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How can I get my Facebook code via email?

How can I get my Facebook code via email?

Getting your Facebook code via email is a simple process that only takes a few minutes. Your Facebook code, also known as an app code or API code, allows you to integrate your Facebook account with other apps and services. Here are the steps to get your Facebook code emailed to you:

Sign Into Facebook

First, you need to sign into your Facebook account. Go to and enter your email address and password to log in. This will ensure you can access your account settings to request the code.

Go to App Dashboard

Once logged into Facebook, you need to access the App Dashboard. This is where all your app settings and codes are stored. To get there:

1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook.

2. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.

3. Click on “Settings” in the left sidebar.

4. Choose “Apps and Websites” under the “Apps” section.

5. Click on “App Dashboard”.

This will open up your App Dashboard that manages all your connected apps, plugins, and access codes.

Generate App Code

In your App Dashboard:

1. Click on the “+” icon in the top right corner that says “Create App” to create a new app and generate a code.

2. Choose whatever display name you want for the app.

3. Select the purpose of the app – you can choose “Consumer” for general use codes.

4. Agree to Facebook’s policies.

5. Click “Create App” to generate your unique app code.

Your new app should appear in your App Dashboard with its unique code next to the display name.

Email the Code

Once you have generated your Facebook code in the App Dashboard, you need to email it to yourself:

1. Click the three dots next to the app name and choose “Send Code Via Email” from the dropdown menu.

2. A popup will appear asking you to confirm sending the code to your email address associated with your Facebook account.

3. Click “Send Code” to send the email with your unique Facebook code.

Check your email inbox and you should see a message from Facebook with your app code that you can use. The email will also include instructions on how to reset the code if needed.

Use the Code

Once you receive the Facebook code via email, you can use it to connect your Facebook account to other apps and services. For example:

  • Integrate Facebook with analytics or marketing tools
  • Enable Facebook authentication on websites or mobile apps
  • Sync Facebook data with CRM platforms or databases
  • Create Facebook apps and plugins to enhance platforms
  • Develop tools that utilize the Facebook API and your account access

The app code essentially works as your unique passkey that allows communication between Facebook and external services. Treat it like a password and keep it secure.

Reset the Code

If needed, you can always reset your Facebook app code:

1. Go back to your App Dashboard in Facebook settings.

2. Click the three dots next to the app name.

3. Choose “Reset Code” from the dropdown menu.

4. Confirm that you want to reset the code.

This will generate a brand new code for that app which you can again email to yourself. Resetting codes is recommended if you think the current one has been compromised or shared inappropriately.


Obtaining your Facebook API code via email only takes a minute or two if you follow the steps outlined above. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Log into your Facebook account on the desktop site
  • Navigate to the App Dashboard via your account settings
  • Click “Create App” and name it to generate a code
  • Use the option to email yourself the new code
  • Find the code in your inbox and use it as needed
  • Reset the code anytime if necessary

With this code, you can connect your Facebook data and access to third-party applications safely and securely. Enable two-factor authentication on your account for added security. Treat the app code like a password and keep it protected. Use the code as needed to utilize the Facebook API, SDKs, and other development tools.

Getting your Facebook API code via email makes it easy to find and use the key when you need it. It avoids the hassle of digging through your Facebook settings each time. Use the tips outlined here to request and receive your unique Facebook code straight to your email inbox.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a Facebook code?

A Facebook code, also called an API key or app code, allows you to connect your Facebook account with other applications. It serves as a secure passkey that grants permission for services to access your Facebook data and functionality when you authenticate with the code. This enables Facebook integration and development.

Where do I find my code on Facebook?

Your Facebook code is located in your App Dashboard. You can access this through your Facebook account settings. Click on “Apps and Websites” then open the “App Dashboard” to view and generate codes for any apps you have connected.

How long do Facebook codes last?

Facebook codes do not expire. Once generated, the code will keep working unless you manually reset it in your App Dashboard. It’s a good idea to occasionally regenerate new codes as a security practice.

Can I use the same code for multiple apps?

No, you need to generate a unique Facebook code for each individual application you want to connect to your account. Using the same code across multiple third-party services can compromise your account security.

Is my code visible to others?

No, your personal Facebook code is not publicly visible or accessible to other users. It should be treated like a password. Never share your code publicly or with untrusted parties in order to maintain account security.

How do I reset my Facebook code?

You can reset your Facebook code at any time in your App Dashboard. Just click the three dots next to an app and choose “Reset Code” to generate a new one. Resetting regularly is good practice.

Question Answer
Why do I need a Facebook code? A Facebook code allows you to connect your account to other apps. It serves as a secure passkey for integration and development.
Where do I find my code on Facebook? Your code is located in your App Dashboard, accessed through your account settings.
How long do Facebook codes last? Facebook codes do not expire unless you manually reset them for security.
Can I use the same code for multiple apps? No, you need a unique code for each individual app you connect to Facebook.
Is my code visible to others? No, your personal Facebook code is not publicly accessible and should be kept private.
How do I reset my Facebook code? You can reset your code anytime in your App Dashboard for security.

Obtaining Your Code via Mobile

Don’t have access to a desktop computer? You can also get your Facebook code via email using just your mobile device:

Open the Facebook App

First, launch the Facebook app on your iPhone, Android or other mobile device. Log into your account if you aren’t already connected.

Go to Settings

Now open the menu icon, represented by three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the options.

Access App Dashboard

In Settings, choose “Apps and Websites”. Then open “App Dashboard” to view your connected apps.

Create New App

Tap the “+” icon to create a new app. Give it a name and select the purpose. Agree to policies then tap “Create App”.

Email the Code

For your new app, choose the three dots menu and select “Send Code Via Email”. Confirm sending it to your associated email.

Check Your Email

Open your email app and look for the message from Facebook containing your unique code. You can now use this for development.

That’s all there is to it! With just your mobile device, you can easily generate and email yourself a new Facebook API code for integration purposes.

Troubleshooting Facebook Codes

Having issues getting your Facebook code via email? Here are some troubleshooting tips:

Can’t Access App Dashboard

If you can’t find the App Dashboard in your Facebook settings, double check that you are on the desktop site rather than mobile. The Dashboard is only accessible on currently.

Code Not Sending

If the email with your code doesn’t arrive after requesting it, check your spam folder. Also verify the email associated with your Facebook account is entered correctly.

Code Not Working

If your code isn’t being accepted, make sure you are copying the entire code correctly with no spaces or typos. Try regenerating a new code and re-sending the email as well.

Already Used Code

If you get an error about a code already being used, another app must be connected to your account with that code. You’ll need to reset the code and email yourself a new one.

Account Security Required

If Facebook prompts for additional account confirmation before sending a code, you may need to complete a security check. This ensures your account ownership prior to sending sensitive info.

If you take the proper steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to successfully obtain a new Facebook API code via email for integration and development needs. Let us know if any issues persist after troubleshooting!

Ethical Usage of Facebook Codes

When utilizing your Facebook code, keep these ethical usage best practices in mind:

  • Only request and use codes when necessary for development purposes.
  • Do not spam request new codes repeatedly without need.
  • Keep your code secure and do not share it publicly.
  • Use the code only for its intended authorized purpose.
  • Don’t over-collect user data beyond app functionality needs.
  • Respect user privacy settings and permissions.
  • Follow Facebook’s terms, policies, and API guidelines.
  • Do not sell, trade or otherwise misuse access granted by the code.
  • Be transparent in how you use data and codes.
  • Provide users control over their experience and connections.

Adhering to ethical principles builds trust with users and ensures you maintain access to Facebook’s API and tools. Not following best practices can lead to disablement of your codes and restrictions on your account access.

Enhancing Security

Here are some tips to keep your Facebook code and account ultra-secure:

  • Enable two-factor authentication for login.
  • Change passwords frequently.
  • Don’t use the same password across accounts.
  • Reset API codes regularly.
  • Revoke app access you no longer use.
  • Check login locations for unauthorized access.
  • Use antivirus/malware software on connected devices.
  • Beware phishing attempts to steal your credentials.
  • Monitor your privacy settings and activity log.

Follow these best practices, use strong unique passwords, and treat your code like you would any sensitive credential. Prioritize the security of your Facebook account and all connected services.

Closing Thoughts

Accessing your Facebook API code via email provides convenient access to this key for development needs. With the power of the code comes responsibility to use it properly and ethically. Manage your code and account safely and securely. Reach out if you have any other questions on obtaining or leveraging your Facebook credentials!