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How can I unblock myself on Facebook?

How can I unblock myself on Facebook?

Being blocked on Facebook can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know why you were blocked in the first place. Fortunately, in most cases, you can unblock yourself and regain access to your Facebook account. Here are some tips on how to get unblocked on Facebook.

Why Was I Blocked on Facebook?

There are a few main reasons why someone may have blocked you on Facebook:

  • You posted unwanted, harassing, or abusive content on their profile or page
  • You sent them too many friend requests or messages
  • They don’t know you and want to prevent strangers from accessing their profile
  • They had a disagreement or argument with you
  • They want to cut off contact with you for personal reasons

If you’re not sure why you were blocked, try thinking back on your recent interactions with the person on Facebook. Did you get into an heated debate in the comments? Did you send a lot of unanswered messages? Understanding the reason can help you avoid the same situation in the future.

How to Tell If You’re Blocked

There are a few signs that indicate you have been blocked by someone on Facebook:

  • You can no longer see their Facebook profile or send them a friend request
  • Chat messages will not go through and remain stuck on “Sent”
  • You don’t see their posts and updates in your News Feed
  • Any tags you add to their posts or photos are automatically removed

Try searching for the person’s name in the Facebook search bar. If their profile doesn’t show up in the results, it’s likely you’ve been blocked. You can also have a friend check if they are able to see the person’s profile.

How to Unblock Yourself

If you believe you have been wrongfully blocked, there are a few methods you can try to unblock yourself on Facebook:

Wait it out

Sometimes blocks are temporary. The person who blocked you may decide to unblock you after a cooling off period. Give it some time, a few days or weeks, and periodically check if you can access their profile or send them a message.

Ask a friend

Have a mutual friend reach out to the person who blocked you and ask them to unblock you. Your friend can explain that blocking you was just a misunderstanding or that you would like a chance to apologize and start fresh.

Use another account

Log into another Facebook account that hasn’t been blocked and send the person a message asking them to unblock your main account. Let them know you just want to resolve the issue and move forward.

Adjust your privacy settings

Go to your Facebook privacy settings and adjust who can see your posts and profile information. Setting your posts to “Friends Except” and excluding the person who blocked you may result in them unblocking you so they can see your updates again.

Report them

If you believe the person blocked you specifically to harass you or prevent you from accessing necessary information, you can report them to Facebook. Go to the Facebook Help Center and file a complaint about the blocking. Explain why you think it was unjustified and conflicts with Facebook’s policies.

Submit an unblock request

Facebook has an unblock request form you can submit to appeal blocks you think were unfair or accidental. To fill out the form:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Community page
  2. Search for “unblock”
  3. Select “I want to unblock someone”
  4. Choose “I want to request being unblocked”
  5. Enter the name of the person who blocked you and details on why you should be unblocked

Facebook will review your request and contact the person who blocked you. However, they are not obligated to unblock you, even if you submit a request. So this method is not guaranteed to work.

Use an alternate account

Make an alternate Facebook account with a different name and email address. Use this account to view the profile and posts of the person who blocked you. Do not try to re-friend them or contact them from the alternate account, as that could be seen as harassment.

What to Do If You Remain Blocked

If the person refuses to unblock you on Facebook, there are still a few options:

  • Respect their decision and move on. Continuing to pursue contact could worsen the situation.
  • Request a mutual friend share important updates or information you need.
  • Use an alternate social media platform like Instagram or Twitter to get in touch.
  • Communicate through phone, text, email or in person instead.
  • Consider whether the block was for the best and keep your distance.

Getting blocked on Facebook does not need to be a permanent ban. Be patient, be polite, and continue looking for reasonable ways to get back in touch. But also think carefully about what led to the block in the first place and whether reconnecting is truly worthwhile or not.

Reasons You Might Want to Self-Block Someone

In some cases, you may actually want to block someone first. Here are some good reasons to proactively block another user on Facebook:

  • They are harassing or cyberbullying you
  • They are spreading rumors, lies or confidential information about you
  • Seeing their updates and posts causes you emotional distress
  • You want to distance yourself from them socially or professionally
  • They are an ex-partner you want to get over
  • Their political or social views are offensive to you
  • You suspect they might be dangerous or unstable

Blocking someone can be a way to reclaim your peace of mind and digital space. Use the Facebook blocking tools to take control of who interacts with you.

How to Block Another Facebook User

You have a few options to block a Facebook user:

From their profile

  1. Go to their Facebook profile page
  2. Click on the three dots beside Follow or Friends
  3. Select Block from the dropdown menu
  4. Confirm you want to block the user

From a post or comment

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of their post or comment
  2. Choose Block [Name]

From Messenger

  1. Open your message thread with the person
  2. Tap on their name at the top of the chat window
  3. Scroll down and tap Block Messages

Once blocked, the user will no longer be able to see your Facebook profile or posts. You also won’t get any notifications about their activity or be matched with them in apps like Tinder or Bumble. Block selectively when necessary to manage who interacts with you online.


Getting blocked on Facebook can be upsetting but is often fixable. Try waiting patiently, getting a friend to intervene, or submitting an unblock request. If you remain blocked, respect the decision but find alternative ways to connect. You can also take initiative and block someone first if they are bothering you. Use Facebook’s robust blocking tools to control your digital space.