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How can I make it so no one can tag me on Facebook?

How can I make it so no one can tag me on Facebook?

Quick Answer

There are a few options for preventing people from tagging you in posts and photos on Facebook:

  • Turn off tag suggestions – This prevents your name from showing up as a tagging suggestion.
  • Review tags before posting – You can require tags to be reviewed before they appear on your profile.
  • Limit who can see posts you’re tagged in – You can limit tag visibility to only your friends, friends of friends, or a custom list.
  • Untag yourself from posts – If someone does tag you, you can simply untag yourself to remove it from your profile.

Review Tag Suggestions

One of the easiest ways to control tagging is to turn off tag suggestions. With tag suggestions enabled, when someone types your name in a post or comment, Facebook will suggest tagging you.

To turn this off:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click Privacy
  3. Go to the Tags section
  4. Uncheck the box next to “Suggest your account to others for tagging”

With tag suggestions disabled, your name will no longer pop up for others to tag you. However, people can still manually tag you if they type in your full name.

Review Tags Before Posting

Another option is to require a review of any tags people add before they appear on your profile. To enable this:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
  2. Click Privacy.
  3. Go to the Tags section.
  4. Check the box next to “Review tags people add to your posts before the tags appear on Facebook.”

Now when someone tags you in a post or photo, it will not show up on your profile right away. You’ll get a notification that you’ve been tagged, and you can choose to approve it or ignore it. If you ignore it, the tag will not be added.

This gives you full control over anything you’re tagged in before it appears on your profile. However, it can be time-consuming to manually review every tag.

Limit Tag Visibility

For more overall control, you can limit the audience who can see posts you’re tagged in:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click Privacy
  3. Go to the Tags section
  4. Under “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your profile?” choose an option:
    • Public – Anyone can see tags
    • Friends – Only your friends can see tags
    • Custom – Select specific people or lists who can see tags

Setting this to Friends or a Custom list prevents public tagging. People can still tag you, but the tags will only be visible to the audience you select.

Untag Yourself

If someone does tag you in a post or photo you don’t want on your profile, you can simply untag yourself:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Find the post or photo you’re tagged in
  3. Hover over the tag and click on the X icon
  4. Confirm you want to untag

This will remove the tag from your profile. The post itself will still be visible to whoever posted it, but your name will no longer be attached.

Block Specific People From Tagging You

If there are specific people you want to prevent from tagging you, you can block them:

  1. Go to the profile page of the person you want to block
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select Block
  4. Choose to block the person from tagging you in posts and photos

This will prevent that person from tagging you in any posts. You can also block someone after getting tagged by them. Just click on the tag, select Block [Name], and confirm.

Disable Tagging Notifications

If you don’t want to get notifications every time you’ve been tagged, you can turn these off:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click Notifications
  3. Turn off notifications for “Tags”

You can also turn off notifications for other tag-related items like tag requests and tagging reminders. This prevents constant notifications if you get tagged frequently.

Hide Your Full Name

Another way to reduce tagging is to hide your full name on your public profile page. When people can’t see your full name, they’re less likely to tag you.

To do this:

  1. Go to your Public Profile page
  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit your profile
  3. Go to the Contact and Basic Info section
  4. Remove your last name so only your first name shows

This will remove your last name from your public profile. You can still tag people from their first names, but it adds an extra barrier.

Make Your Profile Unsearchable

You can also prevent people from finding your profile to tag you in the first place:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click Privacy
  3. Go to the How people find and contact you section
  4. Turn off the settings for “Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?” and “Do you want other search engines to link to your timeline?”

This will remove your public profile from search engine results outside of Facebook. People won’t be able to look you up as easily to find and tag you.


While there is no way to completely prevent tagging on Facebook, the settings above give you control over the process. The best options are:

  • Turn off tag suggestions
  • Limit tag visibility to Friends or Custom lists
  • Review tags before they appear on your profile
  • Untag yourself from unwanted tags

Using a combination of these settings, you can limit unwanted tagging as much as possible. Just be aware you may need to put in extra time reviewing or removing unwanted tags. But overall, you can drastically reduce public tagging and retain control over your profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I stop all tagging completely?

There is no setting to disable tagging entirely. People can still manually tag you by typing in your full name. The options above allow you to control the visibility and approval of tags, but they cannot block tagging completely.

What happens when I untag myself?

Untagging yourself only removes the tag from your profile. It does not delete or edit the original post. The post will remain visible to whoever posted it with your name still in the text – it just will not be linked to your profile.

Do tag review requests expire?

Yes, tag review requests expire after 14 days. If you ignore the request for 14 days, the tag will be automatically approved and added to your profile. So be sure to either approve or ignore the request within 14 days.

Can I stop tagging on old posts?

Unfortunately there is no way to retroactively block tagging on old posts. The above options only apply to new tags going forward. For old posts you’ve already been tagged in, you’ll have to manually untag yourself.

Will people get notified if I untag myself?

No, if you untag yourself the original poster is not notified. The tag will simply disappear from your profile without alerting other people.

Can I limit who can tag me in photos specifically?

There is no separate setting for photo tags – the tag visibility options apply to both posts and photos. You can limit photo tags to Friends, Custom groups, or make them reviewable in the same way as regular tags.


Tagging on Facebook can be annoying, but you have options to control it:

  • Disable tag suggestions to prevent your name from popping up
  • Limit tag visibility to Friends or Custom groups only
  • Review tags before they go public on your profile
  • Untag yourself to remove unwanted tags
  • Block specific people from tagging you

Using a combination of Facebook’s tagging settings gives you discretion over what appears on your profile. Be proactive in managing tags, and they won’t be as much of an issue.