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How can I hide all my pictures in Facebook?

How can I hide all my pictures in Facebook?

Quick Answer

There are a few different ways to hide all your pictures on Facebook:

  • Make all your photos private – This will restrict who can see your photos to only your friends. Go to Settings > Privacy and select Friends for the Photo Audience and Tag Audience settings.
  • Create a list of people who can’t see your posts – You can make a custom friend list of people you want to restrict access to and hide your photos from that list. Go to Friends > Create List and add who you want to hide photos from.
  • Temporarily suspend your account – Deactivating your account will make all your info and photos hidden until you reactivate it. Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deactivation and Temp Deactivation.
  • Permanently delete your account – This will permanently remove all your photos and information from Facebook. Go to Settings > Your Facebook Information > Delete Account.

The best options are to make your photos private or restrict certain people from seeing your posts if you want to selectively hide photos while keeping your account. Permanently deleting the account will remove everything but can be undone within 30 days if you change your mind.

Hide Your Photos By Making Them Private

One of the easiest ways to hide all your Facebook pictures is to simply make them all private so that only your friends can see them. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the Settings option in the top right corner.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, click on Privacy.
  3. Under the Privacy section there are options for Who can see your future posts and Who can see your friends list. Click Edit for the Photo Audience and Tag Audience settings.
  4. Change the audience for both photos and tags to Friends. This will restrict photo visibility to friends only.
  5. Scroll down and click Save Changes.

Now all your uploaded photos and albums will automatically be private and viewable by friends only. Even if your profile is public, your photos will not be visible to anyone except confirmed friends.

The advantages of this method are:

  • It’s very quick and easy to do.
  • All photos are hidden in one step without having to change settings individually.
  • You can revert back at any time by editing the privacy settings.
  • You don’t have to deactivate or delete your account.

The only limitation is that some friends will still be able to see your photos. But it does provide an extra layer of privacy compared to having your photos public.

Hide Photos From Specific People

If you only want to hide your photos from certain people rather than making everything private, you can create a custom friends list.

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click Friends in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on Create List at the top.
  3. Give your list a name like Restricted.
  4. Type in the names of the people you want to hide your posts from and add them to the list.
  5. Click Create.

Now when you share a post or photo, you can use the audience selector to customize who sees it.

  • Click on the audience selector next to the post button when creating a post.
  • Choose Friends except with the name of your list.
  • Click Share and that post will be hidden from the people on your Restricted list.

The advantages of using a Restricted list are:

  • You can precisely choose who not to show photos to.
  • You don’t have to make all your photos private.
  • You can share posts normally with most friends.
  • You can edit the list at any time to add or remove people.

The limitation is that you have to manually choose the audience each time you post. But this gives you maximal control over who sees your content.

Temporarily Deactivate Your Account

If you want to temporarily suspend your Facebook account, deactivating it will hide your photos and information until you reactivate it:

  1. Go to Settings and click on Your Facebook Information in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on Deactivation and Deletion.
  3. Choose Deactivate Account and follow the instructions.

This will make your profile and photos inaccessible to anyone else until you login again to reactivate it.

The advantages of deactivating are:

  • All your photos will be completely hidden temporarily.
  • You can take a break from Facebook without deleting.
  • Your information remains stored so you can reactivate.
  • Deactivation only takes a few clicks.

The disadvantages are:

  • You lose access to your account while it’s deactivated.
  • You have to remember to log back in within 30 days to prevent permanent deletion.
  • It’s not a long-term solution for hiding photos.

Overall deactivation is best used if you need a short break from Facebook or quickly hide everything.

Permanently Deleting Your Facebook Account

The nuclear option to hide all your Facebook photos is to permanently delete your account:

  1. Go to Settings and click Your Facebook Information.
  2. Click on Deactivation and Deletion.
  3. Choose Delete Account and Continue to Account Deletion to confirm.

This will begin the account deletion process. Within 30 days all your photos, posts, and personal information will be permanently removed.

The advantages of deleting your account are:

  • All your photos and info will be gone forever.
  • Useful if you want to leave Facebook for good.
  • Once deleted, your data cannot be recovered.

The disadvantages are:

  • Permanent – you cannot reactivate or undo deletion.
  • You lose access to everything, including messages.
  • Can be disruptive if you still use Facebook to contact people.

So permanently deleting your account is best treated as a last resort. Try the other hiding methods first if you might eventually want your account back.


Making your Facebook photos private, restricting certain people from seeing posts, deactivating your account temporarily, or deleting it permanently are all ways to hide your photos.

The best option depends on your specific circumstances and intentions. If you still use Facebook regularly but just want to increase privacy, making photos private or creating a restricted list gives you more flexibility. Deactivating your account allows you to take a temporary break while completely hiding photos.

And if you are certain you want to permanently leave Facebook, account deletion will remove all traces of your photos and information for good. But be aware this cannot be undone, so consider whether you may eventually want access again before choosing this nuclear option.

Key Factors When Deciding How to Hide Facebook Photos

Here are some key considerations when deciding the best approach:

  • How long do you want photos hidden – temporarily or permanently?
  • Do you want to take a break from using Facebook for a while?
  • Do you need to regain access to your account in the future?
  • Are there only certain people you want to hide photos from?
  • How much time do you want to spend on managing settings vs one click options?
  • Will you use Facebook again in the future after hiding photos?

Thinking through questions like these can help determine the ideal solution for your specific needs. Hiding Facebook photos is possible through privacy settings, lists, deactivation or deletion – choose based on your circumstances.

Method Time to Hide Access Account Selective Hiding Time to Set Up
Private Photos Temporary Yes No Quick
Restricted List Temporary Yes Yes More Time
Deactivate Account Temporary No No Quick
Delete Account Permanent No No Quick

This table summarizes the key differences to consider between the options for maximum control over hiding your Facebook photos.

Other Facebook Privacy Tips

In addition to the main options covered above, here are some other Facebook privacy settings to check while you’re hiding photos:

  • Limit old posts visibility – You can limit the audience for previous posts even if they were public before.
  • Review tag approvals – Check that you’re approving any tags people add of you before they appear.
  • Disable facial recognition – Opt out of face recognition features for photos.
  • Check app permissions – Remove access for any suspicious third-party apps.
  • Enable two-factor authentication – Add an extra layer of security to your account.
  • Adjust ad targeting preferences – Opt out of personalized ads based on your info.

Taking advantage of Facebook’s many granular privacy controls allows you to tailor exactly who sees what content. Hiding photos is one aspect of taking control over your information.

Why You May Want To Hide Facebook Photos

There are many understandable reasons why people want to hide their Facebook pictures and restrict access. Some common motivations include:

  • Avoid unwanted attention from strangers if posts are public.
  • Prevent specific people like exes or coworkers from seeing certain photos.
  • Take a mental health break or digital detox from social media.
  • Increase privacy and reduce data collection by Facebook.
  • Delete embarrassing or dated photos from your past.
  • Generally be more selective about who sees your content.

We live more of our lives online now through social media, so being able to control your photos and information is important. Hiding Facebook pictures can give back a sense of control.

But completely deleting all your photos prevents you from going back to access them in the future as well. Try to find the right balance for your situation.

Storing Photos Outside Facebook

If you do decide to delete Facebook but want to preserve copies of your photos, make sure you save them elsewhere first.

Some options include:

  • Save photos to your computer hard drive or external storage.
  • Use a cloud storage service like Google Photos or iCloud.
  • Backup to a private photo hosting platform like Flickr.
  • Print physical photo books or albums of your best shots.

The key is to have other copies of your most important photos safely backed up if you plan to remove them from Facebook. That way you can still access them if needed without your account.


Hiding your Facebook photos can be done in several ways depending on your specific needs:

  • Private photos – Quick and reversible for temporary hiding.
  • Restricted list – For selectively limiting who sees your posts.
  • Deactivate account – To temporarily suspend all account activity including photos.
  • Delete account – Permanently removes all photos but cannot be undone.

Think carefully before deleting your account and losing photo access forever. Typically adjusting privacy settings or taking a temporary break is better if you still want to use Facebook in the future.

But removing yourself and your data from Facebook permanently may be the right choice depending on your situation. Just be sure to download copies of your photos before deleting so you have backups available even without the account.

With the right approach, you can control photo privacy on Facebook to manage who sees your personal content. Take back control over your images and information online.