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How can I make my Facebook account not to be disabled?

How can I make my Facebook account not to be disabled?

Having your Facebook account disabled can be very frustrating. Here are some quick tips to help prevent your account from being disabled:

Use Your Real Name

Facebook requires you to use your real name on your account. Avoid using fake or pseudonym names, as this is one of the top reasons accounts get disabled. Stick to using your authentic first and last name.

Avoid Suspicious Activity

Actions like repeatedly sending friend requests to strangers, sending spam messages, or aggressively posting duplicate content can appear suspicious and get your account disabled. Post authentic content, engage with real friends, and avoid repeating actions Facebook may flag as suspicious.

Strengthen Your Security

Enable two-factor authentication and be sure to use strong, unique passwords that haven’t been compromised in past security breaches. This keeps your account more secure and avoids disables due to suspicious logins.

Do Not Buy or Sell Accounts

Purchasing or selling Facebook accounts is strictly prohibited. Both the buyer and seller accounts will likely get disabled if caught. Only use accounts you have personally created.

Avoid Ad Blockers

Using browser ad blockers violates Facebook’s terms of service and can get accounts disabled without warning. Whitelist Facebook to avoid issues.

Do Not Violate Facebook’s Terms of Service

Carefully read Facebook’s terms of service and community standards documents. Never engage in prohibited activities like bullying, harassment, hate speech, fraud, impersonation, etc. This type of behavior frequently triggers account disables.

Appeal Disabled Accounts

If your account does become disabled, submit an appeal through Facebook’s Help Center. Provide any requested info and explain why you should get your account reinstated. Appeals are frequently granted for first-time offenses.

Avoid Actions that Appear Inauthentic

Be mindful of account activity that may appear fake or coordinated, like constantly posting about the same topics, sharing the same types of content, or acting in other bot-like ways. Varied authentic activity is best.

Do Not Post Unauthorized Commercial Content

Avoid repeatedly posting promotional content about businesses, products, services, deals, etc. without authorization. This violates Facebook’s rules and could lead to disables.


Keeping your Facebook account active and enabled requires being mindful of Facebook’s rules and avoiding unauthorized or inauthentic behavior. Post authentic content using your real identity, strengthen account security, avoid suspicious actions, and do not buy, sell, or misuse Facebook accounts. With some caution and common sense, you can maintain access to your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when your Facebook account gets disabled?

When your Facebook account is disabled, you are temporarily blocked from accessing your account. You will not be able to log in or use any features until your account is reenabled. Disabled accounts typically have limited functionality for up to 30 days before being permanently disabled.

Why would Facebook disable my account?

Common reasons Facebook disables accounts include:

  • Using a fake name
  • Suspicious activity like spamming or hacking
  • Abusive behavior such as harassment or bullying
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service
  • Underage users with fake birthdates
  • Compromised accounts due to security issues

How do I reactivate a disabled Facebook account?

If your account has been disabled, you can submit an appeal via Facebook’s Help Center. Provide any information requested and explain why your account should be restored. If it’s your first violation, Facebook often grants appeals and restores access.

Can a disabled Facebook account be recovered?

Yes, disabled Facebook accounts can often be recovered, especially if it’s your first violation. Submit an appeal with Facebook immediately and be sure to follow all guidelines on acceptable account behavior going forward to avoid future disables.

What happens if I can’t recover my disabled Facebook account?

If you are unable to recover your disabled Facebook account through the appeals process, the account will remain disabled permanently. You will lose access to the account and all its content. Your only option at that point is to create a brand new account and start fresh.

How long does a Facebook account disable last?

When an account is first disabled, it typically retains limited functionality for up to 30 days. Within this period, you can appeal the disable and potentially recover full access. If you do not regain access within 30 days, the account becomes permanently disabled.

Can a disabled Facebook account be deleted?

Yes, Facebook will permanently delete disabled accounts that do not successfully appeal the disable within 30 days. Once deleted, the account cannot be recovered.

Does Facebook disable accounts for inactivity?

Facebook does not normally disable accounts simply for inactivity. As long as you don’t violate any rules, your account can remain inactive indefinitely. However, extremely inactive accounts may get memorialized or permanently deleted.

What should I do if someone is falsely reporting my Facebook account?

If someone is falsely reporting your account in an attempt to get it disabled, you can submit an appeal explaining the reports are bogus. Provide any evidence that refutes the claims and demonstrates your innocence. Facebook has processes for handling false or abusive reports.

Can I get in legal trouble if Facebook disables my account?

In most cases, having your Facebook account disabled does not create any legal issues. Facebook has the right to terminate accounts at their discretion per the terms users agree to. Only threats, fraud or serious harmful behavior might raise legal concerns.

Will disabling my Facebook account delete it?

No, disabling and deleting an account are separate actions. Disabled accounts retain limited functionality for 30 days and can be restored. Deleted accounts are removed entirely and can’t be recovered.

If my account is disabled am I still liable for any associated ads or Pages?

Yes, you remain legally and financially responsible for all content posted and ads run prior to your account being disabled. Outstanding ad balances in particular will still need to be paid even if the associated account is disabled.

Preventing Facebook Account Disables

Here are some tips to help avoid having your Facebook account disabled:

  • Use your real identity – no fake names
  • Avoid suspicious behavior like spamming
  • Don’t buy, sell, or misuse accounts
  • Turn on two-factor authentication
  • Don’t use ad blockers on Facebook
  • Carefully follow Facebook’s terms of service
  • Post authentic, varied content
  • Ignore messages requesting you violate rules

Appealing Disabled Accounts

If your account is disabled, here are tips for appealing:

  • Submit an appeal form via Facebook immediately
  • Provide any info Facebook requests
  • Explain why you should be reinstated
  • Be honest, polite, and acknowledge any mistakes
  • If possible, show you’ve corrected any issues

Recovering Disabled Accounts

To recover a disabled Facebook account:

  • Work quickly – appeals are often only valid for 30 days
  • Follow Facebook’s guidelines to the letter
  • Provide substantial proof of innocence if applicable
  • Do not attempt to create a new account while disabled
  • If restored, immediately strengthen account security

Table of Reasons for Facebook Account Disables

Reason Example Appeal Tips
Fake name usage Using a pseudonym instead of your authentic identity Explain it was an innocent mistake, provide ID showing your real name
Abusive behavior Bullying, harassment, threats Acknowledge your mistake, highlight changed behavior
Spamming Repeated identical irrelevant posts Note it won’t happen again, outline how you’ll properly engage going forward
Compromised security Account hacked due to weak password Show you’ve implemented improved security like 2FA
Underage with fake DOB Child under 13 with fake older birthdate Explain and apologize. Note child is now only using Messenger Kids


Having your Facebook account disabled can be inconvenient and frustrating, but is often avoidable by following Facebook’s rules and maintaining your account in good standing. If you do experience a disable, act quickly to submit an appeal demonstrating why your access should be restored. With some care and effort, you can keep your Facebook access active and regain access even if disabled.