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How can I watch Facebook Live in real time?

How can I watch Facebook Live in real time?

Facebook Live allows you to broadcast live video streams to your Facebook friends and followers. When you go live on Facebook, your friends will receive a notification that you are broadcasting, and they can tune in to watch your live video in real time. Here are some quick answers about how to watch Facebook Live streams:

– Facebook Live videos appear in your News Feed when someone you follow starts broadcasting live. Simply scroll through your News Feed to find live streams from people you follow.

– You’ll get a notification at the top of your News Feed when someone you follow goes live. Tap on the notification to view the live stream.

– Go to a user’s profile page to see if they are live. A red “Live” badge will appear on their profile photo if they are broadcasting.

– Search for live videos on Facebook using keywords related to your interests. For example, search “News Live” to find live news broadcasts.

– Check the Live notification tab on mobile by tapping the Live icon at the bottom of the Facebook app screen. This shows you active live streams from people you follow.

– Bookmark the Facebook Live map at to discover live videos happening right now near your location.

Prerequisites for Watching Facebook Live

Before you can watch Facebook Live videos, you need:

A Facebook account

You must have a Facebook account to view live broadcasts. If you don’t already have a Facebook profile, visit to sign up for free. Use your real name and information when creating your account.

The Facebook app or access to

You can watch Facebook Live on mobile via the Facebook iOS or Android apps. On desktop, you can watch live videos at in your web browser. Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app or use an up-to-date browser.

To follow the person going live

To get notifications when someone you know goes live, you need to follow their Facebook profile or be friends with them. Search for their name or profile and click the Follow button. This way you’ll be notified when they start broadcasting live.

Notifications enabled

Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings and make sure notifications are enabled for Facebook. On mobile, enable notifications in your device settings for the Facebook app. This allows live video notifications to reach you in real time.

A strong internet connection

As Facebook Live streams are real time video, you’ll need a relatively fast and stable internet connection to watch without lag or buffering issues. Use a WiFi connection or cellular data with good coverage.

Steps to Watch a Facebook Live Video

Here is a step-by-step guide to watching a live stream on Facebook:

1. Get Notified Someone You Follow is Live

When a Facebook friend or page you follow starts broadcasting live, you’ll get a notification at the top of your News Feed. On mobile, this also triggers a sound/vibration. Tap on the notification for quick access to the live video.

2. Find Live Streams in Your News Feed

Scroll through your News Feed to find live streams from people you follow. Look for the red “Live” text and live view count under a video thumbnail. Simply tap/click on the live stream to start watching.

3. Go to a User’s Profile to Check if They’re Live

Go directly to someone’s profile page to check if they are live. A red “Live” badge on their profile photo means they are currently broadcasting. Tap the photo to view the live stream.

4. Search for Relevant Live Videos

Use Facebook search to find live videos related to your interests. For example, search for “Yoga Live” to find people streaming yoga sessions live. Try relevant hashtags like #livefootball or location names.

5. Use the Live Video Map

Facebook’s Live Map at shows you all public live streams happening right now near your location. Zoom in and click on a stream to start watching it.

6. Watch the Live Video

Once you’ve found a live stream to watch, the video will start playing automatically. Like or comment on the video while it’s live. Tap the screen to reveal the reaction buttons.

Interacting with Facebook Live Videos

Facebook Live allows you to interact with the broadcaster and other viewers in real time. Here are some ways you can interact during a live stream:

Like, Comment and React

Tap/click on the live video and use the reaction buttons to like, love, haha, wow, sad or angry react to the stream. Leave comments to discuss the broadcast as it happens.

Share the Video

Tap the Share button to share the live video on your own Timeline or in a post so your friends can watch too. This helps spread more live views for the broadcaster.

Watch with Friends

Invite friends to watch the live video together by using the Invite button and selecting friends to notify. Have a group viewing party!

Purchase Stars

Fans can support broadcasters by purchasing and sending virtual Stars during a live stream. Tap the star icon to buy stars and animations.

Go Live with the Broadcaster

Some broadcasters allow viewers to join the live stream themselves through multi-person streaming. Tap the camera icon to request to go live with the broadcaster.

Finding Past Live Videos on Facebook

Missed a Facebook Live that you wanted to watch? Here’s where to find replays:

Video Tab on a Profile

Go to the broadcaster’s profile page and click Videos to view all their past live streams and replays.

Saved Videos Collection

Videos you watch on Facebook including live replays get saved to the Saved Videos collection in your bookmarks.

Search for the User + Live

Search for the name of the person who streamed + “live” or “live video” to try finding their past broadcasts.

News Feed Recap

Check the News Feed Recap section at the top of your News Feed for live videos you’ve missed from people you follow.

Troubleshooting Facebook Live Viewing Issues

If you’re having issues watching Facebook Live videos, try these troubleshooting tips:

Issue Solution
Live stream won’t load or play Check your internet connection. Restart your device or reconnect to the internet. Ensure you have the latest Facebook app version.
Live video is blurry/buffering Try a different WiFi or cellular network. The broadcaster may also have a poor connection. Watch their next live video.
Can’t find a live video Make sure notifications are enabled for Facebook. Refresh your News Feed. Search for the broadcaster’s name + “live”.
Can’t find a replay Go to the user’s profile Videos section. Check your Saved Videos collection. Search the user’s name + “live video”.

Report Technical Issues

If you continue having trouble watching Facebook Live, report the technical issue on Facebook’s Help page for troubleshooting by staff.

Facebook Live Viewing Tips and Tricks

Take advantage of these top tips for the optimal Facebook Live viewing experience:

Get Notifications for Important Broadcasts

Click Get Notifications or See First to always get notified when certain friends or pages go live about important topics.

Watch Live Videos on a Big Screen

For more immersive viewing, watch live streams on your smart TV by connecting your Facebook account and using the TV app.

Find Top Live Videos Quickly

Bookmark the Facebook Live map page at to quickly discover trending and top live streams by category.

Control Data Use on Mobile

Adjust autoplay and video resolution settings on the Facebook mobile app to limit data usage while watching live streams.

Use Live Reactions

Tap the reaction buttons during a live video to have your reactions float across the video and interact with the broadcaster.

Remember the Creator Studio App

Use Facebook’s Creator Studio app to easily manage and broadcast your own live streams from your phone or desktop.


Facebook Live makes it fun and easy to watch real time broadcasts from friends, family, creators, publishers and more right within Facebook. Just open the Facebook app or website, get notified when someone goes live, search for live videos by interest, or check the Live map to start watching. Interact with live streams by liking, commenting and sharing in real time. Use Creator Studio to become the broadcaster and stream your own live videos to Facebook!