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How can my profile Cannot be searched on Facebook?

How can my profile Cannot be searched on Facebook?

There are a few ways to make your Facebook profile unsearchable by others on the platform. Here are some quick answers to common questions about making your profile private:

Why make my Facebook profile unsearchable?

There are several reasons you may want to make your Facebook profile unsearchable:

  • Privacy – You don’t want random people being able to find and view your profile
  • Security – An unsearchable profile gives you an extra layer of protection against stalkers and online harassment
  • Professionalism – You want to keep your personal life separate from your professional connections

How do I make my Facebook profile unsearchable?

Here are the main steps to making your Facebook profile unsearchable:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the top right corner. Select “View As…”
  2. This will open a preview window of your public profile. Click “Edit Public Details”
  3. Under the “Contact and Basic Info” section, change “Who can search for me?” to “Friends”
  4. Scroll down and disable your profile from appearing in public searches by toggling off “Let people who aren’t your friends find you in Search results”
  5. Click “Review all public info” on the left menu bar and double check there is no sensitive information viewable
  6. Click “Done” to save your changes

With these settings enabled, only your Facebook friends will be able to find and view your profile in searches. You’ll be hidden from public view.

What are the limitations of an unsearchable profile?

Here are some things to keep in mind with an unsearchable Facebook profile:

  • Friends of friends can still potentially find you through mutual connections
  • You’re still visible on any Facebook groups or pages you’ve joined
  • Your name and profile picture will not appear in friends’ feeds or notifications
  • It’s harder for new people to connect with you or send friend requests

Can people see my Facebook profile if they know my name?

If your profile is fully unsearchable, then no, people will not be able to find your profile by searching your name on Facebook. The settings to disable public searchability will prevent your name, profile, and posts from appearing.

Does an unsearchable profile affect tagging?

Yes, an unsearchable profile will prevent you from being tagged in posts and photos by non-friends. Only your existing Facebook friends will be able to tag you. This gives you greater control over what you’re associated with publicly on Facebook.

Can I selectively exclude certain people from seeing my profile?

Unfortunately there is no way to make your Facebook profile selectively unsearchable based on specific individuals. The privacy settings only allow you to set your profile to be searchable by “Everyone”, “Friends of Friends”, or “Friends”.

If you want to block certain people from seeing your profile, you would need to either unfriend or block them entirely. There is no middle ground option to exclude specific people while leaving your profile public for others.

What happens if I make my profile unsearchable and later change my mind?

The good news is you can easily revert your Facebook profile back to being public and searchable again. Just go back into your profile settings and under “Contact and Basic Info” choose “Everyone” for “Who can search for me?”. Also re-enable your profile to appear in public search results.

These changes may take a few hours to fully propagate, but your profile visibility will be restored. Toggling these settings on and off gives you flexibility to adjust your privacy preferences.

Can I prevent search engines like Google from indexing my Facebook profile?

Making your Facebook profile unsearchable on Facebook itself will also prevent it from being indexed by external search engines like Google. Since search engines can only crawl publicly viewable information, they won’t be able to access or list your profile in results if the visibility is limited to friends only.

Are there any risks to making my profile unsearchable?

A few potential risks include:

  • Reduced social connections and networking opportunities
  • Missing out on some Facebook notifications and updates if friends can’t tag you
  • Difficulty finding your profile if you ever lose access to your account

However for most people the privacy benefits outweigh these risks. Just be aware that limiting your discoverability does reduce your exposure on Facebook as a trade-off.

Can Facebook customer support enable my profile to be searched?

No, Facebook employees do not have the ability to override your privacy settings or make an unsearchable profile public again. Only you as the account holder have control over your search visibility settings within your profile.


Making your Facebook profile unsearchable gives you greater control over your privacy and online security. While there are some minor limitations, the ability to hide your profile from public view is a useful tool for protecting your personal information. Adjust your settings and test that your profile no longer appears in searches to confirm the changes took effect.

With over 2 billion users, Facebook can feel like more of an exposed public space than a private social network at times. But you have options like unsearchable profiles that let you tailor your experience based on your comfort level. Evaluate your specific needs and use the privacy controls available to find the right balance.

In summary:

  • Go to your Facebook profile settings
  • Change “Who can search for me?” to “Friends”
  • Disable your profile from public searches
  • Double check your public info and remove anything sensitive

Taking these steps will help maximize your privacy without having to delete your Facebook account entirely. Always be mindful of what you post and share, even with tighter security settings in place.

The internet never forgets, so staying vigilant about your personal brand and online reputation is important on any social media platform. But overall, making your Facebook profile unsearchable is one strategy to help protect your identity and mitigate risks.

Balancing privacy with participation is a personal decision based on individual circumstances. Evaluate your own situation and factor in the pros and cons before deciding if an unsearchable Facebook profile is the right choice for you.

Key Points

  • You can make your Facebook profile unsearchable to non-friends through your privacy settings
  • This prevents random people from finding and viewing your profile
  • Friends of friends may still be able to find you through mutual connections
  • You’ll no longer appear in public Facebook searches
  • External sites like Google also won’t be able to index or link to your profile
  • Tagging and notifications from non-friends will be disabled
  • You can always revert back to a public searchable profile later on

Table of Contents

Why Make My Profile Unsearchable?

Reasons you may want to make your Facebook profile unsearchable include:

  • Privacy protection
  • Security from harassment
  • Professional separation

Limiting your public visibility gives you greater control over your personal information.

How to Make Your Profile Unsearchable

Steps to make your Facebook profile unsearchable:

  1. Go to profile settings
  2. Change searchability to “Friends”
  3. Disable public search indexing
  4. Review and remove public info
  5. Save changes

This will prevent non-friends from finding your profile in searches.

Limitations to Know

Things to keep in mind:

  • Friends of friends can still potentially find you
  • Still visible in groups and pages joined
  • No name/profile in friends’ feeds and notifications
  • Harder to get new friend requests

Can People Still See My Profile?

No, if fully unsearchable people will not be able to find your profile by searching your name.

Does it Affect Tagging?

Yes, you can no longer be tagged by non-friends in posts or photos.

Selectively Excluding People

No, Facebook privacy settings only allow for broad public, friends of friends, or friends visibility.

Changing It Back

You can revert to a public profile again anytime through your privacy settings.

Blocking Search Engine Indexing

Unsearchable on Facebook also means your profile won’t be indexed by Google or other search engines.

Potential Risks

Risks include:

  • Fewer social connections
  • Missing notifications and tags
  • Losing access to your account

Can Facebook Override the Settings?

No, Facebook does not have the ability to change your searchability settings without your permission.


Making your Facebook profile unsearchable improves your privacy protections without deleting your account entirely. Just be aware of the limitations and adjust settings if you change your mind later on.