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How can I watch FB Lite video history?

How can I watch FB Lite video history?

Many Facebook users utilize the Facebook Lite app for its streamlined interface that allows for quick loading and reduced data usage. While the app provides core Facebook functionalities, some features like video watching history are not readily available. This leaves users wondering how they can access a log of the videos they’ve watched on Facebook Lite.

There are a few methods users can try to retrieve their Facebook Lite video watching history. However, without an official viewing history feature within the app, the process involves some workarounds. Overall, accessing this history on Facebook Lite takes a bit more effort than on the main Facebook app, but it is possible.

Checking Video History on Facebook Lite

Unlike the main Facebook app, Facebook Lite does not have a built-in video watching history or log. So the videos you watch on Facebook Lite are not stored within the app itself. However, there are a couple of options you can try to piece together your Facebook Lite video history:

Check Your Main Facebook Video History

If you also use the regular Facebook app in addition to Facebook Lite, your Facebook Lite video watching activity should be included in your main Facebook video history. To view this:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone or desktop
  2. Click on the menu icon in the top right (on mobile) or left side (on desktop)
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” then choose “Settings”
  4. Click on “Videos”
  5. You’ll see your video watching history sorted by date

This history includes both videos you actively watched and those that auto-played on your feed. So any Facebook Lite video watching should be mixed in as well.

However, if you predominantly use Facebook Lite, you may find this history doesn’t fully capture your Lite video activity. But it’s still worth checking as a starting point.

Check Your Browser History

When you watch videos on Facebook Lite, it occurs within your mobile or desktop web browser. So your browser history will have a log of the Facebook Lite videos you’ve viewed.

To access this:

  • On desktop browsers: Open your browser’s history, search for Facebook, and look for Lite video links
  • On iOS: Open the Safari app, tap the bookmarks icon, select History, then search for Facebook
  • On Android: Open the Chrome app, tap the three dot menu, select History, search for Facebook

You’ll then see a list of dates, times, and video links for your Facebook Lite viewing history. The links will bring you back to the videos to confirm they are from Lite. This method provides more details than just checking your main Facebook history.

Using Third-Party Apps or Extensions

If you want even more visibility into your Facebook Lite video watching activity, some third-party apps and browser extensions can help. These tools track your Facebook usage across devices and provide analytics on things like your video history:

Social Video Tracker

This app lets you connect your Facebook accounts to collect info on your video watching activity. It will compile your Facebook Lite video history along with standard Facebook app viewing. You can see top videos, dates, times, and more.

Facebook History Tracker

This Google Chrome extension captures all your Facebook activity, including Facebook Lite videos watched. It lets you export reports to see video history analytics.

Facebook Analytics for Chrome

Another Chrome extension that tracks time spent, posts activity, and other analytics for all your Facebook apps. It provides insights into your video watching including on Lite.

While third-party tracking comes with privacy considerations, these tools give you increased visibility beyond just checking your browser history.

Video History Workarounds for Facebook Lite

Without an official viewing history feature, accessing your Facebook Lite video data requires some workaround methods. Here are a few other options that can provide pieces of your video history:

Check Your Notifications

When you interact with or react to a video on Facebook Lite, such as liking, commenting, sharing, etc., you’ll get notifications about that activity. Checking your notifications can show some of the videos you’ve watched recently on Lite, based on your interactions.

However, this won’t give you a full history, just a sampling of videos you actively engaged with.

Check Your Profile Activity

Similarly, the activity listed on your Facebook profile shows some of your recent interactions. This can include some videos you’ve watched or reacted to on Facebook Lite.

Again, this will be limited to videos you had explicit engagement with, not a full history. But it can help piece together parts of your Lite video trail.

Use Your Memory

With no comprehensive Lite video watching history available, your own memory serves as another workaround. Think back to videos you recall watching in the Facebook Lite app recently.

Search for those videos or creators you remember within Facebook. While not precise, this method can help reconstruct some of your viewing history based on recollection.

Take Manual Notes

For ongoing tracking, you can manually take notes each time you watch a video in Facebook Lite. Document things like the video title, creator name, date, and platform.

Over time, these notes will create a makeshift history of videos you’ve watched. It takes diligence, but gives you searchable records.

Why Facebook Lite Lacks Video History

The main reason Facebook Lite doesn’t include a built-in video watching history is because of its stripped down design. The app includes only core Facebook functions in order to optimize performance, especially on low-end devices and poor network connections.

Additional features like video histories take up storage, memory, data usage, and processing that Facebook Lite aims to minimize. So the lack of history promotes the lightness of the app.

Still, the app may add more functionality like video histories down the line if it can be integrated efficiently. But for now, Lite users have to take extra steps to track their video trails.


Without an official video watching history tool in Facebook Lite, users have to get creative to see their video activity. The best options are cross-checking the main Facebook app history, browsing your device browser history, or using a third-party tracking service. Certain workarounds can also help reconstruct parts of your Lite video trail.

While it takes some extra work, you should be able to compile the Facebook Lite videos you’ve viewed through a combination of these methods. An integrated history feature would certainly be convenient. But for now, piecing together your Facebook Lite video timeline remains feasible, if slightly disjointed. Just be prepared to do some digging in different places to get the full picture.