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How can I take over admin rights for a Facebook group that has no admin?

How can I take over admin rights for a Facebook group that has no admin?

There are a few different options for taking over a Facebook group that no longer has an active admin. Having full admin rights and control of a Facebook group can be useful for continuing the group if the original admin is no longer involved, or for making changes and improvements to the group. Here are some tips on how to take over a Facebook group on your own or by requesting admin rights from Facebook.

Check if you can claim admin rights

The first step is to check if you can claim admin rights yourself through Facebook’s existing processes. Here are some things to try:

  • See if you are already an admin or moderator who just needs to claim full admin rights. Facebook groups can have different tiers of admins, so you may already have some privileges.
  • Check if you can directly claim admin rights through the group settings. If the previous admin designated a successor, you may be able to claim admin rights.
  • Look for any outstanding admin requests in the group. Previous admins may have set up an approval process for granting admin access. See if you have a pending request or can submit one.
  • Review any rules or procedures the group had for adding admins. The previous admin may have set up a protocol you can still use.

If there are no clear ways to claim the admin role through existing group settings, you will likely need to request admin rights directly from Facebook.

Ask Facebook to add you as an admin

The main method for getting admin rights is to directly ask Facebook support to add you. Here is the process:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center and select “Report a problem.”
  2. Choose the group you want admin rights for.
  3. Select “Group has no admins” as the issue.
  4. Fill out details explaining why you need admin access and your relationship to the group.
  5. Submit the request and wait for Facebook to review.

It can take 1-2 weeks for Facebook to review these requests. Make sure you provide as much helpful context and history about the group as possible.

Some key things that help your request:

  • You are an active member who has participated in the group for a long time.
  • You know the focus and purpose of the group and want to maintain that.
  • You are willing to take on the responsibilities of being an admin.
  • You have a plan for improving the group if given admin rights.

Show Facebook that the group will thrive under your leadership as admin. Having the support of other group members will also help demonstrate the need for new admin access.

Ways to Improve Your Chance of Success

Here are some additional tips that can improve your chances of successfully taking over a Facebook group as admin:

Get member support

Having other group members advocate for your admin request is highly effective. When Facebook sees multiple members want you as admin, they are more likely to grant the request.

  • Inform members you are applying and ask them to also contact Facebook supporting you.
  • Collect statements from longtime members on why you should lead.
  • If possible, have previous admins support passing rights to you.

Showing a consensus for your role as admin makes the decision easier for Facebook.

Propose a plan

Presenting a thoughtful plan for the group also helps. Share what you hope to accomplish, improve, or change with admin rights.

Some example plans:
– Restart regular group events or activities.
– Add more admins and moderators to better manage conversations.
– Update or refocus the group description and rules.
– Drive more active participation through new initiatives.

Having a strategy shows you are committed to enhancing the member experience as admin.

Be patient

While eager to gain admin rights, remember that the process can take some time and persistence. Avoid harassing Facebook or repeatedly submitting duplicate requests, as that may hurt your application. Politely follow up if your initial request is missed, but otherwise be patient.

Stay engaged in the group as you wait for a decision, so Facebook sees you already acting as a valued leader. With perseverance, you likely will eventually get approved.

What To Do If Your Request is Denied

In some cases, Facebook may reject admin requests for a group with no active admins. Here are tips on next steps if your request is initially denied:

Ask for clarification

Politely respond to the denial message asking Facebook to clarify the reason for rejection. There may be additional information they need from you, or restrictions on the group that need addressing. Understanding the specifics can help frame an improved request.

Propose an alternative admin

If Facebook will not approve you as admin, propose someone else from the group who may be qualified. Work with members to suggest alternate candidates that Facebook would potentially accept.

File an appeal

You can file an appeal if you believe Facebook made an error in rejecting your request. Clearly explain in the appeal why you meet the criteria for admin and have the full support of the Facebook group behind you. Provide any additional details that address Facebook’s concerns.

Start a new group

If ultimately you cannot take over the existing group, consider creating a brand new group yourself on the same topic. Inform members of the old group to join the new one you administer yourself. Focus on growing the new group with improved features and active discussions.

Adding Other Admins

Once granted full admin rights, you can add additional admins to help manage and grow the group:

Build an admin team

Consider adding 2-4 other engaged members as co-admins. Look for helpful members who donate time to the group. Multiple admins distribute responsibilities and provide backup.

Create moderator roles

You can also create moderator or ambassador roles for members with limited privileges to help admin activities. Moderators can help with content moderation or greeting new members.

Develop junior admins

Consider promoting junior admins or admins-in-training from members who show promise supporting the group. Develop future leaders by providing mentored admin access.

Ask former admins to return

If old admins from the group are still on Facebook, ask if they want to rejoin in an admin capacity. Their experience can be valuable to support the transition.

Here is a summary table of methods for adding different types of administrative help:

Role Privileges Candidates
Co-Admin Full admin rights Long-time active members
Moderator Limited powers like content review Helpful members looking for added responsibility
Junior Admin Limited admin rights under mentorship Promising members to develop into leaders
Former Admin Full or limited admin access Previous admins who want to assist again

Carefully selecting the right mix of old and new admins will set the group up for future success.

Improving the Group as Admin

Gaining admin rights provides wide opportunities for improving your Facebook group. Here are suggestions on enhancing the member experience:

Add structure around topics

Use organization tools like units, events, announcements and hashtags to structure discussions into topics and themes. Highlight important conversations.

Promote quality interactions

Facilitate meaningful conversations by posing engaging questions, running polls, and using chat or video features. Guide interactions between members.

Share content in different formats

Post images, videos, and livestreams in addition to text. Embed relevant external media. Vary formats to make engaging an inclusive content.

Refine group rules and description

Update descriptions and community guidelines to match the current focus. Clarify rules around key issues like advertising, off-topic posts, etc.

Recognize top contributors

Reward active members through badges, special roles, or shoutouts. Recognize members who help make the community special.

Plan meetups or events

Organize real-world events like meetups when possible for members. Online events like chats with guest speakers also connect members.

Partner with related groups

Cross-promote related Facebook groups through announcements, shared events, or group suggestions to direct members to other relevant communities.

You have wide latitude as admin to inject new life into a group. Keep innovating and adapting to keep members engaged long-term.


Becoming the admin for a Facebook group with no current active admins requires patience and perseverance, but offers satisfying opportunities to revive an online community. Use Facebook processes, member advocacy, and strategic plans to eventually earn admin rights. Then focus on choosing helpers, enhancing operations, and promoting engaging member interactions. With time and care, you can build the group back up through your leadership as admin. The steps outlined here provide a roadmap to successfully taking over and improving a Facebook group. Let this guide set you on the path to being an effective community leader.