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How can I unblock my blocked FB account?

How can I unblock my blocked FB account?

Having your Facebook account blocked can be very frustrating. Facebook blocks accounts for various reasons – you may have violated their terms of service, been reported for suspicious activity, or simply forgotten your password too many times.

The good news is that in many cases, you can successfully unblock your Facebook account by following the proper steps. This article will walk you through the different ways your account may have become blocked, how to diagnose the reason, and the steps you need to take to regain access.

Common reasons for a blocked Facebook account

There are a few main reasons why Facebook may have blocked your account:

  • You violated Facebook’s terms of service – for example, by posting prohibited content or creating fake accounts
  • Your account was reported for suspicious activity – like spamming or harassing other users
  • You entered the wrong password too many times and got locked out
  • Your account was hacked and disabled by the hacker
  • Facebook disabled your account by mistake – this is rare, but can happen

Understanding the reason why your account was blocked will help you take the proper steps to get it unblocked.

Diagnosing why your Facebook account was blocked

When you try to log into a blocked Facebook account, you’ll see a message explaining why it is disabled. Common messages include:

  • “Your account has been disabled for violating Facebook’s terms”
  • “Your account has been temporarily locked for suspicious activity. Please check your email to confirm your identity.”
  • “Your account is disabled. Please log in to confirm your identity.”

If you don’t see an explanation, you likely entered an incorrect password too many times.

You may also find an email from Facebook in your inbox explaining why your account was blocked. Be sure to check your email spam folder as well.

Steps to unblock your Facebook account

The steps to unblock your account depend on why it was disabled in the first place:

If you violated Facebook’s policies:

  1. Log into your account and read Facebook’s notice about why it was disabled. Determine which policy you violated.
  2. Appeal the decision by filling out Facebook’s account disable form. Explain honestly why you believe your account should be reinstated.
  3. Wait for Facebook to get back to you. The review process can take up to a few days.

If your account was hacked or reported by someone else:

  1. Reset your password – click “Forgot Password” on the Facebook login page and follow prompts to reset it
  2. Secure your account by turning on login approvals and reviewing settings
  3. Report that your account was hacked/disabled by mistake using Facebook’s form

If you entered the wrong password too many times:

  1. Wait 24 hours for your account to automatically unlock
  2. Reset your password via the “Forgot Password” flow when able to log in

Appealing a disabled Facebook account

If Facebook disabled your account because you violated a policy, the appeal process is your best bet for getting it reactivated. Here are some tips for successfully appealing a disabled Facebook account:

Be honest

Explain truthfully why you believe your account was wrongly disabled. Don’t make excuses – take responsibility for your actions and demonstrate that you understand Facebook’s policies.

Provide additional context

Give Facebook any additional context around why your violation occurred. For example, if someone else accessed your account, explain the circumstances.

Highlight your longstanding use of Facebook

If you’ve used Facebook for years with no prior issues, point this out to emphasize that the violation was a one-off mistake.

Note any losses disabling your account causes

For example, being cut off from friends and family or losing access to your business Page or Group you manage. Don’t threaten Facebook, but point out legitimate losses.

Assure it won’t happen again

Promise Facebook you understand their policies, have learned from the experience, and will ensure you don’t violate terms again if your account is restored.

Wait patiently

Facebook’s review process can take anywhere from 24 hours to a few weeks. Don’t re-submit your appeal, as that will delay the decision.

Preventing your Facebook account from being disabled

Once your account is unblocked, be sure you take measures to avoid it getting disabled again. Here are some tips:

Strengthen your password and enable two-factor authentication

A weak password makes it easier for hackers to access your account. Enable two-factor authentication as an extra layer of security.

Be wary of phishing attempts and spam

Don’t click suspicious links or provide your login details if asked. Delete spam messages. These things can signals to Facebook your account is unsafe.

Avoid buying followers or likes

Using services to artificially inflate your followers or engagement violates Facebook’s terms and may get your account disabled. Grow your presence organically instead.

Don’t post prohibited content

Make sure you understand Facebook’s Community Standards on what content is and isn’t allowed. Don’t post anything in violation.

Manage your ads properly

If running Facebook ads, ensure you follow all advertising policies. Improper ad practices can prompt Facebook to disable accounts.

Use your real identity

Don’t pretend to be someone else or create fake accounts. Always use your real identity on Facebook.


Having your Facebook account disabled can be stressful, but in many cases you can successfully appeal and get it reactivated by following the proper steps. Be honest in your appeal, take responsibility for your actions, and promise Facebook you’ll adhere to policies moving forward.

Then be diligent about strengthening your account security, avoiding spam/phishing attempts, and never posting prohibited content. With a commitment to using Facebook properly, you can avoid the nightmare of having your account disabled again.

Reason for disabled account Steps to unblock
Violated Facebook policies Appeal the decision through Facebook’s form, explaining honestly what happened
Account hacked Reset your password, secure account, and report hacking to Facebook
Entered wrong password too many times Wait 24 hours, reset your password

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my Facebook account disabled?

Common reasons Facebook disables accounts include violating their policies, suspicious activity being reported, entering the wrong password too many times, or your account being hacked.

How long does it take to unblock a disabled Facebook account?

It depends on why your account was disabled. Violation appeals can take 24 hours to a few weeks for Facebook to review. Lockouts from wrong passwords automatically unlock after 24 hours.

Can I delete a disabled Facebook account?

No, you cannot delete a disabled Facebook account. You must first unblock it and regain access before you can delete it.

Does disabling a Facebook account delete messages?

No, disabling an account does not delete messages. Your messages will still be there if your account gets unblocked.

How do I strengthen my Facebook account security?

Use a strong password, enable two-factor authentication, be wary of phishing attempts, don’t buy fake followers/engagement, and avoid posting prohibited content.

What happens if Facebook disables my account permanently?

If Facebook decides a severe policy violation warrants permanent disablement, your account cannot be recovered. You would have to start a new account.

Can I get disabled for having fake accounts?

Yes, creating and using fake accounts violates Facebook’s policies. Your actual account may get disabled if caught doing this.

Is it possible to get my old Facebook account back after being disabled?

If you successfully appeal a temporary disablement and prove you’ll follow policies moving forward, Facebook may reinstate your original account.

What should I do if I keep getting locked out of my Facebook account?

Frequently getting locked out likely means someone else is trying to access your account. Reset your password and turn on login approvals for extra security.