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How can I see blocked Facebook ID?

How can I see blocked Facebook ID?

When someone blocks you on Facebook, their profile and content will disappear from your view. You won’t be able to see their posts, photos, or anything else they share. But is there a way to find out the Facebook ID of a user who has blocked you?

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to see the Facebook ID of someone who has blocked you. Facebook intentionally hides this information to protect user privacy and prevent harassment. However, there are a few indirect methods you may be able to use to determine a blocked user’s ID.

Check Your Message History

If you have previously messaged or interacted with the blocked user, you may be able to find their ID in your message history. On desktop, go to and click on the Messenger icon in the top right. Open the message thread with the blocked user. Their Facebook ID may be visible in the URL of the chat window.

For example, the URL may look like this:

The long number sequence is the user’s unique Facebook ID. Copy or take note of this ID to identify the blocked user.

Use the Facebook Search Bar

If you recall the blocked user’s name, try searching for them in the Facebook search bar. Even though their profile is hidden from you, Facebook’s search algorithm may still show the blocked user in search results.

Next to their name, you should see a button that says “Add Friend” instead of the usual options like Message or Follow. This is because you are currently blocked from interacting with their profile. Hover over the Add Friend button and see if a URL pops up showing the user’s Facebook ID.

Check Your Email Notifications

If the blocked user has interacted with any of your Facebook posts or content recently, you may have gotten an email notification about it before they blocked you. Search through your email inbox for any notifications from Facebook.

Open the email and check if the footer contains the full name and Facebook ID of the user who triggered the notification. This could potentially reveal the ID of the person who went on to block you.

Use the Facebook Activity Log

Your Facebook activity log contains a comprehensive record of your interactions with other users. You can access it at

Go through your activity log to see if you can find any older interactions, such as posts, comments, or messages, with the blocked user. Their ID may be visible here.

Check Any Shared Groups or Pages

If you and the blocked user were part of any common Facebook groups or followed any of the same pages, you may be able to determine their ID through those associations.

Go to the main pages for those groups/pages and see if the blocked user is still listed as a member or follower. If so, you may be able to find their profile and ID. Of course, this method will only work if they have not left those groups/pages after blocking you.

Use the View As Tool

Facebook’s View As tool allows you to see what your profile looks like to other people. You can access it in the settings menu on your profile page.

Enter the name of the blocked user into the View As tool. If they have previously visited your profile, Facebook may pull up their ID in the tool. You can then view your profile as that blocked user and potentially see their Facebook ID.

Check Any Shared Connections

If you and the blocked user have common friends or connections, you may be able to get their ID by checking profiles of people you are both connected to.

Visit the profiles of your mutual friends one by one. See if the blocked user shows up in their Friends list. If so, you may be able to click on their name and view their profile URL containing their Facebook ID.

Use Facebook Search tools

Facebook offers advanced search tools that can help dig deeper into user profiles and connections on the platform. These include Graph Search and Facebook Search by Email address.

Try entering the blocked user’s name, username, phone number, or email address into these search tools. They may reveal the user’s Facebook ID even if their profile is not visible to you.

Check Archived Posts or Stories

If you had any social media interactions with the blocked user in the past, trace back your archived posts and stories to find clues about their ID.

For example, the user may have reacted to an old post of yours, commented on a photo, or been tagged in a story. Even if that content is now hidden from you, archived records could show their ID.

Use the Facebook Download Tool

Using Facebook’s download tool at, you can download an archive of your Facebook data including posts, photos, messages, and more.

Check this archive for any traces of interactions with or mentions of the blocked user. Their ID may be found in this comprehensive data set even if their profile is now inaccessible.

Check Notification Email Settings

Under Notification Settings, you can see a list of users who can notify you via email when they interact with your content.

See if the blocked user appears on this list. If so, their name and ID will be visible even though their profile is hidden.

Use a Mutual Friend’s Account

If you have a mutual friend who is not blocked by the user, you can try using their account to access the blocked user’s profile and ID.

Just remember that directly accessing someone’s private information without their consent raises ethical concerns. So proceed with caution using this method.

Search Public Records

If you know details about the blocked user beyond just their name, you may be able to search public records to determine their Facebook ID.

Sites like Spokeo allow searching public data records for information tied to a person’s name, location, email, phone number etc. This additional info could help uncover their Facebook ID.

Hire a Private Investigator

As a last resort, you could hire a professional private investigator to track down the blocked user’s Facebook ID and other personal details. However, this would likely be expensive, time-consuming and raise potential privacy issues.

Submit a Request to Facebook

If you have legitimate, ethical reasons for needing to know a blocked user’s ID, you can submit an official request or report to Facebook asking for assistance.

Keep in mind Facebook will evaluate each case individually based on its privacy policies. So there is no guarantee your request will be granted.


Unfortunately Facebook does not provide any direct way to uncover the ID of someone who has blocked you. The platform intentionally hides this information to protect user privacy and prevent harassment situations.

The only options are indirect methods like checking archived interactions, activity logs, mutual connections, and other clues that may reveal a blocked user’s ID. However, success is not guaranteed and some methods raise ethical concerns.

In most cases, it is best to accept that a user has blocked you for a reason and move on. Continuing to pursue their personal information against their wishes is not recommended and could result in your account being reported or restricted.

If you have a justified, legal need to access a blocked user’s ID, submitting an official request to Facebook may be an option, but success is unlikely. For your own privacy and security, do not engage any shady services that offer to uncover blocked users’ private details.

Method How it Works Likelihood of Success
Check Message History Look for the user’s ID in old message threads with them Moderate
Search Bar Search for their name and look for URL when adding as friend Low-Moderate
Email Notifications Check past interactions with you via email notices Moderate
Activity Log Look for their ID in your interactions log Moderate
Shared Groups/Pages See if they are still listed as a member Low
View As Tool See your profile from their view Low
Mutual Connections Check friends profiles for blocked user Moderate
Search Tools Use Graph Search and Search by Email Low-Moderate
Archived Content Check your old posts and stories Low
Download Tool Download your Facebook data archive Moderate
Email Settings See if they can notify you via email Low
Mutual Account Log into a friend’s shared account Moderate
Public Records Search records for additional user details Low
Private Investigator Hire someone to track down their info Moderate-High
Facebook Request Submit an official request to Facebook Low