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How can I see who removed my friend on Facebook?

How can I see who removed my friend on Facebook?

If you notice that one of your Facebook friends is no longer on your friends list, you may be wondering who removed who from friends. There are a few ways to try to figure out if someone removed or deleted you as a friend on Facebook.

Check Your Friendship History

The easiest way to see if someone removed you as a friend is to check your friendship history on Facebook. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page and click on the Friends tab.
  2. In the left column, click Friends.
  3. This will show your current friends list. To see friend history, click More below your cover photo.
  4. Select Friends from the dropdown menu.

This will show you a history of when people became your friend on Facebook. If someone no longer appears on your current friends list, check the history to see if there is a “Friends Until” date listed next to their name. If there is, that indicates the date they removed or deleted you as a friend.

Check Mutual Friends

Another way to get clues about who removed you as a friend is to check your mutual friends with the person. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile that you think may have removed you.
  2. Scroll down and click on the Friends tab below their cover photo.
  3. This will show the person’s friends list. Click on the Mutual Friends tab.
  4. Compare the mutual friends you still share versus the total number of mutual friends you used to have.

If you notice the number of mutual friends has dropped significantly, it’s likely that person removed you as a friend. The mutual friends that disappeared are likely your direct connections that are no longer shared since you are no longer connected.

Check Messages and Notifications

Sometimes you may get a notification that a friend removed you or you may even get a message from them mentioning they deleted you. So it’s worth checking those places for clues:

  • Notifications – Go to the Notification icon and look for any notifications about friend changes.
  • Messages – Check your messages to see if the person messaged you about the change.

If you find a notification or message about the change, that will clearly indicate the person removed you as a friend on Facebook.

Look for Unusual Changes

Here are some unusual changes in behavior that may indicate a friend removed you:

  • The person stops interacting with your posts and photos.
  • You disappear from their friends list.
  • They disappear from your news feed.
  • Your messages to them start going unread.
  • Mutual friends mention them less in group conversations.

If you notice one or more of these changes in behavior, it may suggest the person has removed you as a friend. The lack of interaction, disappearance from friends lists, and general silence is suspicious after previously being connected.

Use Facebook Unfriend Finder

There are third-party apps that can help you determine if someone unfriended you on Facebook. One such app is called Facebook Unfriend Finder. Here’s how it works:

  1. Install the Facebook Unfriend Finder Chrome extension.
  2. Log into your Facebook account.
  3. Click on the extension icon in Chrome.
  4. It will scan your friends list and show who has recently unfriended you.

This app compares your current friends list to a previously cached version to identify any changes. It can be helpful to conclusively determine if someone has removed you as a friend recently.

Consider if You Were Blocked

In some cases, instead of removing you as a friend, the person may have instead blocked you on Facebook. This is a more severe action. Here are some signs that you may have been blocked:

  • Your messages to them won’t go through.
  • You can’t view their profile or see any of their activity.
  • They disappearr completely from your friends list.
  • Mutual friends won’t mention them at all around you.

Blocking prevents you from viewing the person’s profile or contacting them entirely on Facebook. It’s a more definite sign that they want absolutely no connection or interaction with you.

Accept the Change and Move On

If it becomes clear someone has removed or blocked you on Facebook, as frustrating as it may be, it’s healthiest to accept the change and move on. Here are some tips:

  • Don’t try to contact them on other platforms.
  • Avoid stalking their activities through mutual connections.
  • Don’t take it personally.
  • Focus your time and energy on other friendships.
  • Consider if the change is for the best.

Removing a friend is that person’s choice to make. If they feel disconnecting on Facebook is healthiest for them, it’s important to respect that decision and not pursue a new connection. Be the bigger person, and go through your stages of grief in a healthy, productive way.

Other Facebook Friendship Changes

In some cases, a friend may not completely remove you on Facebook, but they may modify the friendship in other ways. Here are some variations:

  • Acquaintances – Friends can be demoted to acquaintances, which limits profile access.
  • Restricted List – You can be added to a restricted list, reducing what you see.
  • Take a Break – They may snooze you for a period of time.
  • Unfollow – You can be unfollowed without being unfriended.

These other options allow a customized level of connection. The change may not be as definitive as an unfriend, but it still creates distance between you and that person.

Prevent Losing Friends on Facebook

To avoid being unfriended or blocked in the future, here are some tips:

  • Avoid controversial topics if they create arguments.
  • Don’t post too frequently, especially repetitive content.
  • Wish friends happy birthday and engage thoughtfully with their content.
  • Respect friends’ privacy and boundaries.
  • Don’t send unsolicited messages or spam.
  • Notify friends if you need to delete or block them.

Maintaining positive, healthy friendships takes effort and care from both sides. Be a thoughtful friend yourself, and that increases the chances your friends will want to remain connected.


Getting removed as a friend on Facebook can be upsetting and confusing. However, with the right tools and perspective, you can figure out if someone unfriended you. Check your friendship history, mutual friends, notifications, and be aware of unusual behavior changes. Consider using an unfriend finder app or evaluate if you were blocked entirely. While the change may sting, do your best to accept it with maturity and grace. Focus on your other friendships, and be mindful of how to be a good friend to those connections. With time and self-care, you’ll regain your equilibrium.