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How can I upload my ID to verify my Facebook account?

How can I upload my ID to verify my Facebook account?

Uploading an ID is one way to verify your identity on Facebook if your account has been disabled or restricted. Facebook may prompt you to upload an ID if they detect suspicious activity or if you try to change your name or date of birth. Verifying your identity helps ensure your account is being used by the right person.

Why does Facebook ask for ID verification?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may ask you to upload an ID:

  • You changed your name or date of birth on your account
  • Suspicious activity was detected, like an unusual login location
  • Your account was reported for violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards
  • You’re creating an ad or Page representing a business, brand or organization

Uploading an ID helps Facebook confirm your identity and ensure you are complying with their policies. It allows them to verify the name and birth date on your account matches your real identity.

What types of ID can I upload?

Facebook accepts several types of government-issued ID:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • National identification card
  • Immigration documents like a Green Card or residence permit
  • Local ID card like a city ID
  • Voter ID card
  • Military ID
  • Tribal ID

The ID must be currently valid, show your name and photo clearly, and not be expired. Facebook may ask you to provide additional details like your ID number if they cannot verify your ID initially.

How do I upload my ID to Facebook?

Uploading an ID to Facebook involves a few simple steps:

  1. Have your valid ID document ready. Make sure your name and photo are clearly visible.
  2. Go to the Facebook Help Center and search for “ID verification.” Click on the article about verifying your identity.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions. You will be prompted to upload images of your ID (front and back).
  4. Take clear, well-lit photos or scans of your ID. Make sure details are legible.
  5. Upload the images and submit for verification. Facebook will check if your ID matches your account info.
  6. Wait for Facebook to review your ID. This can take up to several business days.
  7. If approved, your account access will be restored. If declined, submit again or appeal.

Key tips:

  • Upload color images in JPG, PNG or PDF format.
  • Include all 4 corners of your ID in the image.
  • Do not digitally edit the photos – submit originals.
  • Make sure your ID details are clearly visible.

What happens after I submit my ID?

After you upload your ID images, Facebook will review to verify if the name, photo and details match your account information. Here’s what to expect:

  • Approved: If your ID is verified, Facebook will send you a notification and restore full access to your account within 1-3 business days.
  • More info needed: Sometimes Facebook cannot read your ID clearly. They may ask for another photo, a close-up of your name, or the ID number.
  • Rejected: If the name or photo don’t match your account, Facebook will decline verification. You can submit again or file an appeal.
  • Under review: The process can occasionally take longer than 3 days. Your account access will remain limited until a decision is made.

Be patient as Facebook thoroughly reviews your information. Verifying an ID is not instant – it involves diligent screening to confirm you are who you claim to be.

What if my ID verification gets rejected?

If Facebook rejects your ID verification, first double check that the name, photo, and details on your ID clearly match your account information. If they do, you can:

  • Resubmit your ID images, making sure they are legible and meet requirements.
  • Provide additional information requested by Facebook, like an ID number.
  • Submit an appeal request explaining why your ID is valid and should be verified.

Verification may be declined if the ID appears falsified or doesn’t match the details on your Facebook account. Providing more information can help confirm your identity in these cases.

Can I use someone else’s ID?

No, you should never upload an ID that does not belong to you. Facebook’s ID verification requires submitting a valid ID that matches your account name and photo. Using someone else’s identification is against their policies.

If you upload an ID belonging to someone else, your account will be permanently disabled for violating Facebook’s terms. Do not falsify or use another person’s documentation.

What if I don’t have a photo ID?

If you don’t have a government-issued photo ID, Facebook allows a few alternatives:

  • Passport without a photo
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Social Security card
  • ITIN card

However, verification with these may take longer. Facebook prefers IDs with photos as they provide visual confirmation you are the account holder.

Can I bypass ID verification?

There is no way to completely bypass providing ID if Facebook requires verification. Until your identity is confirmed, your account access will remain limited.

Attempting to circumvent ID verification can lead to your account being permanently disabled. Do not try to find workarounds – follow Facebook’s instructions if they request ID upload.

Is ID verification safe? How is my data protected?

Uploading an ID understandably raises privacy concerns. However, Facebook aims to keep users’ IDs and personal information secure:

  • ID images are encrypted and stored securely after upload.
  • Verification process involves automated systems – IDs are reviewed by Facebook staff if needed.
  • ID data is not shared with any third parties or outside Facebook.
  • ID images are permanently deleted 30 days after review.

Facebook also states they will not use your ID information for any other purposes beyond identity confirmation. While no system is completely foolproof, they take precautions to protect your data.

Can my account be disabled for not verifying my ID?

Yes, if you refuse to comply with Facebook’s requests to verify your identity, your account can be permanently disabled. Failing to provide adequate ID when prompted is grounds for losing account access.

Disabled accounts cannot be reactivated unless you complete ID verification. So if Facebook asks you to upload your ID, you must comply to regain access – otherwise your account will remain blocked indefinitely.


Uploading your ID provides the documentation Facebook needs to confirm your identity and allow full use of your account. While it adds a step, it helps ensure account security and prevent impersonation. Protect your privacy but cooperate promptly if asked for verification. With the proper ID and patience with the review process, you can successfully verify your account.