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How can I watch five points?

How can I watch five points?

The ability to closely observe and monitor different aspects or occurrences is an important skill in many contexts. Being able to effectively “watch five points” can provide valuable insights, allow you to respond quickly to changing conditions, and help you achieve your goals. The key is having a system to observe the right things and optimize how you divide your attention.

What does it mean to “watch five points”?

“Watching five points” refers to keeping your eye on five different areas of interest or importance at the same time. This phrase is often used in reference to being aware of different threats, opportunities, or factors that need monitoring to inform decisions and strategy. Some examples include:

  • A security guard watching activity in five different locations on security cameras
  • A project manager tracking progress on five different elements of a project
  • A trader watching price fluctuations across five different assets or markets
  • A coach analyzing technique across five different elements of an athlete’s performance

The key themes are dividing your attention between multiple subjects simultaneously and dynamically responding to any changes or developments. It requires broad, perceptive awareness and quick recognition of important details.

Why is it important to “watch five points”?

There are several key reasons why watching five points can be beneficial:

  • More comprehensive awareness – Focusing on multiple points provides a bigger picture view vs just watching one area. This allows you to spot connections and interdependencies you might otherwise miss.
  • Early detection – With eyes on different areas, you are more likely to quickly spot any issues or changes that need addressing.
  • Improved decision making – Having more real-time data from different perspectives enables better informed decisions that consider a wider range of factors.
  • Enhanced responsiveness – You can react faster to any developments when you are already monitoring multiple aspects rather than having to switch focus.
  • Greater efficiency – It is an efficient use of time to monitor multiple subjects simultaneously vs giving each your undivided attention in succession.

The more dynamic, complex or risky the situation, the more value there is in watching five points to stay on top of how things are evolving.

How to watch five points effectively

Here are some tips for watching five points successfully:

  • Choose your points strategically – Define the 5 specific areas, metrics, factors etc you want to monitor. Focus on the most important or influential ones.
  • Leverage tools and technology – Use apps, alerts, dashboards etc to display multiple data feeds in one place. Automate monitoring where possible.
  • Check in frequently – Designate times to proactively assess your 5 points. Don’t just rely on notifications.
  • Stay focused – Avoid distractions and tangents. Have the discipline to keep bringing your attention back to the 5 defined points.
  • Take notes – Write down important details and trends you notice. Create a system to organize monitoring data over time.
  • Review periodically – Step back to look at the bigger picture connections and patterns in your monitoring data. Adjust your 5 points as needed.
  • Follow up quickly – Have a protocol to rapidly investigate and address any issues, opportunities or anomalies you identify.
  • Communicate updates – Keep key stakeholders informed on anything significant from your monitoring efforts.

The right infrastructure, diligence and alertness are critical to gain maximum benefit from dividing your attention across multiple areas of focus.

Challenges of watching five points

Despite the advantages, trying to watch five points does pose some challenges, including:

  • Attention division – It is cognitively demanding to divide your attention rather than devote your complete focus to one thing.
  • Information overload – Monitoring lots of data across 5 subjects risks becoming overwhelmed.
  • Missing subtle signals – Subtle changes or details may get overlooked when trying to multitask observations.
  • Context switching – Frequently shifting your focus between 5 points makes it hard to absorb details.
  • Fatigue – Sustained concentration required to watch 5 areas can lead to mental exhaustion over time.
  • Oversimplification – Condensing complex issues into 5 points risks oversimplifying the situation.

The most effective strategy is to start with fewer points (e.g. 3) and work up to more as your ability to divide focus improves. Also build in breaks to rest your mind.

Use cases for watching five points

While the concept is broadly applicable, here are some examples of roles, situations or objectives where watching five points can be particularly beneficial:

  • Trader/Investor – Monitoring prices, volumes, news, sentiment and technical indicators across different assets.
  • Security guard – Watching multiple locations, entrances, alarms, individuals and activity patterns.
  • Software engineer – Tracking app performance, traffic, response times, uptime and errors.
  • Event organizer – Overseeing guest logistics, vendor setups, staff coordination, program timing and issues arising.
  • Personal productivity – Managing priority tasks, energy levels, distractions, progress and obstacles when working.

The more moving parts to control, the greater the benefit of taking a “watch five points” approach to have awareness across different facets at once.

Watching five points in trading

Trading is a prime example of when it pays to watch five points. Traders need to monitor and analyze many dynamic variables that can impact prices and market activity. Trying to process more than 5-6 factors at once significantly increases cognitive load. But limiting focus to just one or two areas also leaves blindspots. So dividing attention between five key points provides an optimal balance for most traders. Here are some examples of what those five points could be:

Point 1 Live price movement of the asset
Point 2 Order book depths and liquidity
Point 3 Volume and volatility indicators
Point 4 Relevant news, events, announcements
Point 5 Social sentiment and discussion trends

This provides traders with real-time data on current prices, market dynamics, analytics, external triggers and crowd psychology – all vital inputs for profitable trading. Advanced traders may watch up to 10-12 points as they gain more experience dividing focus. But most find a “magic number” of around 5 critical points to cover at any given time.

Watching five points in project management

Project managers also stand to gain significantly from deliberately watching five points as they oversee complex initiatives and teams. Some examples of key points they could monitor include:

Point 1 Overall timeline and milestones
Point 2 Individual workstream progress
Point 3 Team member workloads and roadblocks
Point 4 Project budget expenditure
Point 5 Stakeholder communications and feedback

This multilens view helps project managers identify delays, bottlenecks, risks, resource issues, and stakeholder concerns early while there is still time to course correct. Rather than just focusing on project progress in isolation.

Tools to help watch five points

Technology and online tools can assist with watching five points more effectively. Some options include:

  • Dashboards – Aggregate various data streams, metrics, alerts etc in one visual dashboard to view at a glance.
  • Multiple monitors – Use extra screens to dedicate monitoring different points.
  • Smart home devices – Internet-connected cameras, sensors etc to remotely monitor home points.
  • Notifications and alerts – Configure triggers to notify you when defined conditions are met.
  • Keyword tracking – Monitor keywords across news, social media, discussions etc.
  • Automation – Set up bots and scripts to automatically gather and analyze monitoring data.
  • Analytics – Extract insights from data on the five points with business intelligence software.

The right tools remove manual tracking work and amplify your oversight abilities across the points you choose to watch. But technology still requires disciplined human direction for maximum impact.

Developing your ability to watch five points

Like any skill, effectively watching five points simultaneously takes time and effort to develop. Some tips to improve include:

  • Start slow – Begin monitoring just two or three points until you are comfortable before adding more.
  • Test your focus – Assess how well you absorb information when dividing your attention.
  • Minimize distractions – Remove anything irrelevant that could divert focus from the points.
  • Exercise mindfulness – Practice meditation to strengthen focus stamina.
  • Impose structure – Define specific check-in times and protocols for each point.
  • Review frequently – Revisit the relevance of the points you are watching.
  • Document learnings – Note down what monitoring different points reveals over time.
  • Take breaks – Give your mind rest periods to recharge concentration abilities.

Start small, learn what works for you personally, and gradually build your capacity to divide focus like a muscle. This will enable you to watch more points with higher discernment.

Alternative approaches

While watching five points is generally recommended for dynamic situations, there are times when alternative approaches may be more suitable or effective:

  • Specialize focus – For highly complex points, dedicate undivided expert attention.
  • Simplify – When overwhelmed, reduce points to the bare minimum critical set.
  • Automate monitoring – Let technology handle routine tracking to free up human focus.
  • Outsource oversight – Have trusted specialists monitor particular points.
  • Simulate scenarios – Model and test different what-if scenarios instead of direct monitoring.
  • Focus firepower – Concentrate resources on one high-priority objective at a time.

The ideal approach depends on goals, capacities, resources and context. But watching five points is a solid starting point in many situations.


Paying close attention to multiple key points allows you to make better informed decisions, respond faster to changes, and gain a more holistic view of complex situations. New tools make simultaneously monitoring five points more feasible for individual humans. But achieving this does require consciously dividing up your focus, structuring when and how each point is observed, and continuously improving your discernment abilities. Start with a few points and steadily expand your capacity. Avoid complacency by regularly reevaluating the relevance of what you are watching. With practice, the payoff from effectively juggling five points is elevated performance, productivity and outcomes.