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How can I increase my FB story time?

How can I increase my FB story time?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Having longer view times on your Facebook Stories can help increase engagement and reach. Here are some tips on how to increase view time for your Facebook Stories:

Post at optimal times

Posting when your audience is most active on Facebook can help get more eyes on your Stories right away. According to Sprout Social, the best times to post Facebook Stories are:

Weekdays Between 9-10 AM and 1-4 PM
Weekends Between 11 AM-1 PM

Avoid posting late at night or early in the morning when fewer people are likely to be scrolling through Facebook. Posting during peak hours gives your Stories the best chance of being seen.

Use interactive elements

Including polls, questions, sliders, and emoji reactions in your Stories can encourage viewers to engage with your content. This signals to the Facebook algorithm that your Story is resonating with your audience. In turn, Facebook may show your Story to a wider range of people, increasing overall view time.

Go Live

Facebook Live video views count towards your overall Story view time. Going Live can help rack up watch minutes quickly, especially if viewers tune in for an extended live stream. Even if you only go Live for a few minutes, it still provides a view time boost.

Follow best practices for video

For video Stories, follow these best practices:

– Keep videos under 15 seconds long
– Use landscape orientation
– Add text overlays and stickers
– Use bright, vibrant footage
– Capture viewers’ attention within the first 3 seconds

Videos that are short, engaging, and visually appealing tend to get better view times. Avoid long, static shots or blurry footage that causes viewers to lose interest fast.

Re-share content

Repurposing existing high-performing content in your Stories can help increase view times quickly. For example, you can take a popular clip from a recent Instagram video and also share it as a Facebook Story. Quality content that resonated with your Instagram audience has a good chance of also appealing to Facebook viewers.

Cross-promote with Instagram

Leverage your Instagram presence to drive traffic to your Facebook Stories. After posting an Instagram Story, you can easily re-share it to Facebook Stories as well. Make sure you have Story sharing enabled in your settings. This exposes your content to your combined Instagram and Facebook audiences.

Collaborate with others

Doing a content collaboration with an influencer or brand who will also share your Story can expand your reach. Their existing follower base gets exposed to your content. Just make sure to return the favor by sharing their content as well. This helps tap into each other’s audiences.

Use relevant hashtags and locations

Adding relevant hashtags and location tags helps your content appear in those interest areas and geo-based feeds. For example, tagging #fashionblogger or the location of a popular shopping district can make your Story visible to people interested in those subjects. This can bring in new viewers who are likely to watch your entire Story.

Promote your best Stories as ads

Facebook allows you to re-promote your best-performing Stories as ads. This gives them a second life in front of new viewers. Ad spend can help compensate for the temporary nature of Stories and further increase watch time.

Analyze your insights

Check Facebook Analytics to see which specific types of Stories get the most views and shares. Look at both Stories and individual clips within Stories. This can reveal content formats and topics your audience responds to best. You can then make more of that high-performing content.

Tricks to increase video view time

Here are some additional tips specifically for increasing video view time for Facebook Stories:

Hook viewers immediately

Just like with TV and movies, you need an attention-grabbing opening. Use the first 5 seconds of your video to showcase something eye-catching that makes viewers want to watch more.

Cliffhangers keep viewers watching

End each video on a cliffhanger or unresolved moment that leaves the viewer curious to see what happens next. This tempting unfinished storyline encourages viewers to continue through your Story.

Split a story across multiple videos

Rather than one long video, break your Story into a series of shorter videos. Leaving the viewer hanging at the end of each clip can nudge them to continue to the next.

Use captions

Adding captions helps viewers understand your video without sound and makes it easier to follow along. This improves chances of them watching to the end.

Stimulate senses and emotions

Videos that strongly stimulate the senses and arouse emotions tend to be more engaging. Use vivid imagery, powerful music, evocative language, humor, controversy, surprise, and more.

Increase replay value

In addition to watch time on the first view, you also want people to re-watch your Stories. Here are some ideas:

Behind-the-scenes exclusives

Give viewers bonus footage and tidbits that they can’t get anywhere else. Exclusive behind-the-scenes looks make Stories more “re-watchable.”

Hidden easter eggs

Hide little easter egg surprises throughout your Story that viewers won’t notice on first watch. Give them an incentive to re-watch and find all the hidden elements.

Contests and challenges

Incorporate a contest or challenge that encourages viewers to watch your Story again. They may spot additional details the second time around.

Fonts and effects

Stylize your Stories with fonts, doodles, emoji, and creative effects. Unique visual presentation gives Stories replay value. People want to soak in all the fun details.

Make the mundane fascinating

Even everyday activities and commonplace scenes can be engaging with the right narrative spin. Share your unique perspective that makes the ordinary extraordinary.

Measuring and optimizing view time

To see if your efforts are succeeding, measure view time with these steps:

Check Story Insights

In Facebook Analytics, go to the Stories section. This shows overall view time as well as metrics for each individual Story. Compare before and after implementing view time optimization tactics.

Analyze video metrics

For video Stories, check completion rate, average watch time, median watch time, total watch time, and more. This reveals how engaging your video content is.

Set up polling

Ask viewers a poll question at the very start of a Story, then again at the end. See if more people answer it at the end, indicating they watched the whole thing.

Experiment with different approaches

Test different types of Stories, post times, sequences, formats, and creative strategies. See what moves the needle on view time and double down on what works.

Optimizing your Facebook Stories for maximum view time takes effort but pays dividends in increased reach and engagement. By following these tips, you can get your audience to watch, enjoy, and re-watch your Story content.


Increasing Facebook Story view time requires creativity, strategy, and consistent testing. Hook viewers immediately, use cliffhangers, post at peak times, collaborate with others, and analyze your metrics. Make engaging content tailored to your audience that grabs attention and prompts replays. With smart optimization, you can level up your Facebook Stories and take your engagement to new heights.