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How can I tell if someone blocked me on Facebook?

How can I tell if someone blocked me on Facebook?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms for connecting with friends, family, coworkers, and more. As your network grows, you may find yourself wondering if someone has blocked you on Facebook when you can no longer see their profile or posts.

There are a few signs that indicate you may have been blocked by another Facebook user. Here are some tips for figuring out if someone has blocked you on Facebook and what to do about it.

Check for Their Profile and Posts

The most straightforward way to tell if you’ve been blocked by someone on Facebook is to try viewing their profile. Go to the person’s profile that you think may have blocked you. If you get an error message saying the content is unavailable, then they have likely blocked you.

You can also check if you can see the person’s posts and activity. Try going to their timeline or looking for recent posts they’ve been tagged in. If you can’t find any of their posts and their profile is unavailable, this signals they have blocked you.

Search for Them

Attempt searching for the person’s name or profile on Facebook using the search bar. If no results come up even though you know they have a Facebook account, this suggests you’ve been blocked.

You may see some mutual friends pop up in the search results, but the blocked person’s profile will be noticeably absent. Facebook excludes blocked profiles from search results as part of their privacy controls.

Check Messaging

Try sending the person a Facebook message or chat. If your messages continuously show a single check mark and never get delivered, you most likely have been blocked. With Facebook’s messaging platform, your texts will display “Sent” if they went through to an unblocked user.

If you attempt to start a new chat with the person and don’t see the option, this is another sign you have been blocked. Facebook removes the ability to message someone who has blocked you.

Look for Posts and Tags

If you were connected with this person on Facebook, take a look to see if they have posted anything recently where you would normally be tagged or mentioned. Events, photos, or statuses where you would expect to receive a tag are a good place to check.

If the person has conspicuously left you out of recent tags where others were included, they may have blocked you on Facebook and no longer want you seeing their content.

Watch for Removed Tags

Similarly, inspect if the person has untagged or removed you from any old posts or photos you used to be tagged in. If you notice yourself disappearing from their old posts, that’s a clear sign you’ve been blocked.

When someone blocks you on Facebook, it automatically untags you from their old posts and photos. This helps remove your association and presence from their profile.

Check Mutual Friends

Take a look at your list of mutual friends with this person. If you notice the number of mutual friends dropping significantly, it means you’ve likely been blocked.

When a user blocks you, Facebook removes you from their friends list and subtracts those connections from your mutual friends count.

Use the View As Tool

Facebook has a “View As” tool that lets you see what your own profile looks like to the public or to a specific person. You can use this to potentially confirm if someone has blocked you.

Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. Select “View As” and enter the name of the person who you think blocked you.

If you get a message saying the content isn’t available, then the person has likely blocked your profile from viewing.

Check Comment Visibility

If you’ve recently commented on the person’s posts or in a group thread together, check if your comments are still visible. Comments made by blocked users are automatically hidden by Facebook.

You can switch to a friend’s account and try viewing the same post. If your comment doesn’t show up, this means the blocking user removed it.

Use an Online Checker Tool

There are a few third-party online tools and websites you can use to check if you’re blocked by someone on Facebook. These tools will analyze your account connection with the user to check for signals of blocking.

Some examples include Social Blox, Block Checker, and Social Analyzer. To use them, you typically need to provide your Facebook username and the profile name of the person you want to check.

While these tools can be helpful, keep in mind they aren’t 100% definitive in confirming blocked users. Treat them only as a supplemental data point.

Ask a Mutual Friend

If you have close mutual friends with the person who may have blocked you, consider asking them to confirm. A friend who isn’t blocked can still view the person’s profile and posts.

Have the mutual friend check if your comments are visible and if your profile appears blocked through the “View As” tool. They can give you a definitive answer on if you’ve been blocked.

This method is the most reliable, but of course, depends on having mutual friends willing to help investigate the blocking.

Use Another Facebook Account

If you have another Facebook account yourself that isn’t connected to the profile you think was blocked, you can use it to check for a block. Log into the other account and try to view the person’s profile or search for their name.

If their profile and posts are completely inaccessible, it’s a clear confirmation that they’ve blocked your main account. This method can definitively reveal if you’ve been blocked.

Look for Unusual Activity

Some other subtle signs of being blocked on Facebook include:

  • The person stops responding to your messages and chat requests.
  • You disappear from their friends list.
  • You can no longer see when they were last active on Facebook chat.
  • Updates say they posted to their timeline but you can’t see the posts.

While none of these alone confirm a block, they provide clues, especially if multiple issues occur close together after interacting with the person.

Consider Why You Might Be Blocked

If you determine you have been blocked by someone on Facebook, take some time to reflect on what may have triggered it. Thinking about what happened between you and this person can provide insight.

Some common reasons people block Facebook friends include:

  • Inappropriate or unwanted romantic advances
  • Bothersome messaging or tags
  • Political or religious arguments
  • Offensive jokes or content
  • Bullying or intimidation
  • Toxic interactions and drama
  • Painful breakups
  • Drifted friendships

Understanding why you were blocked can give you a chance to learn and improve your social media etiquette if needed.

Next Steps After Being Blocked on Facebook

So what should you do if you determine someone has blocked you on Facebook?

First, respect their decision. Getting blocked is their way of setting a boundary and signaling they don’t want further contact. Don’t try to get around the block or use other accounts to reach out.

Harassing someone who has blocked you will only make the situation worse.

You can try having a sincere, in-person conversation about what happened and apologizing if your behavior clearly crossed a line. But only attempt this if you have a strong existing relationship and they are open to discussion.

In most cases, it’s best to move on upon being blocked on Facebook and reflect on how to have more positive social media relationships moving forward.

Can You Unblock Someone on Facebook?

If you regret blocking someone on Facebook, you can go back and unblock them to restore your connection.

On desktop, go to your Blocked list under Settings & Privacy > Blocking. Click the X icon next to their name to unblock them.

On mobile, go to Settings & Privacy > Blocking > See your list of blocked people. Tap on the person you want to unblock and select Unblock.

When you unblock someone on Facebook, you’ll be able to view each other’s profiles and posts again. Keep in mind they may notice if you re-add them as a friend.

Does Someone Know If You Blocked Them on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, they are not directly notified about it. However, as explained above, there are many clues visible to a blocked user that indicate they can no longer see your profile.

Indirect signs like disappearing posts and tags will tip most people off. So while Facebook doesn’t tell them, a blocked person can typically figure it out.

The only way to block someone on Facebook completely anonymously is to first unfriend and disconnect with them. By removing them as a friend before blocking, it becomes impossible for them to realize they’ve been blocked.

Can You See a Blocked Person’s Profile on Facebook?

No, when you block someone on Facebook it prevents you from viewing their profile or any of their posts. This two-way block cuts off all connection and visibility between accounts.

You won’t be able to search for, view, or interact with a blocked person’s Facebook presence. Blocking fully removes their content from your account.

If you want to peek at their profile or activity, you would need to unblock them first. But it’s best to respect their privacy and space once blocking occurs.

Can You Get Around Someone’s Block on Facebook?

Trying to evade or get around a block on Facebook is a violation of their policies. While there are some complex workarounds, these will likely get your account suspended.

Examples of attempting to bypass a block include:

  • Creating fake accounts to view their profile
  • Logging into a friend’s account
  • Using third-party tools or scripts
  • Hacking or stealing their login

Stalking or harassing behavior is taken very seriously by Facebook. Respect the block and do not attempt to interfere with someone’s privacy settings.

Should You Block Someone on Facebook?

Blocking can be an effective tool if used appropriately on Facebook. Here are some instances where blocking may be warranted:

  • You feel harassed, threatened or unsafe.
  • Someone is spreading false rumors about you.
  • A relationship ended painfully and contact is preventing healing.
  • Their negativity brings you down.
  • Political or religious views are harmful or extremist.
  • They exhibit abusive or manipulative behavior.
  • A friend won’t stop requesting loans or money.
  • Cutting ties provides more peace of mind.

In summary, blocking can be the right choice when someone is making Facebook an unhealthy place and their presence causes you distress.


Being blocked by another user on Facebook can come as an unpleasant surprise when you are cut off from someone in your social circle. However, it’s important to respect their decision and not try to interfere with their privacy.

There are many subtle clues that can alert you that someone has blocked you on Facebook when their profile and posts mysteriously disappear. Handling the situation maturely and reflecting on the cause can help prevent similar issues in the future.

With over 2 billion users, blocking is bound to happen from time to time as annoyances occur. By understanding how blocking works and the signs of being blocked, you can better navigate Facebook’s privacy controls.