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How can I unfriend 100 friends at a time on Facebook?

How can I unfriend 100 friends at a time on Facebook?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become the most popular social media platform for connecting with friends, family, and acquaintances. Over time, many Facebook users accumulate hundreds or even thousands of friends on the platform. While these large friend lists allow you to stay connected with lots of people, they can also become unwieldy and filled with contacts you no longer interact with regularly. If you want to do a major friend list purge and unfriend 100 or more Facebook friends at once, it is possible to do so with some simple tricks.

Why Unfriend Facebook Friends in Bulk?

Here are some of the top reasons you may want to remove Facebook friends in large batches:

  • Reduce clutter – Large friend lists full of people you no longer talk to regularly can make your News Feed cluttered and overwhelming. Pruning your friends list down to active contacts makes your News Feed more useful.
  • Protect privacy – The more friends you have on Facebook, the more people can see updates about your life. Unfriending dormant contacts protects your privacy.
  • Avoid stale connections – Keeping up with Facebook friends you never engage with anymore doesn’t provide value. Removing stale connections makes room for new, active relationships.
  • Limit bombardments – During certain times like election season, reducing friend connections can limit the amount of unwanted posts in your News Feed.
  • Improve relevance – When your News Feed isn’t filled with updates from inactive contacts, you see more posts from people you currently interact with.
  • Focus your time – Scanning updates from hundreds of loose acquaintances takes time. Cutting your friend count allows you to spend time interacting with closer friends.
  • Start fresh – Some people like to clear out their old Facebook friends list completely and build it back up with active contacts.

How to Unfriend 100+ Facebook Friends at Once

Manually unfriending connections on Facebook one at a time would be incredibly tedious. Luckily, there are some shortcuts to remove Facebook friends in bulk:

Use Facebook’s Bulk Unfriend Tool

The quickest way to remove a lot of Facebook friends is by using Facebook’s own bulk unfriending tool. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click on the Friends link at the top of your Facebook page.
  2. In the left sidebar, click “Friends” to view your full friends list.
  3. At the top of your friends list, click the box next to “Friends” to select all of them.
  4. You should see a check mark next to each friend. If you have more than 5000 friends, you will need to select all on multiple pages.
  5. Once your desired friends are selected, click the dropdown arrow at the top labeled “Friends” and choose “Unfriend.”
  6. Click “Confirm” on the popup to unfriend all the selected contacts.

With a couple clicks, you can easily unfriend hundreds of Facebook friends at once this way. However, this method doesn’t allow you to pick and choose who to remove. It’s an all-or-nothing approach to bulk unfriending.

Use Facebook’s Activity Log Tool

If you want more control over the bulk unfriending process, you can use Facebook’s Activity Log tool. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Activity Log by clicking on the triangle drop down at the top right of your Facebook page.
  2. Click on “Friends” in the sidebar to view your friend history.
  3. You can sort your friend list alphabetically, by most recent, and by how often you interact with each friend.
  4. Scroll through your list and individually click “Unfriend” next to each inactive connection you want to remove.
  5. If you want to only remove friends you haven’t interacted with in a certain time frame, use the “Date” filter at the top to display inactive friends from that period.

Though more time consuming than bulk selecting all your friends, this method gives you precision incutting ties with specific contacts.

Use a Facebook Friend Removal App

If you want maximum control over the unfriending process, using a third party Facebook friend removal app is the way to go. Some popular options include:

  • Social Book Post Manager – Browser extension that lets you filter friends by criteria like location, number of posts, and number of mutual friends. You can then select contacts matching your criteria to unfriend.
  • Friend Check – Analyzes your friends list based on activity, posts, mutual connections, and more. You can sort by factors like inactive friends and pick ones to remove.
  • FBR Purity – Analyzes your News Feed to identify which friends post the most negatively or simply too often. You can then unfollow or unfriend frequent posters.

The key benefit of using an app is the ability to filter and sort your friend list using advanced criteria. This lets you carefully choose who to unfriend based on specific factors.

Other Bulk Unfriending Options

In addition to the tools above, here are a couple other options for removing Facebook friends in bulk:

Create Friend Lists

You can manually sort friends into lists like Close Friends, Family, Acquaintances, and Inactive Friends. Then visit each list and remove contacts you want to unfriend.

Export Friends to CSV

You can export your Facebook friends to a CSV file, then sort and delete the ones you want to remove. However, there is no option to directly import the edited CSV back into Facebook for unfriending.

How to Avoid Being Unfriended Back

A downside to unfriending people on Facebook is that they will be notified and may unfriend you back. This can be awkward with casual acquaintances, distant family, and friends you’ve grown apart from. Here are some tips to avoid mutual unfriending:

  • Unfriend in batches – Unfriending large groups of people at once makes it less obvious.
  • Prune your list regularly – People will care less if they think you purge inactive friends routinely.
  • Keep mutual friends – Having overlapping friends makes the person less likely to unfriend you.
  • Don’t make a big deal – Casually say you’re doing an overdue friend list cleanup if asked.
  • Filter feed, don’t unfriend – Just unfollowing means they won’t know, but you won’t see their updates.

Maintaining a Tight Friends List

Once you’ve done a major purge of your Facebook friends list, it takes some maintenance to keep it trimmed down. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly review and prune twice per year – Mark your calendar to review inactive friends you can remove.
  • Cull Facebook friends after major life events – Getting married or moving often means losing touch with some friends.
  • Limit accepting friend requests – Only accept requests from people you want to keep up with regularly.
  • Unfollow acquaintances instead of unfriending – You stay connected without seeing their posts.
  • Create smart lists – Use lists to filter content and identify inactive friends.

The Risks of Unfriending

While removing Facebook friends you rarely interact with has many advantages, there are some risks to be aware of as well:

  • Hurt feelings and misunderstandings – Friends may feel snubbed if they thought your connection was stronger.
  • Appearance of arrogance or elitism – Rapidly unfriending people can seem haughty.
  • Reduced access to information – You may miss major life updates from unfriended friends.
  • Fewer birthday reminders – It’s easier to forget birthdays when not Facebook friends.
  • Possible real-world awkwardness – Running into unfriended friends can cause discomfort.

That’s why it’s smart to stick to unfriending only your most inactive connections whom you won’t miss updates from.

Facebook’s Friend Limit

Is there a limit to how many friends you can have on Facebook? Currently, there is no friend limit.

However, in the early days of Facebook there was a 5,000 friend cap. This caused some power users to start Facebook groups dedicated to helping people trim down to the 5,000 friend limit.

Facebook removed the artificial friend limit in 2009. There have been rumors of a theoretical upper limit around 10,000 friends, but nothing official from Facebook.

These days, most Facebook power users have friend counts in the thousands. The average user has around 300 friends. So you likely don’t need to worry about hitting any friend limit even if you’re pretty social.

Here is a table showing the evolution of Facebook’s friend limit over time:

Year Facebook Friend Limit
Pre-2009 5,000 friends
2009 No official friend limit
2023 No known limit


It is possible to unfriend large numbers of Facebook friends at once using built-in tools like bulk unfriend, by leveraging third party apps, and through manual techniques like creating lists. The key benefits are reducing clutter, protecting privacy, focusing your News Feed on active friends, and saving time spent on inactive connections.

Aim to do a major friend list purge about twice per year. Continue monitoring your News Feed and trimming it down at regular intervals. This will keep your Facebook experience focused, productive, and centered around the friends you interact with most.