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How can I see someone’s Facebook who blocked me?

How can I see someone’s Facebook who blocked me?

So you want to see someone’s Facebook profile who has blocked you from viewing their profile or being their friend? This can be a tricky situation, as Facebook’s privacy settings are designed to prevent you from viewing a profile if you’ve been blocked. However, there may be a few workaround methods you can try to get a glimpse of their profile. Just keep in mind that intentionally circumventing someone’s privacy settings may be considered harassment or stalking, so proceed with caution.

Why You May Want To View A Blocked Profile

There are a few reasons why you might want to find a way around someone blocking you on Facebook:


Plain old curiosity about what they’ve been up to, who they’re friends with, and what they’ve been posting. When someone blocks you, it’s natural to be curious what they want to hide from you.

Looking For Closure

If the relationship ended badly or they blocked you suddenly, you may be looking for some closure by seeing what their life looks like now. Viewing their profile can provide insights.

Wanting To Reconnect

Maybe you want to apologize for past mistakes and try reconnecting with them, but can’t message them due to the block. Checking their profile could help you find an opening to reconnect.

Concerned About Their Wellbeing

If it’s someone you truly care about, you may want to discreetly check that they are doing alright. This is understandable, but tread carefully.

Methods To View A Blocked Facebook Profile

Now let’s explore some of the tricky methods people attempt to view a blocked Facebook profile:

Using a Mutual Friend’s Account

If you have a mutual friend who is still connected on Facebook, you could try logging into their account to view the blocked profile. This is risky and an abuse of your friend’s trust, so we can’t recommend it.

Creating a Fake Account

You could create a new fake Facebook account to friend request the person who blocked you. This is dishonest and breaks Facebook’s terms of service. The fake account also risks being reported and deleted.

Looking for Public Posts

Even if someone blocks you, some of their posts may still be visible if their privacy settings allow posts to be seen by the public or friends of friends. You can try searching their name on Facebook to uncover public posts.

Using Google Search

It’s possible that some of their public profile info or posts could appear in Google search results if they have lax privacy settings. But this is unlikely to reveal much.

Enlisting Someone Else’s Help

You could ask a friend with no mutual connections to search for the person and report back any public info they can see. This puts your friend in an awkward position, so it’s best avoided.

Monitoring Tagged Posts

Even if you can’t see their profile, public posts by friends in which your blocked connection is tagged may be visible to you. But this is an unreliable way to glean info.

Using Facebook Viewer Sites

There are third-party websites that claim they can allow you to view blocked profiles, but I don’t recommend these as they seem sketchy, break Facebook’s terms, and may contain malware.

Limits of These Methods

If you do successfully use any workaround methods to view their profile, there will still be significant limits to what you can see. For example:

– Their privacy settings may still restrict large portions of their profile and posts.

– You won’t be able to see anything they posted directly to Friends Only.

– You won’t have access to any of their photo albums.

– You won’t be able to read any of their private messages.

– You won’t be able to interact with them or contact them at all.

So you are only getting a fragmented, limited view at best. Keep these restrictions in mind.

Is This Stalking or Harassment?

Make sure your motivations are ethical if you do attempt to view a blocked profile. Considering someone’s privacy settings and wishes is the right thing to do. If your attempts to circumvent their block seem obsessive or make them uncomfortable if discovered, you may be crossing lines into stalking or harassment without realizing it. Tread very carefully in this area.

Next Steps If You’ve Been Blocked

Rather than resorting to questionable methods to view their profile, it’s better to reflect on why they likely blocked you in the first place:

Give Them Space

Respect their wishes and give them some breathing room. Continuing to pursue contact will only drive them further away.

Work on Yourself

Think about what behaviors may have contributed to the blocking and work on improving yourself. Personal growth will serve you well.

Move Forward

The healthiest option is to work on moving forward in a positive direction. Focus on friends who don’t block you and new connections.

Forgive and Forget

Forgiving the person who blocked you and putting the incident behind you is liberating. Holding grudges only breeds unhappiness.

When Is It Okay to View a Blocked Profile?

There are limited situations where you may have an ethical reason to try viewing their profile, such as:

– If you share child custody and need to communicate about the children.

– If you need to resolve a legal matter.

– If you have reason to believe they are in danger or at risk of harm.

However, tread extremely cautiously. Ideally, find alternative methods to communicate other than circumventing Facebook blocks, which should be used only as a last resort.


Being blocked on Facebook can be painful and confusing. But repeatedly trying to view that person’s profile despite their wishes will only make the situation worse. Take it as a sign that this relationship has run its course, and do the hard work of moving forward in a healthy way. If your reasons are justifiable, be extremely judicious in any attempts to view their profile. Focus on your own growth, new connections, and finding constructive ways to move your life in a positive direction.