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How can I recover my FB account if its locked?

How can I recover my FB account if its locked?

Having your Facebook account locked can be frustrating and concerning, as you are blocked from accessing your profile and all its content. There are a few key reasons why your account may get locked:

  • You entered the wrong password too many times
  • Someone reported your account for violating Facebook’s terms
  • Facebook detected suspicious activity on your account

The good news is that in most cases, you can recover and unlock your Facebook account by following some simple steps. This article will provide an overview of the common reasons accounts get locked, how to prevent your account from being disabled, and the step-by-step process to get back into your account if it does get locked.

Why Might Your Facebook Account Get Locked?

There are a few main reasons why Facebook will lock an account. These include:

Too Many Login Attempts

If you enter an incorrect password too many times when trying to login, Facebook will lock your account as a security precaution. This is to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access through brute force password guessing.

The account lock is temporary in this case, usually lasting around 24 hours. Once the set time has passed, you will be able to attempt logging in again with the correct password.

Violation of Facebook Policies

Facebook has extensive community standards and terms of service that users must follow. If your account activity is reported and found to violate any of Facebook’s rules around hate speech, nudity, harassment, etc., your account may get disabled.

The length of the lock varies in this case depending on the severity of the violation. You will need to appeal the decision and demonstrate the account should be reinstated.

Suspicious Activity

Facebook monitors accounts for any activity that seems out of the ordinary based on your typical login patterns and usage. For example, if there are sudden large changes in your location, this could trigger Facebook’s security protocols. Your account may get locked while Facebook investigates the suspicious activity.

How to Prevent Your Facebook Account from Getting Disabled

While there is no foolproof way to guarantee your account will never get locked, you can take some precautions to reduce the likelihood:

  • Do not choose an easy to guess password – make it long and complex
  • Never share your login credentials with anyone else
  • Turn on login notifications to monitor access attempts
  • Use only one Facebook account – multiple accounts for the same person are prohibited
  • Avoid posting any inflammatory, offensive or nudity/violence related content
  • Be wary of suspicious messages/friend requests and do not click strange links
  • Secure your computer and network to reduce the chances of hacking

Following Facebook’s terms of service and being cautious about security will minimize the risk of your account getting temporarily locked or disabled.

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account

If you find yourself locked out of your account, there are specific steps you need to take to try and regain access:

If You Forgot Your Password

If your account is locked because you input the wrong password too many times, you will see an on-screen message stating “Please reset your password”.

To reset the password:

  1. Click on the Forgot Password link
  2. Enter your email or mobile number associated with the account
  3. Facebook will send you an email/text with a reset password link
  4. Follow the reset password prompts and enter a new password
  5. After resetting, you should be able to login with your new password

This process will allow you to unlock your account yourself after too many failed login attempts.

If Account is Disabled for Policy Violation

For suspensions/locks due to violating Facebook’s terms, you will need to submit an appeal:

  1. Click on the “Find Account” link on Facebook’s homepage
  2. Enter your name and email/phone number
  3. Select that you can’t access your account
  4. Choose the option that your account has been disabled
  5. Submit ID verification if prompted
  6. Provide details on why you believe the account was wrongly disabled
  7. Wait for Facebook to review your appeal and hopefully reinstate access

This process involves waiting for the Facebook team to review your information and make a decision. It may take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few weeks.

If Account Locked for Suspicious Activity

For security-related locks, you also need to go through the appeal process:

  1. Complete the steps to find your disabled account
  2. Select the option that your account was compromised
  3. Confirm your identity through ID upload
  4. Provide any details about the suspicious login activity like location or device
  5. Ask Facebook to secure and restore access to your account
  6. Wait for Facebook to investigate and hopefully remove the security lock

With accounts locked for suspicious activity, be prepared to answer questions and have Facebook confirm your identity before access is restored.

Useful Tips for the Recovery Process

Here are some helpful tips when going through the Facebook disabled account recovery process:

  • Act quickly to start the appeal – don’t delay
  • Be honest in your appeal explanation
  • Provide as much detail as possible to verify identity
  • Use the same device and location as you normally log in from
  • Check back regularly for a status update on your appeal
  • Don’t submit multiple appeals as this can slow down response

Having patience is also important, as the review process can take some time depending on the circumstances.

If your appeal gets rejected, make sure you carefully read the reason why before deciding on any next steps.

What to Do If Your Appeal Gets Rejected

If you go through the full disabled account appeal process but still get notification that your appeal was rejected, here are some options:

  • Double check the reason for rejection – sometimes accounts get reinstated on appeal #2
  • Submit a new appeal with expanded detail and explanation
  • Seek help from a Facebook representative if possible
  • Use Facebook’s form for reporting false disables
  • File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau
  • Consult legal counsel if you feel the disable reason is invalid

Repeated rejections if you sincerely did not violate Facebook’s rules would be very uncommon. But being persistent with additional appeals and leveraging external help can potentially lead to your account access being restored.

Preventing Future Lockouts

Once your account is finally unlocked, there are some best practices you can follow to avoid future lockouts:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s rules and closely adhere to them
  • Increase login security such as two-factor authentication
  • Never buy, sell, share or access Facebook accounts
  • Avoid suspicious third party apps that require overly broad permissions
  • Monitor friend requests and watch for fake profiles
  • Change your password every few months
  • Turn on login approvals and notifications

Being very cautious and vigilant about security and policy compliance going forward will help minimize your changes of another frustrating lockout.

Can You Delete a Disabled Account?

If your appeal efforts have failed and your account remains disabled with no option for reinstatement, you may want to delete it entirely:

  • Locate the delete my account section in Facebook account settings
  • Click “Request Account Deletion” and select a reason
  • Enter your password to confirm account deletion
  • Complete any additional security steps shown
  • Your account will scheduled for deletion and be removed in 30 days

Once fully deleted, all your account content including posts, photos, messages will no longer be recoverable. However, data may persist in Facebook backups for some time after deletion.

Key Takeaways

To summarize the important points covered in this article:

  • Facebook accounts commonly get locked for too many login attempts, policy violations or suspicious activity
  • You can submit an appeal with ID confirmation to recover a disabled account
  • Provide detailed information but be patient as reviews can take weeks
  • If your appeal gets rejected repeatedly, continue trying or seek external assistance
  • Boost security and exercise caution moving forward to avoid re-lockout
  • Deleted accounts and their content will be permanently removed after 30 days

Recovering your disabled Facebook account can be a slow and frustrating process. But being persistent with the right appeals and security improvements can eventually get your account reinstated.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a Facebook lockout last?

Lockout durations vary – a lock from too many login attempts may last 24 hours. Locks for policy violations can last much longer depending on severity, lasting days, weeks or indefinitely without a successful appeal.

Can someone else get my Facebook locked?

Yes, anyone can report your account to Facebook for alleged violations. If your account gets multiple reports, Facebook may disable it pending internal review.

Is there a live person I can talk to about my disabled account?

Unfortunately Facebook does not offer direct phone or chat support. Your only options are submitting an online appeal and waiting for their support team’s response.

What if I’m locked out and can’t reset my password?

If you cannot complete the password reset process for a login-related lockout, submit an appeal confirming you are the account owner and don’t have access to reset credentials.

How do I delete a locked Facebook account?

Go through the standard Facebook account deletion process. Locked accounts can still be scheduled for deletion like normal accounts within account settings.


Getting locked out of Facebook can be anxiety-inducing, especially if your livelihood depends on the account. With patience and persistence, following the proper security steps and leveraging Facebook’s appeal process should eventually recover access in most cases. Be diligent about account security going forward to avoid repeat lockouts.