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How can you find out when someone created a Facebook account?

How can you find out when someone created a Facebook account?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. As more and more people join Facebook every day, you may be wondering how you can find out when someone first created their Facebook account.

There are a few different methods you can use to determine the creation date of a Facebook account. While Facebook does not directly reveal this information on a user’s profile, there are some clues you can look for to get an estimate of when the account was first made.

Check Their Friends List

One of the easiest ways to make an educated guess about when someone opened a Facebook account is to look at their friends list. Sort their list of friends by newest added. The people added first are likely to be close family and friends who would have been connected with when the account was first made. Look at the join dates of the first several friends. This should give you a ballpark range for when the account likely originated.

For example, if the first friends added joined Facebook in 2008-2009, it’s highly likely the account was created sometime around then too. People typically add their closest friends and relatives first when opening a new social media account.

Analyze Their Posts and Photos

Scrolling through someone’s Facebook posts and photos can also provide clues about when the account was started. Look for some of the earliest posts and photos to see around what time they were shared. While it’s impossible to see the very first post since Facebook does not show everything in chronological order, you can still get an idea of the age of the account from some of the oldest visible posts. An account with posts and photos dating back over 10 years is likely to have been created over a decade ago as well.

Look for Facebook Legacy Features

Certain Facebook features that are no longer available or very common can also indicate how old an account is. For example, many older Facebook accounts still have the AIM screenname field filled out in their profiles. AIM was a popular messaging platform in the early 2000s, and adding your AIM name was very commonpractice when Facebook first started. If you see someone still has this on their profile, it’s a clear sign they’ve likely had their account for well over a decade.

Other legacy profile fields like political views, religious views, and favorite music were also much more commonly filled out in early Facebook but are not used as much anymore. The presence of extensive information in these old profile sections can be a giveaway of an aged account.

Use Facebook Profile Viewer Tools

There are a number of third-party Facebook profile viewer tools and sites that purport to show you the creation date of a user’s account. These sites claim to provide the exact day and year the account was opened. However, it’s important to take these dates with a grain of salt.

Facebook has never directly provided the account creation date via its API. This means third-party tools do not have official access to this data. At best, these sites make educated guesses based on profiling information and heuristics. The dates they provide cannot be fully independently verified. Only Facebook itself has the exact day each account was created.

Ask the User Directly

The most guaranteed way to find out definitively when someone’s Facebook account was created is simply to ask them directly. Many users remember roughly when they first signed up for Facebook. You can simply send the person a message or ask them in person when they recall opening their initial Facebook account.

This firsthand information coming directly from the primary source is likely to be the most accurate and reliable. People’s memories are generally accurate within a range of a year or two regarding major life events like joining their first social network. It removes all the guesswork and profiling that the other methods rely on.


Finding out the exact creation date of a Facebook account can require some detective work. While Facebook does not reveal this info publicly, looking for clues in friends lists, posts, photos and legacy profile features can help narrow down a reasonable timeframe. Third-party profile viewer tools provide estimates as well, but asking the user directly is the surest way to find out when they first joined.

With Facebook now being over 15 years old, more and more accounts have origins going back over a decade. Looking at the patterns of user information and activity can reveal a lot about when an account likely came into existence. With some careful observation and a bit of informed deduction, you can learn approximately when most Facebook accounts were first created.

Why Would You Want to Know When Someone’s Facebook Account was Created?

There are a few reasons why someone may want to find out the creation date of another person’s Facebook account. Here are some of the potential motivations:

  • Curiosity or nostalgia – Wanting to know how long someone has been on Facebook for fun or to reminisce about the past.
  • Trust and safety – Checking whether an account seems established or new to evaluate legitimacy and potential suspicious activity.
  • Dating insight – Learning more about a potential romantic partner’s social media habits.
  • Historical research – Academics or journalists examining historical Facebook activity and trends.
  • Marketing research – Analyzing user data to better understand audience demographics and behaviors.
  • Social competitive – Comparing who joined Facebook first among friend groups as a form of trivia.

Overall, the exact reasons someone might want to search for this information can be varied. But in most cases, it stems from a combination of curiosity, insight seeking, nostalgia, and a desire to learn more about other people’s digital footprints.

Is it Possible to Find the Exact Date?

Pinpointing the precise day a Facebook account was created can be challenging. Here are some key considerations around determining an exact creation date:

  • Facebook does not display full creation dates publicly – The specific day and year are not revealed on a user’s profile or in account settings.
  • Profile viewer tools provide estimates – Third-party services give their best guess but cannot access official Facebook creation data.
  • Memories fade over time – Asking users directly can get you close but not necessarily an exact date.
  • Accounts can be deactivated and reactivated – Gaps in activity can make the original start date unclear.
  • Multiple accounts can be created – Join dates may vary across a user’s different Facebook accounts.

Given these limitations, in most cases it is realistically only possible to determine a rough timeframe when an account was likely created. Getting the precise day and year is extremely difficult without inside access to Facebook’s user databases.

Unless the user themselves happened to consciously make note of the exact date they joined, digging up the exact creation date is prone to be an estimation at best. The tactics described earlier can get you in the ballpark, but precision will be challenging.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

While investigating the creation date of someone’s Facebook account may seem harmless on the surface, there are some important legal and ethical concerns to keep in mind:

  • Consent – You should only seek out this information with the consent of the user themselves.
  • Privacy – Accessing accounts or private data without permission could be illegal.
  • Harassment – Repeatedly contacting someone for their join date could potentially constitute harassment.
  • Stalking – Digging deeply into someone’s profile could come across as cyberstalking behavior.
  • Impersonation – Pretending to be someone else to obtain their creation date is deceptive.
  • Terms of Service – Techniques that violate Facebook’s TOS could get accounts suspended.

The safest approach legally and ethically is to only seek out this information for legitimate purposes and with the express consent of the account holder. While curiosity about friends and acquaintances is natural, respecting privacy and boundaries is important.

Protecting Your Own Account Creation Date

If you want to keep the precise date you joined Facebook private, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Remove the AIM field from your profile – This can date your account.
  • Delete very old posts and photos – This obscures your earliest activity.
  • Adjust privacy settings – Limit public access to posts, friends list, etc.
  • Be selective with who you friend – Don’t accept connections from untrusted people.
  • Use multiple accounts – Spread activity over different accounts to muddy dates.
  • Ask friends not to share – Request close friends keep your join date discreet.

Balancing open social interaction with privacy can be tricky with Facebook’s default settings. But taking proactive measures to curate your profile content can help keep your original join date concealed if you prefer.

How Join Dates Can Be Estimated

Since Facebook does not reveal exact account creation dates publicly, various methods of estimation have arisen over the years. Here are some of the main techniques used:

Friend List Analysis

Looking at the join dates of a user’s oldest friends can provide a logical range for when the user likely joined themselves. People often friend close connections right away when opening a new account.

Profile Information

Some profile sections like AIM screenname, political views, favorite music, etc. can indicate an old account since these have fallen out of prevalent use on Facebook over time.

Earliest Content Dates

Scanning for some of the user’s oldest visible posts, photos, etc. can reveal a timeframe of when they likely joined based on initial activity.


Aggregating various profile data points like connections, info, activity levels, etc. can enable educated guess calculations via algorithms.


Analyzing typical user behavior patterns and benchmark growth metrics enables profile viewer tools to make reasoned assumptions.

Machine Learning

ML models can be trained on aggregated profile data to recognize patterns and predict a probable creation timeframe.

While no approach is foolproof, combining multiple estimation strategies together can help narrow down a reasonable date range in many cases. The more data points available, the more accurate the predictions can become.

Should Facebook Show Account Creation Dates?

There are good-faith arguments on both sides of whether Facebook should make account creation dates publicly visible. Some of the potential pros and cons include:


  • Satisfy user curiosity in a harmless way
  • Foster nostalgia and social bonding
  • Increase transparency around account ages
  • Provide insight into Facebook’s growth and history
  • Allow people to celebrate their “Facebook birthday”


  • Raise potential privacy concerns
  • Expose user information to data misuse
  • Increase risks of hacking, stalking, trolling based on account age
  • Enable more judgment based on join dates (“Facebook elitism”)
  • Force users to remember another date/anniversary

Facebook has leaned towards protecting user privacy in recent years, making it unlikely they would suddenly reveal account creation dates publicly. But for users who do want to share their Facebook anniversary, there are creative ways to self-disclose it optionally.

How Facebook’s Algorithm Determines What’s in Your Feed

Facebook’s News Feed algorithm determines what content appears at the top of your feed when you open the app. The goal is to show you the most relevant and engaging posts for you at any given time. Here’s an overview of how it works:


The algorithm uses thousands of different “signals” to personalize each person’s feed. Signals can include:

  • Type of content (photo, video, status update, etc.)
  • Popularity and engagement of post
  • Timeliness and relevance of post
  • Relationship closeness to person who posted
  • Past interactions with similar content
  • Time spent on previous posts from same person

Machine Learning

Machine learning models analyze patterns in these signals to predict which posts will be most interesting to you. The models improve and personalize over time based on your activity.


Facebook wants the algorithm to:

  • Maximize your chances of having meaningful social interactions
  • Show you informative and entertaining content
  • Adapt to your unique interests and relationships
  • Keep you engaged on Facebook frequently


You have some limited controls such as:

  • Following specific people to always see their posts
  • Seeing posts in chronological order rather than ranked algorithmically
  • Temporarily hiding someone’s posts without unfollowing them

But in general, the algorithm runs automatically based on what Facebook predicts you want to see most. The overall goal is to keep you actively using Facebook as much as possible.

How Finding Account Creation Dates Has Changed Over Time

As Facebook has grown and evolved its platform over the years, the methods for estimating account creation dates have also changed. Here are some key shifts:

Era Key Factors
  • School email required initially
  • Mostly college students in network
  • Friends list order chronological
  • Public friend join dates
  • Detailed personal info fields
  • Earliest wall posts visible
  • Timeline profiles introduced
  • More visibility controls added
  • Third-party analysis tools launch
  • Enhanced privacydefaults
  • Info removed from profiles
  • Sophisticated estimation algorithms

The early days provided fewer privacy controls, making it easier to guess join dates. Today’s enhanced protections require more intelligent profiling techniques to try to determine account age. This evolution will likely continue as Facebook balances transparency with user privacy preferences.


Finding out the creation date of a Facebook account often requires a combination of observation skills, savvy tools, and educated guesses. While the exact date remains elusive without Facebook’s direct assistance, getting reasonably close is possible in many cases. However, restraint and respect for privacy are essential when seeking out someone’s personal information. With Facebook’s longevity and ongoing popularity, account age can signify an interesting status milestone for today’s digital relationships.