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How can I get my Facebook disabled account back?

How can I get my Facebook disabled account back?

Having your Facebook account disabled can be frustrating and concerning. There are a few main reasons why Facebook disables accounts:

  • Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards
  • Suspicious or unusual account activity
  • Accounts deemed fake or inauthentic

The good news is that in many cases, you can recover and regain access to your disabled Facebook account by following the proper steps. Here is an overview of why accounts get disabled, how to get your account back, and tips to avoid this happening again in the future.

Common Reasons for Disabled Accounts

There are a handful of main reasons why Facebook disables accounts. These include:

Violating Facebook Policies

If you violate any of Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards, your account may get banned or disabled temporarily or permanently. Some of the most common violations include:

  • Abusive, dangerous, or harassing behavior
  • Hate speech, bullying, or threats of violence
  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Spam, false information, or scams
  • Infringing on intellectual property rights

Suspicious Activity

If Facebook detects suspicious or abnormal activity from your account, they may disable it to investigate further. This includes things like:

  • An unusual spike in posts, messages, or friends
  • Signs your account was hacked or compromised
  • Logging in from unknown locations or devices

Fake or Inauthentic Accounts

To crack down on misinformation and abuse, Facebook disables accounts deemed to be fake, inauthentic, misleading or not following the real name policy. This includes:

  • Using a pseudonym or fake name
  • Creating multiple accounts for the same person
  • Representing a business, organization, or non-human entity without authorization
  • Automated accounts or bots

The Account Disabled Message

When you try to access your Facebook account after it’s been disabled, you’ll see a message letting you know. It will say something like “Your account has been disabled” or “Your account has been temporarily locked.”

You may or may not get details on why it was disabled. The message should have an option to request a review of the decision.

How to Recover a Disabled Facebook Account

If your account has been temporarily or permanently disabled, here are the steps to try and regain access:

Review the Notification Message

Carefully review any details provided on why your account was disabled. This can help you understand if it’s a temporary block or permanent ban.

Submit an Appeal

The notification message will have an option to “Request Review” or appeal the decision. You need to complete this appeal form and providing any requested info.

Be Honest in Your Appeal

Don’t try to hide anything in your appeal request. Thoroughly explain why you believe your account was wrongly disabled. Provide truthful context around any violations.

Wait for Facebook’s Response

It may take Facebook up to 24 hours to respond to your appeal. Be patient. Do not submit multiple appeals, as this can delay the process.

Regain Access and Change Settings

If approved, log back into your account immediately and update any settings to avoid issues in the future. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security.

Tips to Prevent Facebook Account Disables

Here are some tips to help avoid having your Facebook account disabled again in the future:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s policies and do not violate any terms
  • Use an accurate name and info to represent a real identity
  • Avoid posting abusive, harassing, or nudity/sexual content
  • Don’t engage in hate speech, scams, spam, or intellectual property theft
  • Enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security
  • Monitor your account for suspicious logins or activity spikes
  • Only accept friend requests from people you know

Can You Recover a Permanently Disabled Account?

If your account has been permanently disabled, the chances of getting it back are very slim. However, it still may be possible in some rare cases.

Follow the same appeal steps and be exceptionally thorough in explaining why you believe the ban was a mistake. Provide as much context and evidence as possible showing you did not deliberately violate policies.

But keep in mind, if an account is permanently disabled, Facebook has likely done a full investigation and stands by their decision. You will need very compelling evidence to have this overturned.

Should You Create a New Facebook Account?

If your appeal fails, you may be tempted to simply create a brand new Facebook account. But this is risky, as Facebook may detect the new account is linked to a previously banned one.

The safest option is to use an account that has no connection to the disabled profile. Use a different email address and phone number with accurate info.

However, repeatedly creating new accounts after being banned can result in Facebook disabling your IP address or device from creating any future accounts.


Having your Facebook account disabled can be inconvenient and concerning. But in many cases, you can regain access by submitting an honest and detailed appeal. Be patient for Facebook’s response. If approved, log back in immediately and update your settings and info to avoid issues going forward. While rare, it may still be possible to recover even permanently disabled accounts in some cases.