no buyer protections.

Bad grammar/spelling

Messages riddled with grammar and spelling errors may indicate someone foreign running a scam. This isn’t foolproof, but scams do frequently come from abroad.

Highly impatient

Scammers will often pressure you to complete the sale urgently before you can ask too many questions. Take your time and don’t rush.

Safety tips for vetting Facebook Marketplace buyers

Here are some tips to help verify real buyers and avoid scams on Facebook Marketplace:

Review profile carefully

Scan their profile for real photos, friends, posts and personal info. Click on posts and photos to verify they aren’t stock or stolen.

Ask for their Facebook URL

This allows you to cross-check that the account messaging you matches the profile URL they provide.

Talk over Facebook Messenger

Keeping all conversations on Messenger provides documentation and keeps things transparent. Don’t communicate externally.

Ask questions

Ask details about why they want the item, what they will use it for, their experience with similar items, etc. Detailed responses indicate a real buyer.

Google image search their photos

A reverse image search can reveal if profile photos are stolen from somewhere else online.

Look for local references

See if their profile mentions local areas, sports teams, businesses, etc. Scammers are often vague about locations.

Meet in person for pickup

Don’t ship items. Legit buyers will be willing to meet face-to-face for pickup and cash payment.

Review correspondence carefully

Look for odd phrasing, excessive typos, repeated messages that may indicate a bot or non-native speaker.

Search their name online

Search on Google, Facebook and scam warning sites to see if the person is linked to known scams.

Trust your instincts

Don’t ignore red flags or a bad gut feeling. It’s better to miss a sale than fall for a scam.

Common Facebook Marketplace scams

Here are some frequent scams to watch out for from fake buyers on Facebook Marketplace:

Overpayment scams

Buyer offers to pay with a fraudulent check/money order for more than the asking price. They ask you to wire back the overage after depositing. The original check then bounces.

Fake shipping company

Scammer claims they will book a courier to pick up the item but asks you to pay a fee first. This is usually via an untraceable money transfer method.

Fake buyer claims item damaged

Shortly after delivery, the scammer claims the item arrived damaged or not as described. They file a complaint demanding a refund but never return the item.

Scam type How it works Warning signs
Overpayment Buyer overpays with bad check and requests refund of overage Offer seems too good to be true, asks you to wire money
Fake shipping Requests you to pay a “courier fee” upfront Won’t meet locally, obscure payment methods
Item damaged Claims item arrived damaged and demands refund Refusal to provide documentation or return item

Identity theft

Scammers request your personal information such as ID, social security number, or bank details to “verify” your identity and complete the sale.

Phishing for account credentials

Scammer sends links or attachments containing malware to access your Facebook/financial account login credentials.

How to avoid being scammed on Facebook Marketplace

Here are some tips to sell safely and avoid scams on Facebook Marketplace:

Stick to local meetups/cash only

Don’t ship items or accept online payments. Dealing locally in-person limits scams.

Don’t communicate externally

Keep all correspondence within Facebook Messenger to document exchanges.

Beware of red flags

Back out if you notice suspicious behavior, odd requests, or communication issues.

Screen thoroughly

Review profiles carefully and ask lots of questions to vet potential buyers.

Never provide personal/financial info

Don’t give out your social security number, online account logins, or bank details.

Never click suspect links/attachments

This could allow scammers to spread malware or steal your data.

Go with your instincts

Don’t ignore any gut feelings that something seems “off” about a potential buyer.


Facebook Marketplace offers a convenient way to buy and sell locally online. However, users must be vigilant about identifying and avoiding scams from fake buyers. Watch for red flags in communication, vet profiles thoroughly, meet up locally for cash transactions, and never provide sensitive personal information. Following basic precautions will help assure your Facebook Marketplace transactions remain scam-free.