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How can I request a review on my disabled Facebook account?

How can I request a review on my disabled Facebook account?

Having your Facebook account disabled can be frustrating, especially if you believe it was disabled by mistake. While Facebook’s automated systems work to detect and disable accounts that violate policies, sometimes they make mistakes. If you think your account was wrongly disabled, you can request a review from Facebook to potentially get it reinstated.

Why Was My Facebook Account Disabled?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may disable an account:

  • Violating Facebook’s Community Standards or Terms of Service, such as posting hate speech, nudity, harassment, etc.
  • Suspicious or fraudulent activity detected, like using a fake name or creating multiple accounts
  • Unusual or suspicious login activity noticed from your account
  • An excessively high number of posts or friend requests being reported as spam or abusive
  • Sharing false information or “fake news” repeatedly

When your account is disabled, Facebook should send you an email explaining why it was disabled. Review this closely to understand what policy or activity triggered the disable action.

How Do I Request a Review of My Disabled Account?

If you believe your account was wrongly disabled, you can request a review from Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Log in to your disabled Facebook account. You may see a message explaining why it was disabled.
  2. Click on the “Request Review” button. This will open a form.
  3. Select the reason why you’re requesting a review. Common options include “I think my account was disabled by mistake” or “I want to contest this decision.”
  4. Provide additional details in the text box about why you believe the disable was a mistake.
  5. Click submit. The review request will be sent to Facebook’s automated systems and content moderators for evaluation.

It’s important to be as detailed as possible in your review request to increase the chances of success. Explain clearly and calmly why you don’t think your account should have been disabled.

How Long Does a Review Take?

Facebook aims to complete reviews within 24 hours. However, it may take longer in some cases. Here’s an overview of typical review times:

  • 24 hours – The fastest reviews will be completed in this timeframe.
  • 3-5 days – More complex cases may require a more thorough review. Expect to wait 3-5 days.
  • 1-2 weeks – If additional verification is needed for your request, it can take 1-2 weeks to finalize the review.
  • 30+ days – Highly unusual or risky cases are escalated to specialized teams, which can take over a month.

The vast majority of reviews are completed within 72 hours. If it has been over 5 days with no response, you may want to submit your request again.

How Will I Know if My Review is Successful?

If your review is successful, Facebook will send you an email notifying you that your account has been reactivated. When you log back in, any restrictions should be lifted.

However, if your review is unsuccessful, you will receive an email explaining why your account must remain disabled. This decision is usually final.

Can I Appeal if My Review is Denied?

If your initial review request is denied, you typically have one more chance to appeal the decision. Follow these steps:

  1. Respond to the email notifying you of the unsuccessful review. Reply explaining why you still believe the disable was a mistake.
  2. Provide any additional context or evidence to support your case. For example, screenshots or emails.
  3. Be polite and respectful. Antagonistic language will not help your appeal.
  4. Wait for a response. The appeals team will review your case again.
  5. If denied again, the decision will be final in most cases.

Keep in mind appeals are granted sparingly. Most users do not win an appeal after an initial denial. But it’s worth politely arguing your case if you have compelling evidence the disable was incorrect.

Tips for a Successful Review Request

To increase your chances of getting your disabled Facebook account reinstated, keep these tips in mind:

  • Provide clear, detailed explanations for why the disable was incorrect or a mistake.
  • Be honest. Don’t omit or misrepresent relevant information.
  • Remain polite and calm. Angry, abusive language will not help your case.
  • If you broke the rules, apologize sincerely and state you have learned from the experience.
  • Have patience. These reviews are completed manually and can take time.
  • Do not open new accounts while waiting. This will reduce your chances of success.

What Happens if My Review Fails?

If your review and appeal ultimately fail, your Facebook account will likely remain disabled permanently. Here are some next steps to consider:

  • Accept the decision, learn from it, and move on. Continuing to obsess over a closed account is unhealthy.
  • Do not try opening new accounts. These will likely get disabled too.
  • Consider an alternative social platform like Twitter or Snapchat.
  • Focus your online activities on more positive communities.
  • Build your social connections offline by meeting people face to face.

While an unsuccessful review is disappointing, treat it as a fresh start. Use it as motivation to bring more positivity and value to the internet through your contributions.

Can I Delete My Disabled Account?

If your account remains disabled after exhausting the review process, you may want to request deletion instead. To do this:

  1. Log into your disabled account and go to Settings.
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu.
  3. Select “Deactivation and Deletion.”
  4. Choose “Delete Account” and click “Continue to Account Deletion.”
  5. Select “Delete Account” again to confirm.

Deleting your account completely removes all associated information and content from Facebook’s systems. However, this action is permanent and irreversible.

Should I Just Create a New Account?

It’s best not to create a new Facebook account if your original one was disabled, for a few reasons:

  • Your new account will likely get disabled too for ban evasion.
  • You’ll have to start rebuilding your network and content from scratch.
  • You risk losing access to other connected apps and sites.
  • It prevents proper resolution of the original disable reason.

Instead, go through the review process fully to try restoring your original account access. Only once that option is fully exhausted should you consider starting fresh.


Requesting a review of your disabled Facebook account is usually the best first step towards reinstatement. Be honest, detailed, and patient in your request. Provide context and evidence where applicable. While success is not guaranteed, thorough polite reviews have the highest chance of overturning an incorrect disable decision. With time and persistence, many users do regain access to wrongly disabled accounts through Facebook’s review process.