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How can I see my old Facebook messages?

How can I see my old Facebook messages?

If you’ve been using Facebook for a while, you’ve probably accumulated hundreds or even thousands of messages in your inbox over the years. While Facebook shows you your most recent messages, viewing conversations from months or years ago can be tricky. Luckily, Facebook provides a few different ways to find and view your old messages.

In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to view your previous Facebook messages, both on desktop and mobile. We’ll cover:

  • Accessing your message archive
  • Searching for messages
  • Viewing messages in archived/filtered folders

Knowing how to find your old Facebook messages can be useful for reminiscing about the past, finding information you need, or jogging your memory about conversations you’ve had. Let’s dive in!

Viewing Your Facebook Message Archive

The easiest way to see all of your previous Facebook messages is to download your Facebook data archive. This contains all of your messages, photos, posts and more from your entire time using Facebook.

Here’s how to access your message archive on desktop:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page and select “Settings”.
  2. On the left sidebar, click “Your Facebook Information”.
  3. Under “Download Your Information”, click “View”.
  4. Click “Create File”.
  5. Select the date range you want to include messages from.
  6. Deselect all categories except “Messages”.
  7. Click “Create File” again.
  8. Enter your password when prompted.
  9. Facebook will prepare your download. This may take a while if you have lots of messages. You’ll get a notification when it’s ready.
  10. When available, click “Download” and extract the ZIP file contents to your computer.
  11. Open the “messages” folder. Your Facebook message history is inside.

To download your message archive on mobile:

  1. Tap the three-line menu icon in the bottom right.
  2. Scroll down and tap “Settings & Privacy”.
  3. Tap “Settings”.
  4. Tap “Your Facebook Information”.
  5. Tap “Download Your Information”.
  6. Select the date range to include.
  7. Tap “Deselect All”, then check “Messages”.
  8. Tap “Create File”.
  9. Enter your password and wait for the file to be prepared.
  10. When ready, tap “View File”, then “Download”.
  11. Extract the ZIP file and open the “messages” folder on your computer.

Your full message archive contains all messages you’ve sent and received on Facebook, making it easy to reminisce about old conversations. The downside is it can be time-consuming to sort through all the messages to find what you’re looking for.

Pros of accessing your message archive:

  • Contains your entire message history
  • Lets you browse through old conversations
  • Simple to download

Cons of accessing your message archive:

  • Takes time to download
  • Massive file with all messages together
  • Hard to find specific messages

For a targeted search through your old messages, using Facebook’s search feature or viewing your archived/filtered messages is usually faster. Let’s look at how those work.

Searching for Old Messages

Facebook’s search bar allows you to search for keywords or names within your message history. This is helpful for finding a specific old conversation without having to browse your entire archive.

To search your messages on desktop:

  1. Click in the search bar at the top of any Facebook page.
  2. Type your search keywords, like a name, word or phrase.
  3. Select “Messages” from the dropdown menu that appears.
  4. Press Enter to search.
  5. Matching messages will appear in a list below.
  6. Click any message to open the full conversation.

On mobile:

  1. Tap the search bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Enter your search terms and tap “Messages” below.
  3. Tap any message in the list to open it.

Facebook message search allows you to quickly surface old conversations that match your search query. Useful if you remember general details about a previous conversation but not the exact date or person.

Pros of searching for messages:

  • Fast way to find specific conversations
  • Great if you don’t know exact dates/senders
  • See snippet of matching messages first

Cons of searching messages:

  • Won’t surface conversations if keywords don’t match
  • Can’t browse all old messages easily
  • Doesn’t work well for vague memories

Searching works best for finding conversations on specific topics that you can describe accurately. For a broader browse of your message history, viewing archived or filtered messages is better.

Viewing Archived and Filtered Messages

Facebook automatically archives older messages and messages from people you don’t interact with often. You can also manually archive conversations.

Viewing your archived messages allows you to scroll through your messaging history without all the clutter of active conversations.

To view archives on desktop:

  1. Open the Messenger website in your browser.
  2. In the left sidebar, click “Archived”.
  3. Scroll through your archived messages here.
  4. Click any thread to open it.

On mobile:

  1. Open the Messenger app.
  2. Tap your profile photo at the top.
  3. Tap “Archived Chats”.
  4. Scroll through archived conversations.
  5. Tap any to open it.

Similarly, Facebook filters like Unread, Spam, and Trash allow you to view subsets of your messages:

On desktop (in left Messenger sidebar):

  • Unread – Messages you haven’t opened.
  • Spam – Messages marked as spam.
  • Trash – Messages you’ve deleted (still recoverable).

On mobile:

  • Unread – Tap your profile pic > Unread Chats.
  • Spam – Tap your profile pic > Spam Chats.
  • Trash – Tap your profile pic > Trash Chats.

Archived messages and filters give you categorized views of your older and inactive conversations. Great for browsing your message history.

Pros of viewing archived/filtered messages:

  • Lets you browse your entire history
  • Surfaces old and inactive conversations
  • categorize messages for easy scanning

Cons of viewing archived/filtered messages:

  • Still time-consuming to find specific threads
  • Easy to get distracted browsing old messages
  • Spam and trash folders may exclude useful messages

Overall, archived messages are great for a leisurely stroll down memory lane. For targeted searching, try the search feature or your full message archive instead.

Additional Tips for Finding Old Facebook Messages

Here are a few more tips and tricks for tracking down previous Facebook conversations:

  • Use Facebook search operators like “from: [name]” or “in:[folder]” to narrow results.
  • Check your other messenger apps connected to Facebook, like Instagram Direct or Messenger Kids.
  • Messages with photos or links may be easier to search for.
  • Try searching on mobile or desktop if one doesn’t surface what you need.
  • If searching a name, try alternate spellings or nicknames.
  • You can also download data from Instagram, WhatsApp, etc for old chats.

With the right approach, you’re likely to uncover even your oldest Facebook messages. The full archive download guarantees everything, but takes time. Searching and browsing archives/filters works well for targeted browsing without the massive download.


Facebook doesn’t make it too difficult to find your old messages. With your full archive, search, archived folders and filters, you have a few handy options:

  • Message archive – Download your entire history.
  • Search – Target specific conversations quickly.
  • Archived/filtered messages – Browse old and inactive messages.

The method you choose depends on your specific needs:

Method Best for…
Message archive Browsing entire history, reminiscing about the past
Search Finding conversations on specific topics quickly
Archived/filtered messages Casually browsing old conversations from inactive friends

Hopefully these tips will help you unearth that long-lost conversation from years ago. Our memories often blur together over time, so reading your actual message history can paint a clearer picture.

Just beware that spelunking through your old Facebook messages may lead to sentimentality, nostalgia or even regret. We don’t recommend using these techniques too often, as spending too much time dwelling on the past can be unhealthful.

But for the occasional trip down memory lane or a specific need to reference conversations gone by, at least you now know how to access your Facebook message history.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far back can I view my Facebook message history?

You can view your entire Facebook message history since the date you opened your account by downloading your Facebook data archive. This contains messages from the very beginning.

Why can’t I find some old Facebook messages?

Facebook does not store message history indefinitely. Very old messages may have been automatically deleted from their servers. Messages can also be manually deleted by you or the sender, which removes them fully.

Do deleted Facebook messages disappear forever?

When you delete a Facebook message or conversation, it goes to your Trash folder and can be recovered within 30 days. After that time, deleted messages are permanently erased. However they may still exist in the other person’s inbox.

Can I export my Facebook messages?

Yes, downloading your Facebook data archive lets you export your messages in HTML format for easy browsing on your computer. You can also request an archive of just your messages only.

Why can I only see one old message thread at a time?

Facebook Messenger shows only your most recent message threads by default. To view your full history, you need to search, view archives, or download your info archive. This prevents clutter from old conversations.

The Bottom Line

Digging through your Facebook message history can be an enlightening or sentimental experience. With your archive download, search, archived messages, filters and other tricks, you have several options to surface conversations from many years ago.

Use this ability to selectively reflect on the past when needed. But also be mindful that spending too much time dwelling on old messages can prevent you from staying present. Use access to your Facebook history judiciously.