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How can I text The Bobby Bones Show?

How can I text The Bobby Bones Show?

There are a few different ways listeners can text the Bobby Bones Show to interact with the hosts, share comments, ask questions, or request songs. The show airs weekday mornings on over 90 country radio stations across the United States, so text messaging provides a fun and easy way for fans to connect with the show from anywhere. Keep reading to learn more about how you can text the Bobby Bones Show and have your message featured on the air.

Text 67760 and Start Your Message with BBShow

The main way to text the Bobby Bones Show is to send a text message to 67760. This is the central text line used for the show. When you text this number, make sure to start your message with “BBShow” so the show’s producers know the message is intended for on air.

For example, you would text:

BBShow I love today’s topic! Here’s my thought…


BBShow Can you play “Song” by “Artist”?

This allows you to share your comment or question in the body of the text message. Starting with “BBShow” tags it for the show.

Keep Messages Brief to Increase On Air Chances

Since the hosts have to read messages out loud on the air, your chances of getting featured are higher if you keep it short and sweet. A brief 1-3 sentence message gets your point across without taking up too much radio time.

Being concise also allows them to respond or react to more listener texts during each show. You want to give them the highlights or key talking points you have in mind.

Send in Your Text Requests for Songs

Another popular reason listeners text the Bobby Bones Show is to request songs! If you hear a great country hit you’re hoping they’ll play on the show, send in your music request.

Make sure to format your text message like:

BBShow Please play “Song Title” by “Artist Name”

This gives them the exact details they need to add it to the playlist. Having the song and artist name makes it really easy for the hosts to fulfill your request.

Texts May Be Read Live or Used Later in the Show

Keep in mind that your message may be read live on the air anytime during the show! So if you hear them responding to a listener text, pay close attention in case it’s your message.

Other times, they may use your text message later in the show rather than right away. There are a lot of variables in play, including how many texts they receive and what’s happening during each segment. But know that the hosts see and appreciate every message that comes in!

Increase Your Odds with Thoughtful Comments

When crafting your text message, improve your chances of getting air time by sending thoughtful commentary. Maybe respond to the topic they’re discussing or offer your perspective on a question asked. Share a relatable story or experience that adds something meaningful to the conversation.

Funny, heartfelt, or insightful messages tend to catch the hosts’ eyes if they’re scanning for texts to feature. So be creative and speak your mind to get noticed and stand out!

Avoid Sending Too Many Texts at Once

While it’s exciting to interact with your favorite radio show, try not to overdo it! Sending a flood of texts at once can be overwhelming on their end. Plus it decreases your likelihood of being featured. Sit back and see if your initial text gets a response before sending a bunch more.

Being patient and limiting yourself to 1-2 messages allows the texts from other listeners to also get read. Keep it to your best thoughts rather than every passing comment to be respectful of their time.

Don’t Text After Show Hours

The Bobby Bones Show airs weekdays from 5-10 am in each local time zone. Avoid sending messages late at night or at other off hours. The hosts and producers are hard at work early in the mornings, so texting when the show is live gives you the best chance for a response.

Occasionally they may address off-hour texts if they review past messages before the next day’s show. But in general stick to texting between 5-10 am local time to align with the broadcast.

Sign Up for Bobby Bones Text Alerts

Along with texting the show directly, you can sign up to receive text alerts and updates straight from the Bobby Bones Show!

This allows you to:

  • Get reminders when new podcasts are released
  • Know when special guests are coming on the air
  • Receive updates on events and happenings
  • Access exclusive contests and promotions

Texting BOBBYBONES to 68683 will get you started receiving these special updates. You can unsubscribe at any time. But it’s a handy insider text list for super fans who want to stay in the loop!

Avoid Inappropriate or Offensive Messages

When texting the show, please be thoughtful of the hosts, listeners, and radio stations carrying the program. Any messages with offensive, distasteful, or explicit language will immediately be blocked and deleted.

The show’s moderators highly discourage texting anything inappropriate that would put the show and stations at risk. Keep it friendly, fun and engaging for everyone!

Texting for Contests or Giveaways

For any text contests or giveaways promoted on the air, always follow the exact instructions provided. Oftentimes separate text numbers and keywords are used rather than the general text line.

Make sure to listen closely and text the exact code word to the specific number they say. This allows you to get entered to win while following the rules. Act fast, as text contests typically have short time windows due to the high volume of entries!

Ways the Show May Use Listener Texts On Air

When you send a text message to the Bobby Bones Show, here are some of the fun ways they may use it during the broadcast:

  • Read it aloud and give their take on your comments
  • Share it and see what other listeners think
  • Spark a topic of conversation based on your text
  • Poll the other hosts for their opinions on your text
  • Play the song you requested
  • Give you a shout out by name when reading your text

It’s exciting to have your message impact the show and help drive the discussion. Tune in to hear how the hosts incorporate listener texts on air!

Texting for Bobby Bones Show VIP Subscribers

For listeners subscribed to the Bobby Bones Show VIP platform, there are special perks related to texting the show. VIP members can submit texts directly through the VIP community instead of using the general text line.

Subscribers also get enhanced odds of getting read due to the verification and exclusivity of the platform. VIP texts get fun on air mentions like “VIP Tami from Alabama says…” when featured.

If you really want to get your texts noticed, upgrading to VIP may help! Learn more at

Tips for Crafting Your Text Message

When composing a text for the Bobby Bones Show, keep these tips in mind:

  • Start with BBShow so they identify it’s for the show
  • Keep it 1-3 concise sentences
  • Add your name or location for a personalized shout out
  • Be positive, polite and friendly
  • Weigh in on the topic they’re discussing
  • Ask a thoughtful question
  • Share a relatable story or experience
  • Request a song you love!

Putting some extra thought into your message can go a long way. Sending your best text increases your odds of lighting up the studio with your words!

Interacting With the Show By Phone Call

In addition to texting, some listeners may get a chance to actually chat live with the Bobby Bones Show via phone call!

If you text the show and the hosts want to interview you directly or follow up for any reason, a producer may reach out to get your contact number.

In some cases they may even call you live on air without much notice! So if you provide your phone number be prepared for the possibility of an on-air chat. Speak clearly and turn off any background noise so your call goes smoothly.

Phone calls let you interact in your own voice. Try sending a thoughtful text to catch their interest and get a call. But don’t feel pressure to share your number if you aren’t comfortable. Texting alone allows great interaction!

Why Texting is a Fun Way to Connect With the Show

Overall, text messaging is such an enjoyable way for listeners to engage with the Bobby Bones Show because:

  • It’s more personal than just listening alone
  • You can weigh in on topics in real time
  • Your message may be read live on air!
  • It’s easy to do from anywhere
  • You can request songs and reactions
  • You may inspire discussion or new segments
  • It feels interactive and fun

So don’t be shy – get out your phone and start texting the Bobby Bones Show anytime between 5-10 am local time! See if you make it on air and become part of the fun.


Texting the Bobby Bones Show is a great way to connect with the fun weekday morning radio program. By texting 67760 and starting your message with “BBShow”, you can share comments, questions, stories, song requests and more to interact with the hosts in real time.

Keep messages brief, thoughtful and positive for the best chance of being featured on air. Tune in between 5-10 am local time to hear your text light up the studio. With some creativity and brevity, you may end up impacting the entire show through the power of texting. So grab your phone, send your message, and see what happens live!