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How can I get better at Facebook?

How can I get better at Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion active users worldwide. As such, many people want to learn how to use Facebook more effectively and get the most out of the platform. Here are some tips on how you can improve your Facebook skills.

Learn how to use key Facebook features

There are many different features available on Facebook that you may not be utilizing fully. Taking the time to learn how to use key features can help you get more out of the platform.

  • News Feed – This is the main page you see when you log into Facebook. Learn how to customize your feed, prioritize the posts you see, and use filters.
  • Groups – Join relevant groups to connect with people who share your interests. Learn how to search for and join groups, participate in discussions, and create your own group.
  • Events – Use Facebook events to find out about happenings in your area. Learn to create events, invite friends, and share event details.
  • Marketplace – Facebook Marketplace allows you to buy and sell items locally. Learn how to create listings, communicate with buyers and sellers, and finalize transactions.
  • Ads Manager – If you have a business, use Ads Manager to create and analyze the performance of ads. Learn best practices for creating effective ads on Facebook.

Taking the time to learn the ins and outs of these key features can help you unlock the full potential of Facebook for networking, entertainment, and even business.

Optimize your privacy settings

Facebook contains a vast amount of personal information on each user. It’s important to learn how to update your privacy settings so you can control how much of your information is visible to others.

  • Profile privacy – Adjust who can view your public profile and timeline posts (Public, Friends, Only Me).
  • Ads settings – Control whether your data is used by Facebook to target ads.
  • App settings – Manage which third-party apps have access to your Facebook data.
  • Limit story visibility – Restrict who can see posts where you’re tagged by others.
  • Block list – Add people you want to restrict from viewing your profile and posts.

Staying on top of your privacy settings ensures you retain control over sensitive personal information like your location, family details, and political preferences.

Clean up your friends list

Over time, most people build up a lengthy Facebook friends list of old classmates, distant relatives, and random acquaintances. Periodically reviewing and cleaning your friends list can enhance your Facebook experience.

  • Unfollow acquaintances – Keep them as friends but unfollow them so their posts don’t clutter your feed.
  • Remove inactive friends – Delete friends who no longer use Facebook or you’ve lost touch with.
  • Arrange friends in lists – Organize closer friends into lists like “Close Friends” or “Family” for easier filtering.
  • Block bothersome connections – Don’t be afraid to block friends who frequently share bothersome content.

Having an optimized friends list saves time and ensures you see more relevant content from people you genuinely want to keep up with.

Join the right Facebook groups

One of the best ways to maximize Facebook is to identify and join engaging Facebook groups related to your interests. Here are some tips for finding and getting involved with impactful groups:

  • Search for groups using relevant keywords – Search terms like “digital marketing”, “small business owners”, or your city name can surface helpful groups.
  • Ask friends for group recommendations – Friends who share your hobbies likely know of good groups you’re unaware of.
  • Scan group descriptions before joining – Read a group’s about section to ensure it’s a good fit and read the rules before participating.
  • Introduce yourself when you join – Make an intro post to learn more about the members and build connections.
  • Set group notifications – Turn on notifications so you don’t miss important discussions and announcements.

Actively participating in relevant Facebook groups allows you to tap into a hive mind of knowledge on topics you’re interested in.

Refine your profile and bio

Your Facebook profile is often the first impression people will have of you. Ensuring you have an optimized, updated profile is important.

  • Profile picture – Select a recent, high-quality headshot of yourself.
  • Cover photo – Pick an interesting header image representing your hobbies or lifestyle.
  • Bio – Succinctly describe who you are, what you do, and your interests.
  • Work/education – Fill out your job details, including description, position, and company.
  • Places lived – List the cities/countries you’ve lived in, especially if you move.

A polished profile provides personal context when people view your Facebook presence and shows you’re thoughtful about how you present yourself.

Limit your time on Facebook

While Facebook can provide value, mindlessly scrolling for too long can waste time and impact productivity. Here are some ways to limit Facebook usage:

  • Turn off notifications – Disable pop-ups that pull your attention unnecessarily throughout the day.
  • Log out of the app – After checking updates, fully log out so you’re not tempted to check back in absentmindedly.
  • Set a daily time limit – Only allow yourself a set block of time for Facebook each day.
  • Remove the app from your phone – Delete the app from your mobile devices so it’s less readily accessible.
  • Use focus apps – Download apps that block certain websites during designated work hours.

Monitoring the time you spend on Facebook ensures you use it intentionally rather than falling into the trap of endless, passive scrolling.


Mastering Facebook takes time, but implementing small tips like optimizing your privacy, joining groups, cleaning your friends list, and limiting browsing time can help perfect your experience. Focus on connecting meaningfully with your closest friends and family, while also leveraging Facebook Groups and Events to enrich your hobbies, interests, and career.