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How can I see private groups on Facebook without joining?

How can I see private groups on Facebook without joining?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and have discussions in a more private setting than a Facebook profile or page. Group administrators can choose to make their groups public, closed (where posts can be seen by anyone but only members can post), or secret (fully private so posts can only be seen by members). If you come across a secret or closed group that you want to view posts from without joining, there are a few options to consider.

Use a Fake Account

One way to view a private Facebook group without joining is to create a fake or secondary Facebook account. Here’s how:

  1. Sign up for a new Facebook account using an alternate email address and fake name. Avoid using any identifying info from your real account.
  2. Do not add any friends to this account. The goal is to have an anonymous account not connected to your real identity.
  3. Use this account to send a join request to the private group you want to view. Most groups will approve requests from accounts with little activity or friends.
  4. Once approved, you can view the group posts and discussions using the fake account without anyone knowing it’s you.

The downside to this method is that it goes against Facebook’s terms of service to maintain a fake account. There’s a chance the account could get reported and disabled if the group admins suspect it’s not a real person. But as long as you use it solely to lurk in private groups, the risk of the fake account being noticed is fairly low.

Ask Someone to Add You

Another option is to ask a friend who is already a member of the private Facebook group to add you. Here are some tips for going this route:

  • Choose a friend you trust who is active in the group and unlikely to mention you joining to other members.
  • Ask them politely if they would mind adding you to the group temporarily so you can check it out.
  • Make it clear you only want to lurk and observe, not actively participate.
  • Offer to return the favor someday by adding them to an interesting private group you come across.

This method allows you to gain access to view private group posts without creating a fake account. And since you were added by an existing member, it’s less likely to raise suspicions from the admins. Just be careful not to like, comment on, or share any posts, as that will notify the group that you’re there.

Search Publicly Available Posts

Some private Facebook groups have their post privacy settings configured so that posts can be visible outside the group through searches. Here’s how to check for this:

  1. Google search operators to try to find posts from the group name or info. For example: “Telescopes”
  2. Use Facebook’s graph search bar to search for posts from the group using similar keywords or the group name/ID.
  3. Check third-party sites like Reddit, Twitter, or forums to see if any group members have publicly shared posts.

If the group has this setting enabled, you may be able to find some of its posts through public search engines and other sites. However, this method is hit or miss since it relies on posts being shared outside the private group in the first place.

Use a Facebook Viewer or Scraper

There are some third-party apps and browser extensions that claim to give you access to view private Facebook groups and posts without joining. Some examples include:

  • Social Searcher
  • Social Book Post Manager
  • Great.Social
  • Quick Vic

However, be very cautious using sites or apps like these. Most violate Facebook’s terms of service, and many seem sketchy or require you to give up personal information. They also may stop working if Facebook blocks them or changes its privacy settings. Only use as a last resort.

Ask the Admins for Access

The most honest method is to directly ask the group admins for temporary viewing access. Here are some tips if you go this route:

  • Politely message the admins explaining why you want to view the group and asking if they’ll grant you a few days of read-only access.
  • Mention any connections you have to group members or expertise you could offer to contribute if made a full member.
  • Make it clear you will not participate or share anything seen in the group.
  • Thank them for considering your request even if they decline.

While not guaranteed to work, politely asking the admins directly shows you respect the group’s privacy. If they see you have a legitimate interest in viewing rather than just lurking, they may make an exception.

Join and Then Leave

If all else fails, you can request to join the private Facebook group, quickly view the posts you want to see, and then leave the group. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Submit a request to join the private group as normal.
  2. Once approved, skim through recent posts and discussions to view whatever you’re interested in.
  3. Copy or screenshot anything you may want to reference later.
  4. Leave the group by going to its About page and selecting “Leave Group.”
  5. This will remove you from the group and make you unable to see any future posts.

This gives you a chance to view the private group content temporarily. However, it may notify the admins when you leave shortly after joining. And you won’t be able to easily view the group again in the future since your account will be recognized.


Viewing private Facebook groups without formally joining can be tricky. Your options range from using a fake account to asking for temporary access to simply joining and leaving. However, be respectful of groups’ privacy settings and only lurk when necessary. If the content truly interests you and is not inappropriate, consider requesting to join legitimately so you can fully participate.