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How can I watch Facebook videos without an account?

How can I watch Facebook videos without an account?

You don’t actually need a Facebook account to watch most public videos posted to Facebook. There are a few different methods you can use to view Facebook videos without logging in or creating an account. The easiest options are to watch videos directly through a web browser or use the standalone Facebook Video app.

Why Watch Facebook Videos Without an Account?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to view Facebook videos without having an account:

  • Privacy – Watching videos without an account means Facebook doesn’t track your viewing history and target ads at you.
  • Convenience – You don’t have to go through the signup process to watch public videos.
  • See viral videos – Many trending viral videos spread first on Facebook, and you can watch them as they go viral without an account.
  • Follow pages – You can subscribe to and follow public Facebook pages that post videos without an account.
  • News videos – Lots of news outlets post videos on public Facebook pages that you can view without an account.

Overall, having a Facebook account provides the best experience for interacting and sharing videos. But if you just want to view videos occasionally or remain anonymous, watching Facebook videos without an account is easy to do.

Methods to Watch Facebook Videos Without an Account

Here are the main methods you can use to watch Facebook videos without signing up for an account:

1. Watch in a Web Browser

Most public videos posted to Facebook can be viewed directly in a desktop web browser without logging in. Here’s how:

  • Go to in any browser.
  • Search for the name of the page or video you want to watch.
  • Click on the video thumbnail in the search results.
  • The video will start playing in your browser without having to log in.

This method works for videos posted by public pages and groups. If a video requires logging in to view it, you’ll see a prompt to log in or create an account when you click the thumbnail.

2. Use the Facebook Video App

The standalone Facebook Video app allows you to watch videos without a Facebook account. Here’s how it works:

  • Download and install the Facebook Video app on your mobile device or TV.
  • Open the app. You won’t be prompted to log in.
  • Search for videos from public pages and groups.
  • Tap a video to start watching it in the app.

The Facebook Video app is available for iOS, Android, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and Samsung smart TVs. It provides an easy way to watch videos from public Facebook pages on your TV.

3. View Embedded Facebook Videos

Many websites embed public Facebook videos directly into articles and posts. When you come across an embedded Facebook video on a site:

  • The video will show a preview thumbnail image.
  • Click the triangular “Play” button icon to start watching.
  • The video will play within the website without any Facebook login required.

So if you find a website or blog that has embedded a Facebook video you want to see, you can simply watch it on that site without an account.

4. Use a Third-Party Viewer

There are a few third-party tools and apps that allow you to watch Facebook videos without an account:

  • – A free web-based tool that lets you download and watch Facebook videos.
  • Viewdeo – An app for iOS and Android that lets you watch both public and private Facebook videos.
  • FBRViewer – A desktop app for Windows and Mac that plays Facebook videos without login.

However, third-party viewers sometimes stop working as Facebook makes changes to block them. And they may have privacy, speed, or functionality drawbacks compared to watching videos directly on Facebook.

Steps to Watch Any Facebook Video Without an Account

Here is a step-by-step summary of the process:

  1. Find the video URL – Locate the video on Facebook and copy its URL address from the address bar.
  2. Paste URL in browser – Paste the video URL into a new private/incognito browser window session.
  3. Click play – The video should start playing in your browser without needing to log in.
  4. Mobile option – On mobile, open the Facebook Video app and paste the video URL to watch it.

As long as the video is public and shared from a public page or group, this method will allow you to watch it without an account.

Limitations of Watching Without an Account

While you can watch most public Facebook videos without logging in, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Can’t watch private videos – You won’t be able to view videos shared only with friends or groups.
  • No recommendations – You won’t get personalized video recommendations on web.
  • No commenting – You can’t comment or react to videos without an account.
  • No sharing – You can’t share the videos to your own Timeline without logging in.
  • Video quality – Video quality may be lower than for logged in users.

So while useful for viewing public videos anonymously, you miss out on some features compared to watching with a Facebook account.

Should You Create a Facebook Account?

Here are some pros and cons to consider if you’re deciding whether to create a Facebook account or keep watching videos without one:


  • See friends and family – Connect with people you know on Facebook.
  • Personalized feed – Get videos relevant to your interests in your News Feed.
  • HD quality – View highest quality versions of videos.
  • Interact – Like, comment, and share videos with friends.
  • Groups and events – Participate in Facebook Groups and see Events.


  • Privacy – Facebook tracks data on your profile, interests, and activity.
  • Ads – You’ll see ads based on your profile and activity.
  • Time sink – It can distract you and waste time scrolling.
  • Multiple accounts – Some people now maintain multiple Facebook accounts.

There are good reasons for and against having a Facebook account. Consider your own preferences for privacy, videos, and Facebook usage when deciding.

Tips for Browsing Videos Without an Account

If you choose to keep watching Facebook videos without an account, here are some tips:

  • Use private/incognito browsing to prevent tracking between sites.
  • Clear cookies and site data after each viewing session.
  • Like public pages so you can follow new video posts from them.
  • Click “Follow” on videos from pages you want to see more of.
  • Bookmark video URLs to make them easy to find again.

Staying logged out provides more privacy. But you can still customize the videos you see by following public pages and videos you like.

Facebook Video Privacy Settings

Facebook videos can be shared with different privacy settings. As the video owner, you can choose:

  • Public – Anyone can view.
  • Friends – Only your friends can view.
  • Friends except… – Friends except specific people you exclude.
  • Specific friends – Only specific friends you pick.
  • Only me – Just you, hidden from everyone else.

The default setting is public when posting videos. But you can change it using the audience selector menu while uploading a video.

Here are the steps:

  1. Click Upload Video on Facebook.
  2. Select your video file to upload.
  3. Click the audience selector tool next to the Post button.
  4. Choose who can see your video.
  5. Click Post to share your video.

These settings determine whether someone needs a Facebook account and must be logged in to view your video. Public videos are visible to everyone. But private videos require a login and access permission to watch.

Boosting Video Views Without an Account

Without a Facebook account, you can’t run video ads or use tools like Facebook Pixel to track views. But here are some tactics to boost views of public videos:

  • Share video links on other social media accounts you have.
  • Embed your Facebook videos on websites and blogs.
  • Promote videos on forums, groups, and communities related to the content.
  • Include links in your email newsletter and email signature.
  • Post links to your videos on link sharing sites like Reddit.

Driving more referral traffic to your public Facebook videos from outside sites and channels can help increase views without needing a Facebook presence and advertising account.

Alternatives to Watching Facebook Videos

If you want to move away from watching Facebook videos, here are a few alternative places to view videos online:


  • Largest online video site.
  • Create an account to subscribe and like videos.
  • Watch on iOS and Android apps.
  • Owned by Google/Alphabet.


  • Popular app for short videos and viral trends.
  • Create an account to follow creators.
  • iOS and Android mobile apps.
  • Owned by ByteDance.


  • Ad-free video hosting and sharing.
  • Sign up to like and comment.
  • Focused on HD quality and creative work.
  • Owned by InterActiveCorp (IAC).


  • User-shared videos in specific subreddits.
  • Create an account to subscribe and upvote.
  • Website and iOS/Android apps.
  • Owned by Advance Publications.

Each platform has its own focus – from short videos on TikTok to HD quality on Vimeo. Assess your viewing preferences to pick the best alternative for the types of videos you want to watch.

The Future of Facebook Video

Some potential upcoming changes and trends for Facebook video:

  • More videos will be watched on devices like TVs and smart displays via apps like Facebook Watch.
  • Facebook will keep expanding its live sports streaming deals to bring more live content.
  • Videos will increasingly be optimized for and viewable in VR headsets like Oculus.
  • AI will improve recommendations and automatically identify banned content.
  • Ad revenue from longer videos will likely surpass YouTube revenue in the coming years.

Facebook wants to become the premium place for video including TV shows, news, sports, and more. More high-quality original programming is likely on the horizon to compete with Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and others. More immediacy and interactivity will be emphasized with live video, VR, and integrated messaging. Overall, expect video to only grow in importance on Facebook in the future.

Platform Owner Accounts Apps Video Types
Facebook Meta Required Mobile/TV apps All types
YouTube Google Optional Mobile/TV apps All types
TikTok ByteDance Required Mobile apps Short videos
Vimeo IAC Optional Mobile/TV apps HD quality
Reddit Advance Publications Required Mobile apps User shared


Watching Facebook videos without an account is easy to do for public videos. Simply open them in a web browser or use the Facebook Video app. However, creating an account provides a better overall experience for finding and engaging with videos you like. Consider the pros and cons and whether alternatives like YouTube or TikTok better suit your preferences. Either way, Facebook will continue expanding its central role as a video platform, even for those without accounts.