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How can I request Facebook verification?

How can I request Facebook verification?

Facebook verification, also known as a blue verification badge, allows Facebook to confirm that an account is the authentic presence of the public figure, celebrity, brand or entity it represents. The blue verified badge helps distinguish official and authentic accounts from impersonators or fake accounts.

What are the requirements for Facebook verification?

To be eligible for verification on Facebook, an account must meet the following requirements:

  • Authentic: The account must represent the real presence of the entity, person, brand or organization it claims to be.
  • Complete: The account must be public and have a profile photo, full bio, and recent posts. Private, incomplete or inactive accounts are not eligible.
  • Notable: The account must represent a well-known, popular or influential entity that people would likely search for on Facebook.
  • Unique: Only one Facebook account per entity, person, brand or organization can be verified. Accounts representing the same thing cannot both be verified.

In addition to meeting the above criteria, Facebook also considers factors like likelihood of impersonation and potential for confusion when evaluating accounts for verification. Accounts that are at high risk of being impersonated or misrepresented are more likely to be verified if they meet the other requirements.

How do I request verification for my Facebook account?

You can request verification for your Facebook account by following these steps:

  1. Go to your account settings
  2. Click “Request Verification”
  3. Select the appropriate category for your account (Individual, Media Company, Brand, etc.)
  4. Enter your account username
  5. Provide any additional details about why your account should be verified
  6. Agree to Facebook’s Terms and submit your request

Here are some tips for requesting Facebook verification:

  • Make sure your account is fully completed before requesting verification
  • Provide as much context and details as possible on why your account needs to be verified
  • Be patient as it can take Facebook weeks or months to review verification requests
  • If declined, wait at least 30 days before requesting verification again

What happens after submitting a verification request?

After you submit a verification request, here is what typically happens:

  1. Facebook reviews your request and determines if your account meets the verification criteria
  2. This process takes time, often weeks or even months
  3. Facebook may contact you for additional details or documentation
  4. If approved, your account receives a blue verification badge and becomes officially verified
  5. If declined, you will receive an email explaining why with tips to improve your chances

Some key things to know about the review process:

  • There is no guaranteed timeframe – review times vary greatly
  • You may not receive updates during the review process
  • Criteria is strict and high volume of requests means not all will be verified
  • Patience is required as Facebook thoroughly vets each verification request

Why did Facebook reject my verification request?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may reject a verification request:

  • Your account does not have enough activity or followers to qualify as notable
  • Your account is not fully completed with bio, profile photo, posts, etc.
  • You do not represent a real person, brand or entity that requires verification
  • Your account is private or does not have public visibility
  • There is already another account verified for the same thing you represent

Other reasons your request may be declined include:

  • Your account has integrity issues such as frequent violations of Facebook policies
  • Your account is being reviewed for other reasons or was recently disabled
  • Your account represents something that is not eligible for verification

If your verification request gets rejected, the email you receive should explain the specific reason and what you can improve to have better chances of getting approved on your next request. Some tips include:

  • Building your audience and increasing followers/engagement
  • Adding more complete profile information and recent posts
  • Ensuring you comply fully with Facebook policies
  • Waiting at least 30 days before submitting a new request

How long does Facebook verification take?

The amount of time it takes Facebook to verify an account varies greatly. Here are some general timelines:

  • 1-2 weeks: Fastest verification times, but very rare
  • 1-2 months: Average verification time for straightforward requests
  • 2-4 months: More common for in-depth reviews
  • 4+ months: Highly complex cases, additional info needed
  • No timeframe guarantee: Facebook cautions all review times are estimates

Factors impacting verification review time include:

  • Volume of requests received
  • Complexity and details involved
  • Need for followup information or documentation
  • Issues or policy violations that need resolution
  • Priority and order requests are processed

While it’s impossible to predict exact timelines, the more complete your initial application and the less issues with your account, the faster the review is likely to be. However, no verification is guaranteed even if all guidelines are met.

Can I speed up my Facebook verification request?

There is no definitive way to speed up Facebook’s review process and get verified faster. The timeline is dependent on Facebook’s internal process. However, some tips that may potentially help include:

  • Providing as much detail as possible upfront – this prevents back and forth
  • Highlighting urgency if you have an important upcoming project or deadline
  • Following up respectfully via the support channels Facebook provides
  • Ensuring your profile and account status is in good standing
  • Considering paid partnership programs that may expedite review

While not guaranteed, proactively giving Facebook what they need and presenting your case professionally may help bump your request up in priority. But patience is key, as even with these tactics verification often takes significant time.

Can I get verified without requesting it?

Facebook only verifies accounts that proactively request verification and go through the review process. There is no way to get automatically verified or have Facebook verify your account without submitting the request.

Even if your account meets all the eligibility criteria, you must still submit the verification request for Facebook to review your account. They do not randomly or automatically verify accounts that have not gone through the process.

The only exceptions are for extremely high-profile public figures, brands or entities that Facebook may occasionally proactively reach out to verify without a request. But this is very rare, and nearly all verifications require the account owner to initiate the process.

What happens if I change my username after getting verified?

If you change your @username after getting verified, your account will lose its verified status. This is because Facebook verification is tied to the specific username the account had when it went through the review process.

To get re-verified after a username change, you would need to go through the entire verification process again from the beginning under your new username. There is no shortcut because Facebook has to re-review and confirm the account tied to the new handle.

To avoid losing verification, it’s best not to change your @username if possible after successfully getting a blue verification badge. Oftentimes, verified accounts can request special exceptions from Facebook to change usernames while retaining verification, but there is no guarantee.

Can I buy a verified badge or get verified through advertising?

There is no way to simply buy a verified badge or obtain Facebook verification through advertising spend or other monetary means. Facebook’s verification process cannot be influenced by money.

The only way to get verified is by meeting Facebook’s eligibility criteria and going through their free review process. Accounts that attempt to buy verification badges or circumvent the process will have their request denied and may even face permanent ban.

Facebook has strict rules against selling, trading or transferring verification badges. Any offers to obtain verification through payment or ad spend are fraudulent. Don’t believe any claims that Facebook verification can be bought – it is always earned through meeting their verification standards.

Can I transfer a verified badge to another account?

No, Facebook’s verified badge is permanently tied to the specific account that went through the verification process. It cannot be transferred, sold or moved to a different account.

If the owner of a verified account wants to switch to a new account, they would have to go through the entire verification process again on the new account. Facebook does not allow badge transfers under any circumstances.

Attempting to transfer verification to another account will result in the badge being removed and possibly even a permanent ban. Don’t trust any services claiming they can transfer Facebook verification – it violates the platform’s rules and would be fraudulent.

Can a deleted verified account get its badge back?

If a verified Facebook account is deleted, either by the owner or through ban by Facebook, the verification badge granted to that specific account is permanently lost.

If the account owner creates a new account later on, they would have to completely reapply for verification just like any brand new applicant. Previous verification on a deleted account does not give any advantage or shortcuts for getting verified again.

The blue badge serves as confirmation of the authenticity of that particular account. Once an account no longer exists, the verification technically never existed either. Getting “re-verified” requires starting the process over from scratch.

What verification options exist beyond individuals?

Beyond individual accounts, Facebook also provides verified badges for other entity types including:

  • Businesses & Brands
  • Media Companies & Publishers
  • Organizations & Non-Profits
  • Government Agencies
  • Artists & Creators

The same general eligibility criteria applies to these pages, but the standards may vary slightly by category. For example, brand pages typically require proof of trademark registration.

Facebook also offers verification across its family of apps such as Instagram and Messenger. Requirements are similar but the apps have their own processes so accounts must apply separately.

What are the benefits of getting verified on Facebook?

Here are some of the key benefits that come with Facebook verification:

  • Increased visibility and discovery – verified accounts stand out
  • Prestige and credibility from official confirmation
  • Reduced impersonation and fake account risks
  • Greater account security protections
  • Potential for priority customer support
  • Eligibility for exclusive programs and features

In summary, the blue verification badge gives an account extra prominence, trust and protection on Facebook. It cements their status as an official and important presence on the platform.

What are the downsides of Facebook verification?

Some potential downsides of having a verified Facebook account include:

  • Higher visibility can lead to more security threats
  • Expectation to uphold high standards of conduct
  • More attention and monitoring of account activity
  • Loss of privacy and anonymity
  • Possible resentment or backlash from non-verified users

Verification puts accounts under a bigger spotlight, for better and worse. With greater status comes more scrutiny, obligations and attention that verified accounts must manage.

Can I lose my verified badge?

Yes, Facebook may revoke verification from an account at any time for reasons like:

  • Impersonation or misleading changes to account details
  • Multiple Terms of Service violations
  • Abusive, dangerous or inappropriate behavior
  • Evidence of purchased or fake engagement
  • Loss of notability or fame associated with the account

Maintaining verification requires upholding Facebook’s standards for authenticity, integrity and security. Accounts that fail to meet the criteria may have their badge removed without option for appeal.

Should I get verified on Facebook?

Here are some key factors to consider when deciding whether to seek Facebook verification:

  • How notable, popular and distinguishable is your brand? Verification requires public interest.
  • Do you want increased visibility or is privacy preferable? Verification leads to more exposure.
  • Are you prepared to invest time interacting with and growing your audience?
  • Can you uphold Facebook’s strict content policies? Violations may cost verification.

Overall, verification brings rewards through prominence but also obligations through accountability. Evaluate whether your brand is ready for the commitment before pursuing a verified badge.


Facebook verification provides official confirmation of authenticity for accounts that meet the platform’s notability and completeness criteria. While the blue badge grants rewards like visibility and trust, the process requires time and paperwork. Patience and persistence are key when seeking the heightened status and security that comes with verification.