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How can I increase my Facebook likes automatically?

How can I increase my Facebook likes automatically?

In today’s social media driven world, Facebook likes have become an important metric for measuring popularity and reach. For businesses and influencers, having lots of Facebook likes can help establish credibility and increase visibility. But getting those likes can take a lot of time and effort. Here are some tips on how to get more Facebook likes automatically:

Optimize your Facebook Page

The first step is making sure your Facebook Page is optimized for discovery and engagement. Here are some key elements to focus on:

  • Profile Picture – Use an eye-catching yet professional profile photo that represents your brand.
  • Cover Photo – Your cover photo is prime real estate. Use a high-quality image that grabs attention.
  • Descriptions – Fill out the About section with details about your business, products/services, story, etc.
  • Call-To-Action Button – Add a CTA button like “Contact Us” to drive clicks to your website.

An optimized page gives people more reasons to like your Page right from the get-go.

Post Engaging Content

Quality content keeps people coming back to your Page. Share a variety of content types like:

  • Blog posts and articles
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Behind-the-scenes photos and videos
  • User-generated content
  • Live videos

Post content regularly to stay top of mind. Analyze what types of posts get the most engagement and do more of that. Ask questions and encourage comments to increase interaction.

Use Facebook Ads

One of the fastest ways to get more Facebook likes is through Facebook ads. You can create targeted ads that reach your ideal audience and get them to like your Page.

Some best practices for Facebook ad campaigns to get more likes include:

  • Creating a Like campaign objective so the focus is specifically on accumulating likes
  • Targeting interests, behaviors, demographics, etc. that represent your ideal audience
  • Using video and image ads to convey your brand personality
  • Split testing ad variations to find what resonates best
  • Retargeting people who have already engaged with your content

Well-designed Facebook ad campaigns can deliver likes more efficiently than organic methods alone. The investment can pay off in increased brand visibility long-term.

Run Facebook Contests and Giveaways

Contests are hugely popular on Facebook. You can leverage user-generated content and incentives to get more likes. Some contest ideas include:

  • Photo contests – Ask users to post photos related to your brand for a chance to win a prize. Gets people engaging with your Page.
  • Caption contests – Post an intriguing photo and have people submit clever captions. Most likes on a caption wins.
  • Product giveaways – Run a contest where people have to like, share, and comment to be entered to win free products/services.
  • Referral contests – Existing customers/fans can earn rewards for getting friends to like your Page.

Promote the contest heavily and make the prizes enticing enough to win over new likes.

Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing partnerships can help expand your reach. Contact relevant influencers in your niche and ask them to promote your Facebook Page with their audience.

You can offer:

  • Free products or services
  • Exclusive content and photos to share
  • Contest and giveaway support

In exchange, ask them to:

  • Link to your Facebook Page
  • Share social posts that encourage likes
  • Co-host a giveaway driving likes to both of you

Choose micro or nano influencers in your target niche so their engaged audience translates to relevant likes for your business.

Use Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger can help turn existing contacts into Page likes. Here are some messenger marketing tactics to get more likes:

  • Send quick links to your Page in messages to relevant existing contacts and ask them to like.
  • Add a smart reply or ManyChat sequence when new subscribers sign up via Messenger. Thank them and include a link to like your Page.
  • Program a chatbot to share your Page link and gently encourage likes from new messenger contacts.

Messenger is intimate real time communication that makes it easy for friends and contacts to support your brand with a like.

Advertise on Other Platforms

Advertising your Facebook Page on other platforms can unlock new audiences. Some additional advertising ideas include:

  • Promoting your Page in your LinkedIn profile, posts, and ads
  • Including your Facebook URL on YouTube video descriptions and end screens
  • Adding Facebook Page details in your email signatures
  • Promoting your Facebook in paid ads on Instagram, Twitter, Quora, Reddit, etc.

Anywhere you currently have an audience’s attention is a viable channel to invite them to like your Facebook Page.

Make It Easy to Find and Like Your Page

Don’t make it overly difficult for people who may want to like your Page. Some tips:

  • Claim your @username to make your vanity Facebook URL clean and easy to remember
  • List your Facebook URL prominently on your website and other online properties
  • Include Facebook sharing/following buttons in your content and navigation so people can easily find and like you
  • Add a Facebook Like box or plugin to your website to showcase your Page and make it easy to like right then and there

The simpler you make it, the more likes you’ll accumulate from people already interested who just need that little extra nudge.

Connect Facebook with Email Marketing

Your email subscribers are a captive audience who likely want to follow you on social media too. Promote your Facebook Page in your emails.

Some email promotion tactics include:

  • Adding your Facebook URL to your email signatures
  • Embedding Facebook posts and Like buttons into email content
  • Sending dedicated emails promoting your Facebook Page and new content there
  • Making Facebook one of the social sharing options for email content
  • Cross-promoting email and Facebook contests, giveaways, etc.

Email is one of the most affordable and effective channels for spreading the word about your Facebook Page.

Reward Existing Fans for Liking

Don’t forget about leveraging your existing fan base on Facebook. Offer them incentives to like, share, and spread the word about your Page.

Some ideas for rewarding existing fans include:

  • Loyalty rewards – After liking, followers get discounts, free samples, etc.
  • Giveaways – Fans who like and share a post are entered to win prizes
  • Contests – Like and comment on posts for a chance to win
  • Exclusive content – Only available to people who like your Page
  • First access – To sales, events, new products, etc. for fans who like

Rewarding current fans taps into a captive base who want to see your Page grow and succeed.

Make Following Your Page “Exclusive”

People inherently value what they perceive is exclusive access or insider status. You can leverage this psychology to make liking your Page seem more exciting and special.

Some ideas for making following your Page an “exclusive” club:

  • Offering followers only access to VIP events, sales, content etc.
  • Giving early access to new products/services for Page followers first
  • Creating a special Facebook group just for current fans
  • Doing exclusive Facebook Lives just for your current audience
  • Giving insider scoops, previews, apps just for followers

When you make people feel special for following your brand on Facebook, it becomes more enticing to be part of the club.

Use Facebook Groups

Active Facebook Groups centered around your brand or niche are a great source of targeted new likes. Some tips for using groups to get more likes:

  • Have a call-to-action for your Page in the group description
  • Share your most engaging content into relevant groups and invite people to learn more on your Page
  • Offer discounts or perks for existing group members who also like your Page
  • Collaborate with other admins to co-promote each other’s Pages
  • Take out ads targeted to similar groups to reach engaged potential fans

People in related groups already care about your niche, making them ideal prospects to also like your brand’s Page.

Use Facebook Live

Facebook Live video is still one of the most engaging formats on the platform. You can gain likes from current viewers and additional viewers later on. Best practices for getting likes with Facebook Live include:

  • Going live consistently so followers know when to expect new content
  • Choosing hot topics and formats that attract viewers
  • Sharing your live videos on other channels to drive viewers
  • Engaging with viewers in real time to build community
  • Resharing the replays of popular livestreams to capitalize on initial interest

The more engaging your live videos, the more leverage they will have to attract viewers who will like your Page.

Advertise Your Likes Milestones

As you hit certain milestones with Facebook likes – 10k, 25k, 50k etc. – make sure you advertise these achievements. Post about it, do a special Facebook Live, send emails, add badges to your website, mention it on other channels.

This builds excitement and FOMO around the growth of your Page while encouraging more people to participate. It transforms your momentum into a self-fulfilling prophecy garnering even more likes.


Growing your Facebook likes comes down to consistent effort across a variety of organic and paid tactics. Optimize your Page for discovery, post great content regularly, advertise strategically, leverage influencers and other channels, engage followers, promote milestones, and make liking your Page enticing.

Done right, you can gradually and sustainably build your Facebook likes over time. Just focus on providing value, and the fans will come.

Now that we’ve covered how to get more Facebook likes, here is a recap of some of the key strategies:

Top ways to get more Facebook likes

Facebook Ads Targeted ads are one of the most powerful ways to reach new people and get likes.
Contests and Giveaways Sweepstakes that require liking and sharing your page attract likes rapidly.
Influencer Marketing Partnerships with relevant influencers expose your page to new audiences.
Optimize Facebook Page A polished page with a strong brand image encourages more likes.
Engaging Content Photos, videos, stories, and posts that get engagement make people want to like your page.
Facebook Messenger Direct outreach via Messenger provides a personal touch to get friends and existing contacts to like you.
Cross-Promote Across Other Platforms Advertise your Facebook page on all your other properties like email, website, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Focus on a strategy mix that works for your brand and amplifies reach. Be consistent over time, track growth, and keep optimizing efforts. With the right blueprint, you can build significant Facebook likes, grow your audience, and reap the benefits.

Benefits of increasing Facebook likes

More Facebook likes come with a range of benefits for your brand and business:

Increased Brand Awareness A high like count signals a popular brand which builds credibility and authority.
Higher Post Reach Facebook’s algorithm favors Pages with more likes, leading to more views on your content.
Enhanced Engagement People are more likely to react, comment, and share posts from Pages they’ve liked.
Low Cost Promotion You can reach all your current Page fans for free by posting – no ads required.
Customer Insights Page likes provide a source of audience data and feedback you can analyze.
Social Proof Likes add peer influence and credibility that reassures potential customers.

Gaining Facebook likes powers up your entire presence on the platform. Set milestones and commit to growing your Facebook community. The benefits are well worth the effort for your marketing and business growth.