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How can I upload high quality video to FB?

How can I upload high quality video to FB?

Uploading high quality videos to Facebook can seem daunting, but with the right tools and settings, it’s very achievable. The main factors that determine video quality on Facebook are resolution, bitrate, and compression.

In this article, we’ll provide tips on optimizing these factors to get great looking results, as well as recommend encoder settings and the best file formats to use. We’ll also cover how to upload videos through different methods like directly from your phone, desktop Uploader, and third party apps.

Follow our guide and you’ll be uploading professional, share-worthy videos to Facebook in no time!

What is the optimal resolution for Facebook videos?

The optimal resolution for Facebook depends on the aspect ratio you want to use. Here are the recommended resolutions:

Aspect Ratio Resolution
16:9 1920 x 1080 (1080p HD)
1:1 1080 x 1080
4:5 1080 x 1350
9:16 1080 x 1920 (Vertical Video)

1080p (1920 x 1080) is usually the best middle ground that will display well on both desktop and mobile. For vertical videos, 1080 x 1920 is optimal.

The main thing is to upload the highest resolution version of your video that meets Facebook’s recommended specs. They will compress and downscale to suit each viewer’s device and bandwidth.

What bitrate should I use?

Bitrate refers to the amount of data used per second of video and directly correlates with video quality.

For 1080p videos, you’ll want to export your videos at a bitrate of at least 8,000 kbps (8 mbps). This provides high visual quality while keeping file sizes manageable.

For vertical videos, a lower bitrate of around 4,000 kbps (4 mbps) is sufficient since the resolution is smaller.

To maximize quality, some experts recommend going up to 10,000-12,000 kbps for 1080p videos. However, this will result in very large file sizes.

In general, 8,000 kbps is a sweet spot for balancing high quality and smaller file sizes that are easier to upload. You can adjust as needed based on your specific video content.

How should I compress/encode my video files?

Properly compressing and encoding your video files prior to uploading them is key to balancing quality and file size. Here are some tips:

– Use the H.264 video codec – This is the most efficient codec for compressing while retaining high visual quality. Most modern editing programs support it.

– Stick to 8,000 kbps bitrate for 1080p, or 4,000 kbps for vertical video at a minimum.

– Use 2-pass encoding for best results. This analyzes the video then compresses it for maximum optimization.

– For 1080p, aim for around 8MB file size per minute of video as a general guideline. Vertical videos can be smaller at around 4MB per minute due to the lower bitrate needed.

Following those guidelines will allow you to maximize compression while minimizing any negative impact on quality.

What are the best video formats to use?

The .MP4 video format is recommended for Facebook. MP4 provides great compression while supporting high quality.

For the video codec, use H.264 as mentioned above for optimal compression and compatibility. For audio, AAC is preferred at a bitrate of 192 kbps.

Some other ideal export formats include:

  • H.264 video codec with .MP4 file format
  • MPEG-4 video codec with .MP4 or .M4V file format
  • H.264 video codec with .MOV file format

Avoid highly compressed formats like .WMV, .FLV, and .WEBM which can degrade quality. Stick to .MP4 with H.264 as the safest bet.

How can I upload videos directly from my phone?

Uploading videos directly from your phone is easy and offers the most convenience. Here’s how:

  • Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android phone
  • Tap on the “Photo/Video” icon in the status update composer
  • Select the video you want to upload from your camera roll
  • You can preview and trim the video as needed
  • Enter a caption and tap on “Post” to upload the video to your Timeline

Facebook will compress and process the video after you upload it depending on the destination. But uploading from your phone ensures minimal quality loss.

You can also go Live directly from your phone through Facebook’s Live Video feature. Just tap “Live” in the status composer.

How can I upload from my desktop?

If you want to upload videos from your computer, you have two options:

Option 1: Use the Facebook Video Uploader

  • Visit
  • Drag and drop your video files into the uploader window
  • Enter a title and description
  • Select desired privacy settings
  • Click “Start Upload”

Option 2: Upload through the Desktop Website

  • Go to in your browser
  • Click on “Photo/Video” in the status update box
  • Click “Upload Photos/Video” and select your file from your computer
  • Enter a caption and post to upload

The desktop uploader applies optimal compression for Facebook while letting you batch upload multiple videos easily.

Can I use third party apps?

Yes, there are many great third party tools for uploading videos to Facebook:

  • Hootsuite – Social media management platform with video uploader
  • Buffer – Popular social scheduling tool with video capabilities
  • Planoly – Instagram scheduler that also supports Facebook video
  • SocialBoomer – Media publishing platform for scheduling video posts

These tools let you manage and schedule video uploads in advance for convenience. Most integrate directly with Facebook’s API for smooth uploading.

They can help save time and allow you to manage videos across multiple social accounts from one dashboard. However, third party apps may compress videos slightly more than direct uploads.

What are Facebook’s recommended video specs?

Here’s a quick summary of Facebook’s current recommended video specs and limits:

  • Resolution: Up to 4096×4096 pixels, minimum 600×315
  • Aspect Ratios: 16:9, 1:1, 4:5, 9:16
  • Minimum Length: 1 second
  • Maximum Length: 240 minutes (4 hours)
  • File Size: Up to 4GB
  • Bitrate: 8,000 kbps (1080p), 4,000 kbps (vertical)
  • Frame Rate: 30fps
  • Formats: MP4, MOV, GIF, AVI, WMV, MPEG

Sticking to those guidelines will ensure your videos meet Facebook’s criteria and upload successfully in high quality every time.

How can I check video quality after uploading?

Once your video finishes uploading, here are some ways to verify quality:

  • Watch the video directly on your Facebook page at 100% size
  • Click to view the video details and check if HD is enabled
  • Watch on mobile to see how it displays on different devices
  • Ask viewers to provide feedback on quality

Analyze aspects like sharpness, color vibrancy, artifacting, and playback smoothness. You can then tweak your encoding settings and re-upload if quality is lower than desired.

You can also consider using a third party video quality checker prior to uploading. But evaluating directly on Facebook will give you the most accurate results.

What are some general tips for the best quality?

Here are some key tips for achieving great video quality on Facebook:

  • Upload the highest resolution version possible
  • Use optimal encoding settings (H.264 codec, 8,000 kbps bitrate, etc)
  • Choose MP4 or MOV format if possible
  • Avoid over-compressing with formats like .WMV or .WEBM
  • Upload directly from phone or use desktop uploader
  • Analyze quality and tweak encoder settings as needed
  • Use 2-pass encoding and CBR (constant bitrate) if offered
  • Trim excess footage to keep file sizes manageable

Also make sure to customize encoder settings for each video. Higher motion video may need higher bitrates, for example. Find the optimal balance through testing.


Uploading high quality video to Facebook involves choosing the ideal resolution, bitrate, compression, and file format for your needs. Utilize direct uploading when possible, analyze video quality after uploading, and adjust your encoding settings as needed for the best results.

With the right tools and optimization, you can upload professional, stunning videos to Facebook that will impress any viewer. Just follow our tips in this article to take your Facebook video quality to the next level.