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How can I get my Facebook password reset code?

How can I get my Facebook password reset code?

If you’ve forgotten your Facebook password and need to reset it, you’ll need to request a password reset code from Facebook. Here are the steps to get your Facebook password reset code:

Request a Password Reset

1. Go to and click on the “Forgot Password” link below the password field.

2. Enter your email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account and click “Search.”

3. Facebook will search for your account and send you a 6-digit password reset code if your email or phone number is found.

Choose How to Receive the Code

When you request a password reset, Facebook will give you several options for how to receive your 6-digit reset code:

  • Text message (SMS)
  • Voice call
  • Recovery email address

Select your preferred method to have the code sent to you.

Enter the Code on Facebook

Once you’ve received your 6-digit Facebook password reset code via text, call, or email, go back to Facebook and enter it on the password reset screen. This will allow you to create a new password for your account.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some tips if you’re having trouble getting your Facebook password reset code:

  • Make sure you’re requesting the reset from a browser or device you’ve used with your Facebook account before.
  • If you don’t see the reset email, check your spam folder.
  • If you enter the code incorrectly too many times, you may be temporarily locked out from resetting your password. Wait a while and try again later.
  • If you no longer have access to the email or phone number on your Facebook account, you can try proving your identity to recover your account.

Reset Your Password

Once you’ve entered your 6-digit code successfully, Facebook will prompt you to create a new password for your account. Choose a strong, unique password you haven’t used elsewhere, and be sure to remember it so you don’t get locked out again!

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

To better secure your Facebook account, enable two-factor authentication after resetting your password. This requires you to enter a login code from your mobile device in addition to your password when logging in to Facebook.

Here are the steps to enable two-factor authentication:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Security and Login
  4. Tap Use Two-Factor Authentication and follow prompts

Enabling two-factor authentication prevents unauthorized access to your account even if someone knows your password.


Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.

Resetting your Facebook password is a quick process if you have access to the email or phone number on your account. Request a 6-digit reset code, enter it on Facebook, then create a new password. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security. With these steps, you can get back into your Facebook account easily.