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How can I watch anonymous stories on Facebook?

How can I watch anonymous stories on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to view anonymous stories through features like Anon Stories and Confessions. These features allow people to share stories without revealing their identity. Users can submit anonymous stories that are viewable by others in their network. Viewing anonymous stories on Facebook requires enabling the feature in your settings and following the right groups or pages. Here are some common questions about watching anonymous stories on Facebook:

What are anonymous stories on Facebook?

Anonymous stories on Facebook allow users to share posts without attaching their name or profile picture. Instead of seeing who posted, viewers will see “Anonymous” as the name. Anonymous stories are often confessions, secrets, opinions, or experiences people want to share anonymously.

How do I find anonymous stories to view on Facebook?

To view anonymous stories on Facebook, you first need to locate groups or pages that allow anonymous submissions. Many colleges, universities, cities, and networks have anonymous Facebook groups. You can search for these groups by keywords like “anonymous confessions” or “[school name] anonymous.” Popular pages like Unsent Letters and Secret Crush also allow anonymous stories.

Once you’ve found relevant groups or pages, you can view the anonymous stories people post there. The stories will be visible to all members of the group or followers of the page.

Can I share my own anonymous stories on Facebook?

In most anonymous Facebook groups and pages, members are allowed to submit their own anonymous stories. There will be a pinned post with submission guidelines. Typically you can submit a story by messaging the page owner or posting in a submission thread. Your name and profile picture will not be shown with the story.

Before submitting, read the rules to ensure your story follows the standards and topics allowed in that group. Moderators may remove stories that don’t follow guidelines.

Enabling Anonymous Story Viewing

To view anonymous stories, you first need to enable the feature and join relevant groups or pages. Here are step-by-step instructions:

Join an Anonymous Stories Facebook Group

  1. Search for an anonymous stories Facebook group you want to join, such as “[University Name] Confessions.”
  2. Click the “Join Group” button on the group page.
  3. Answer any membership questions if prompted.
  4. Wait for group admins to approve your request.
  5. Once approved, you will be able to view stories posted in the group.

Follow an Anonymous Stories Facebook Page

  1. Search for an anonymous stories page such as “Unsent Letters.”
  2. Click the “Follow” button near the cover photo.
  3. You will now see posts and stories from that page in your News Feed.

Adjust Facebook Settings

  1. Go to the Facebook Settings menu.
  2. Click “News Feed Preferences.”
  3. Make sure stories from joined groups and followed pages can appear in your News Feed.

Once you’ve joined groups/pages and adjusted settings, anonymous stories will be viewable in your feed.

Popular Sources for Anonymous Facebook Stories

There are many popular groups and pages that allow anonymous story submission and viewing. Some top sources include:

College Confessions Pages

Most major universities have unofficial “confessions” pages where students can anonymously post about their experiences. These are popular sources for funny, embarrassing, or sentimental stories about college life.

City-Specific Pages

Many local areas like cities, towns, or regions have unofficial anonymous Facebook pages where residents share stories. These provide interesting localized content.

Topic-Specific Pages

Some pages center around specific topics or communities like parenting, military members, teachers, secrets, dating stories, workplace confessions, and more.

Unsent Letters

The Unsent Letters page has over 1 million followers. People anonymously post letters to crushes, exes, friends, and future selves.

Secret Crush

With over 6 million followers, this page lets people post anonymous love stories, relationship questions, and messages to their crushes.

Humans of [Place]

These pages modeled after Humans of New York feature anonymous stories from people in a certain place.

Types of Anonymous Content

Anonymous stories encompass different categories and content types. Here are some examples of what you may encounter:


Users reveal secrets, taboo behaviors, or embarrassing stories from their lives. Confessions are often personal in nature.


These express complaints, frustrations, or strong opinions anonymously. Rants allow people to vent without any social repercussions.


Positive anonymous messages complimenting someone’s appearance, character, talents, or other traits.


People confess having a crush on classmates, coworkers, friends, celebrities, or strangers.

Unsent Letters

Heartfelt letters addressed to someone the author never actually sent. These are often intimate love notes.


Anonymous, unverified gossip about people or events gets shared. Rumors spread rapidly through these groups.


Users ask the anonymous audience for advice, opinions, or feedback on issues in their personal lives.


Funny memes, jokes, pranks, and funny observations get posted anonymously. These aim purely to entertain.

Benefits of Anonymous Stories on Facebook

Viewing anonymous stories on Facebook offers certain benefits, such as:


Anonymous posts can be quite funny, engaging, emotional, or shocking. Reading them provides entertainment value.


The anonymity allows people to share raw, uncensored thoughts they would not post publicly. This creates an intimate, vulnerable space.

Sense of Community

Knowing others are going through similar experiences can provide a sense of community and connection.


With their identity hidden, people often share their truest feelings and deepest secrets. This provides uncompromising honesty.


Viewers feel curious wondering who wrote each anonymous story. Anonymity adds mystery and allure.

Creative Outlet

For writers, anonymous platforms allow creativity without inhibition or censorship.

Risks and Controversies of Anonymous Facebook Stories

However, there are also risks associated with anonymous social media content:


Without accountability, anonymous posts may include bullying, racism, sexism, or other offensive content. Moderation is critical.


Rumors and unverified information can spread rapidly through anonymous networks. This enables misinformation.

Privacy Concerns

Although anonymous to the public, Facebook knows the identity of people behind accounts. Users still risk exposure.

Malicious Content

Bad actors may use anonymity to threaten others or coordinate harassment campaigns.

Lack of Consent

People’s identities, images, or private information might get shared without their consent. Anonymity limits victims’ recourse.

Mental Health

Reading negative anonymous content excessively could impact mental health and relationships for some people.

Overall, anonymous platforms require caution, moderation, verification, and limits to prevent abuse.

Moderating Anonymous Facebook Groups

Running an anonymous Facebook group brings challenges with moderating content. Some best practices include:

Establish Clear Rules

Groups should have pinned rules against bullying, racism, sexism, threats, or other unacceptable content.

Ban Keywords

Blacklist offensive keywords to filter out malicious posts automatically using filters.

Limit Membership

Only allow members from a certain school or location to reduce off-topic posts from outsiders.

Manual Review

Have moderators manually review all submissions before they are visible to filter out inappropriate content.

Block Abusers

Ban members who repeatedly ignore rules or post abusive material.

Slow Mode

Limit how often the same account can post to prevent spamming.


Require email or phone verification to post anonymously, reducing bot accounts.


Review potential new members before granting access to the private group.

Effective moderation is crucial for allowing anonymity while minimizing harm. The following table summarizes key moderation strategies:

Moderation Strategy Description
Establish Clear Rules Pin detailed rules banning offensive content
Ban Keywords Blacklist slurs, threats, bullying phrases
Limit Membership Only allow certain schools/locations
Manual Review Admins review posts before publishing
Block Abusers Ban members who repeatedly violate rules
Slow Mode Limit how often members can post
Verification Require email/phone verification to post
Pre-Screening Review potential members before granting access

Why People Share Anonymous Stories Online

Anonymous social media provides an outlet for people to share stories without revealing their identity. Some motivations for posting anonymously include:

Fear of Judgement

People want to share personal details without being judged by people who know them. Anonymity removes this fear.


Posting anonymously can provide emotional release through confessing secrets or venting feelings.

Creative Expression

Anonymity allows more free, unfiltered creativity. People can share writing just for themselves without concern over public reception.


Reading and sharing anonymous stories provides entertainment and an escape from boredom for some.

Validating Experiences

Seeing similar anonymous stories can help people feel validated in their own experiences.

Sense of Community

For marginalized groups, anonymous platforms may provide a rare sense of community and belonging.


Sharing secrets anonymously can give people a sense of control and empowerment over their privacy.

Overall, anonymous social media allows satisfying self-expression, entertainment, and validation for many users.


Anonymous Facebook stories allow people to share while protecting their identity. To view these stories, join groups/pages with anonymous features and adjust your News Feed settings. Popular sources include college, local, and interest-based communities. Anonymous content ranges from confessions to humor. Benefits include vulnerability and entertainment, but anonymous platforms also carry risks like toxicity and misinformation. Moderation and verification are crucial. While anonymous social media can provide value, it requires caution and limits to prevent abuse.