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How can I see comments on Facebook Live?

How can I see comments on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video to their Facebook friends and followers. Viewers can react and comment on the live video in real-time. However, once the broadcast ends, the comments are no longer visible by default. If you want to see the comments from a Facebook Live video after it ends, there are a few different options:

View Comments While Watching the Live Video

The easiest way to see comments is to simply watch the live broadcast in real-time. Comments will appear in a stream alongside the video. Just watch the video live, and you’ll be able to see any reactions and comments from other viewers.

Enable Comment Replays

If you missed the live broadcast, you may still be able to view comments if the broadcaster enabled “Comment Replays.” This feature allows comments to remain visible when viewers watch the replay of the video after it ends.

To enable Comment Replays as the broadcaster:

  1. Go to your Page or Profile
  2. Click “Videos” in the left menu
  3. Click on the video file for the broadcast
  4. Toggle “Comment Replays” on

If Comment Replays are enabled, anyone who views the replay will see comments alongside the video.

View Comments on the Video Post

After a Facebook Live broadcast ends, a video of the recording will be posted on the broadcaster’s Timeline. You can view comments on this post, even if Comment Replays were not enabled.

To view comments:

  1. Go to the Page or Profile that published the live video
  2. Find the post with the recorded video
  3. Click on the number of reactions, comments or shares under the video
  4. A window will pop up showing all comments on that post

This allows you to see the conversation around the video after it ended.

How Do Comments Work on Facebook Live?

Facebook Live comments have a few unique features and limitations compared to regular Facebook comments:

Real-Time Commenting

The main appeal of Facebook Live comments is that they are in real-time. As viewers watch the broadcast, they can react and post comments, and the broadcaster can see and respond to them in the moment. This creates an interactive, two-way conversation.


Broadcasters can appoint moderators to monitor comments as they appear live. Moderators can hide inappropriate comments from the main comment feed. They can also remove or report abusive viewers.

Character Limits

Facebook Live comments are limited to 140 characters, less than regular Facebook comments. This encourages brief, relevant reactions during the broadcast.

Emoji Reactions

In addition to text comments, viewers can react with the standard Facebook emoji reactions, including Thumbs Up, Heart, Laugh, etc. These are a quick way to respond without typing.

Disappearing Comments

As mentioned above, comments disappear when the broadcast ends, unless the broadcaster activates Comment Replays. This creates a feeling of ephemeral, in-the-moment conversation.

Why Can’t I See Old Live Video Comments?

If you can’t find comments from a Facebook Live broadcast you watched in the past, there are a few possible reasons:

Comment Replays Not Enabled

As explained above, comments will only be visible on replay if the broadcaster turned on the Comment Replays setting. Check if replays have comments—if not, the broadcaster did not enable the option.

Comments Deleted

The broadcaster may have intentionally deleted or hid certain comments. Moderators can also remove comments during the broadcast. Deleting comments makes them disappear retroactively.

You Didn’t Comment

You will only see comments during the replay that you posted yourself. To see all comments, the broadcaster must enable Comment Replays.

Too Much Time Passed

If a long time has passed since the live video, some comments may have been automatically deleted by Facebook. Comments are not necessarily preserved indefinitely.

Tips for Viewing Facebook Live Comments

Here are some tips to ensure you can view comments on Facebook Live videos:

Watch It Live

The easiest guarantee is to just watch the broadcast live while it’s happening. You’ll clearly see the comment stream in real-time.

Check Right After It Ends

Try watching the replay immediately after the broadcast finishes. Comments are more likely to still be available right after ending.

Ask the Broadcaster

Request that the broadcaster enable Comment Replays before they go live. This allows anyone to see comments in the replay.

Follow the Page or Profile

If you Liked or Followed the Page/Profile, you should get notified when they go live. This makes it easier to catch broadcasts live.

Turn on Notifications

On the Page or Profile, click Following and choose “See First” to always get notifications. You’ll be alerted as soon as broadcasts begin.

Tip Description
Watch It Live View the live broadcast to see comments in real-time
Check Right After It Ends Replay may still have comments immediately after broadcast
Ask the Broadcaster Request they enable Comment Replays
Follow the Page or Profile Get notified when they go live
Turn on Notifications Get alerts when broadcast starts


Viewing comments on Facebook Live requires watching the broadcast in real-time or shortly after it ends. This is because comments disappear once the live video finishes, unless the broadcaster activates the Comment Replays feature. To ensure you don’t miss the comments on a Facebook Live, watch it live or enable notifications to see when new videos start. With some preparation, you can enjoy the interactive, real-time conversation on any Facebook Live broadcast.