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How can I increase my FB page reach?

How can I increase my FB page reach?

As a business owner with a Facebook page, one of the most important goals is to increase your page’s reach and engagement. A higher reach means more people are seeing your posts, which leads to more engagement, website traffic, and ultimately more sales and revenue.

Post Valuable Content

The key to increasing your Facebook page’s reach is to consistently post valuable, relevant, and engaging content. Post content that provides value to your target audience – whether that’s useful information, entertaining videos, inspirational quotes, or content that aligns with your brand and industry. Share content that your audience will want to like, comment on, and share with their own networks.

Content Type Example Posts
Educational content – DIY tips and how-to’s
– Expert advice
– Step-by-step tutorials
– Industry guides and reports
Entertaining content – Funny videos or memes
– Quizzes and polls
– Interesting facts or trivia
– User-generated content
Inspirational content – Motivational quotes
– Success stories
– Inspiring images
Behind-the-scenes content – Photos of your business/staff
– Videos of your production process
– Job openings or company events

Post Consistently

Post new content regularly, at least once per day. Posting consistently keeps your page active, keeps fans engaged, and expands your reach over time. Over 50% of brands post 1-3 times per day. Determine the best times to post when your audience is most active online.

Leverage Live Video

Facebook prioritizes live video in the News Feed algorithm, so going live is a great tactic to boost your reach. You can host Q&As, demos, behind-the-scenes tours, interviews, tutorials, and more. Live video creates a real-time connection with your audience.

Use Powerful Visuals

Posts with images and videos tend to perform much better than text-only posts. Use high-quality, eye-catching photos and videos that align with your brand. Images should be relevant and engaging. Videos should be short, entertaining and informative. Visuals make your posts stand out and more likely to be shared.

Interact and Engage With Fans

Actively engage with your Facebook fans. Respond to comments, answer questions, and thank people for sharing your posts. When you engage, it signals to the algorithm that your content is interesting. Plus, engagement leads to higher reach as people are more likely to share posts that have existing comments and discussion.

Run Facebook Ads

Run paid Facebook ad campaigns targeting your ideal audience.Facebook ads allow you to expand your reach beyond just your current fanbase. You can promote your page, boost specific posts, and run conversion ads. Allocate a portion of your marketing budget to Facebook ads to supplement your organic reach.

Cross-Promote Content

Leverage your other social channels to further promote your Facebook content. Share your Facebook posts on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Cross-promoting makes each post go further and exposes it to new audiences. Just make sure to tailor your posts for each platform.

Invite People to Like Your Page

Add a call-to-action inviting people to like your Facebook page on your website, email newsletters, other social media bios/profiles, ads, and anywhere else you can. This makes it easy for people to find and follow your page as they engage with your brand.

Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests, giveaways and sweepstakes are very effective at increasing Facebook reach and engagement. Offer prizes and incentives for liking your page, sharing a post, tagging friends, answering a question, etc. This activates your existing audience to engage more.

Use Facebook Groups

Create or join Facebook groups related to your industry or niche. Engage in group discussions and share your expertise. You can include links to your Facebook page and content. Groups allow you to connect with a more targeted audience.

Partner With Influencers

Partner with influencers in your industry to collaborate on content and cross-promote each other. Influencer shoutouts are a great way to get exposure and new page likes from their engaged follower base. Offer to create co-branded content.

Claim Your Facebook Page Username

Claim a unique URL with your Facebook page name, like This custom link is easier to remember and share. Users can go directly to it vs. searching for your generic page link.

Analyze Your Facebook Insights

Use Facebook Insights to analyze your page’s performance and identify what content works best. Pay attention to when your fans are online, your top performing posts, traffic sources, audience demographics, and more. Let data guide your strategy.


Increasing your Facebook page reach requires a multi-pronged strategy focused on posting valuable content consistently, engaging your audience, leveraging paid ads, promotions and influencers, and analyzing performance. Combining organic reach-building tactics with paid advertising is key. Stay persistent and keep providing content your fans love engaging with.