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How can I view FB stories anonymously?

How can I view FB stories anonymously?

Viewing someone’s Facebook stories anonymously can be tempting, especially if you want to check in on an ex or see what someone is posting without them knowing. However, this does go against Facebook’s terms of service. There are some methods people try to view stories anonymously, but they have limitations and risks.

Why Do People Want to View Stories Anonymously?

There are a few main reasons why someone may want to view Facebook stories anonymously:

  • Stalking or keeping tabs on an ex or someone they used to date
  • Seeing what someone they used to be friends with is posting
  • Viewing a celebrity or public figure’s stories without them knowing
  • General curiosity about an acquaintance’s life

The desire for anonymous viewing often comes from a feeling of missing out or wanting to know what someone is posting without them being aware. However, this can become unhealthy behavior, especially in the case of exes.

Is it Possible to View Facebook Stories Anonymously?

There are a few ways people try to view Facebook stories anonymously:

  • Using a secondary or fake Facebook account
  • Blocking the person before viewing their stories
  • Viewing the stories while appearing offline
  • Using third-party apps and tools

However, none of these methods offer complete anonymity:

  • Fake accounts can be reported and deleted if discovered.
  • Blocking the person only hides your own activity, their story views still increment.
  • Appearing offline doesn’t hide story views.
  • Third-party apps frequently have limitations, bugs, or get banned.

So while people attempt anonymous viewing, Facebook’s privacy settings and story viewing metrics make it ultimately impossible to be completely undetected.

The Risks of Trying to View Stories Anonymously

Beyond the limitations, there are also risks to be aware of if you try to view Facebook stories anonymously:

  • Fake accounts will get banned and deleted if discovered, losing access.
  • Blocking or unfollowing someone can make them suspicious of your behavior.
  • Stalking-like behavior can get you reported to Facebook.
  • Shady third-party apps may compromise your privacy or data.
  • The person will see their story view count go up.

Essentially, any perceived anonymity is an illusion, and the person will be notified of your viewing in some capacity. The risks involved often outweigh any benefit.

Ethical Considerations of Viewing Stories Anonymously

Beyond just technical limitations, there are some ethical concerns to keep in mind:

  • The stories were intended for certain audiences, not anonymous viewers.
  • It violates someone’s privacy and consent.
  • Can cause unwanted contact or harassment from someone trying to remain hidden.
  • Enables stalking-like and unhealthy attachment behaviors.
  • Damages trust between the viewer and the account holder.

Unless you have legitimate safety concerns, most experts recommend against trying to view someone’s stories anonymously without their consent. It bypasses their privacy settings and right to choose who views their content.

What Facebook Recommends

Facebook itself discourages users from trying to view stories anonymously and provides options to prevent it:

  • Account holders can hide stories from specific people.
  • The “Hide Story” option lets users stop someone from viewing stories.
  • Blocking accounts completely removes access to the person’s profile.
  • Restricted lists and filters give control over audience.
  • Reporting harassing or unwanted anonymous viewers.

Facebook wants people to feel safe posting stories and have control over their audience. Trying to circumvent that goes against their recommended practices.

Healthy Ways to View Someone’s Profile

For your own well-being and to respect other’s privacy, consider these healthy approaches if you want to view someone’s profile:

  • Use your own real account so your viewing is known.
  • Respect it if they have restricted access to their stories.
  • View any public posts but not private stories.
  • Consider discussing with them to request viewing access.
  • Reflect on your viewing motivation and whether it’s unhealthy.
  • Focus time and energy on your own life, not snooping on others.

With more mindful social media use, you can satisfy curiosity in an honest way without deception.

What to Do If You’re Being Viewed Anonymously

If you notice your story views going up suspiciously or have a sense someone is trying to anonymously view your profile, you can take action:

  • Restrict your story audience and block any suspicious accounts.
  • Use the “Hide Story” option to prevent particular people seeing stories.
  • Adjust privacy settings to reduce story access.
  • Report persistent anonymous viewers to Facebook.
  • Avoid posting private or sensitive information in stories.
  • Notify close connections about the issue.
  • Take screenshots in case you need evidence of harassment.

You have the right to control who interacts with your profile. Report and document any harassment resulting from anonymous viewers against your consent.


Trying to view someone’s Facebook stories anonymously is next to impossible with their privacy safeguards. Furthermore, it raises ethical concerns and encourages unhealthy attachment. If you need to view someone’s profile, use a little self-restraint and your real account. Focus your time better elsewhere. People have a right to curate the audience for their stories. Find more positive ways to satisfy your curiosity or desire for connection.