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How can I stop Facebook from taking money from my account?

How can I stop Facebook from taking money from my account?

Having money withdrawn from your Facebook account without your permission can be alarming. There are a few potential reasons this could occur and steps you can take to prevent it from happening again. In this article, we’ll walk through how to identify unauthorized Facebook charges, stop payments, and secure your account.

How do unauthorized Facebook charges occur?

Here are some common ways unauthorized Facebook charges can happen:

In-app purchases

If you play games or use other apps linked to Facebook, your Facebook account can be charged for in-app purchases, even if done accidentally or without your knowledge. For example, you may get charged for virtual coins, extra lives, boosts, etc.


You may have accidentally signed up for a subscription through Facebook, like for a Facebook Fan Subscription page. These recurring monthly charges are easy to sign up for unintentionally.

Facebook ads

If you have a Facebook business account, someone who has access to the ad account could run up ad charges without your approval.


Scammers are active on Facebook and may have tricked you into providing payment information or log-in credentials that gave them access to charge your account.

Unauthorized third-party access

If you grant account access to apps or services, they may be able to charge your Facebook account without going through proper authorization channels.

How to view your Facebook transaction history

To identify any unauthorized transactions, the first step is reviewing your Facebook payment history:

1. Go to your Facebook account settings
2. Click “Payments” in the left sidebar
3. Click “Payment History” to view transactions

Here you can see all purchases, payments, and payouts associated with your Facebook account.

Scan for any charges you don’t recognize. Be on high alert for small, repeated charges that may go unnoticed.

Disputing unauthorized Facebook charges

If you find unauthorized Facebook account charges, here are steps to dispute them:

Report unauthorized transactions

In your Payment History, click the dropdown arrow next to each unauthorized charge > Report Issue > Unauthorized Transaction

Select issue category

Select the issue category that best represents your situation:

– I didn’t authorize the charge
– I received an unauthorized refund
– Other

Provide details

Write out when you noticed the charge, why you believe it is unauthorized, and any other relevant details.

Upload documentation

Provide any documentation you have, like receipts or emails showing when charges occurred.

Confirm payment source

Check that the payment source listed is the source actually charged for the unauthorized transactions.

Submit dispute

Review the details and submit the unauthorized charge dispute. Facebook will investigate and determine if a refund is warranted.

Removing your Facebook payment method

To prevent any further unauthorized charges, remove your payment method from Facebook:

1. Go to your Facebook Payments settings
2. Click “Manage Payment Methods”
3. Hover over the payment method and click “Remove”
4. Confirm you want to remove the payment method

This will delete the card, account, or payment source from your Facebook account so it can no longer be charged.

Securing your Facebook account

Along with removing your payment method, take these steps to further secure your Facebook account:

Change your password

Reset your Facebook password to something secure that only you know. Avoid reusing passwords from other sites.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, requiring you to input a code from your phone when logging in. Enable it in Settings > Security.

Remove third-party app access

Delete any unfamiliar or unused apps you’ve given account access to under Settings > Apps and Websites.

Check login activity

View login activity under Security > Login Activity to watch for logins from unknown devices.

Be wary of scams

Use caution when receiving messages – don’t provide personal information or account access if something seems suspicious.

Getting help recovering lost money

If you are unable to get unauthorized Facebook charges refunded through the dispute process, here are additional steps to take:

Contact your payment provider

If you paid via credit card or PayPal, you may be able to request a chargeback from your provider directly. Explain it was an unauthorized charge.

File a complaint with the FTC

You can submit a complaint about the unauthorized charges to the Federal Trade Commission.

Consult with an attorney

An attorney can help determine if you have a legal case for recovering lost money from unauthorized Facebook charges.

Report fraud to Facebook

If a scammer or hacker made the unauthorized transactions, you can report it as fraud directly to Facebook.

Contact local law enforcement

Your local police department may be able to investigate if criminal activity like fraud or identity theft was involved.

How to prevent Facebook charges in the future

Here are key tips to avoid unauthorized Facebook charges going forward:

– Enable login approvals and two-factor authentication
– Remove payment methods when not actively using them
– Only install apps from trustworthy developers
– Watch for subscription and in-app purchase terms
– Avoid clicking suspicious ads or posts
– Don’t believe messages asking for personal/payment info
– Set up account activity notifications
– Change passwords frequently
– Monitor your payment history activity


Having money taken from your Facebook account can be unsettling but is usually fixable. Review your payment history, report unauthorized charges, remove your payment method, and secure your account. Also contact your payment provider, the FTC, or local law enforcement if you are unable to get reimbursed from Facebook directly. Enabling extra login security, being cautious where you input payment information, and regularly checking your Facebook payment activity can help protect against unauthorized charges occurring in the first place.