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How can I generate my Facebook link?

How can I generate my Facebook link?

Generating a link to your Facebook profile is a simple process that only takes a few steps. Having a direct link to your Facebook profile allows you to easily share it with others, include it on your website or in your email signature, and drive more traffic to your Facebook page. In this article, we’ll walk through everything you need to know to create a Facebook profile link from both desktop and mobile.

Prerequisites for Generating a Facebook Profile Link

Before you can generate a link to your Facebook profile, there are a couple of requirements you must meet:

  • You must have an active Facebook account and profile. If you don’t have a Facebook account yet, you’ll need to sign up for one first.
  • Your Facebook profile must be public. Links can only be generated to public profiles, not private ones.
  • You’ll need access to Facebook on either desktop or mobile to generate the link.

As long as you meet those prerequisites, generating a link to your profile only takes a minute.

Generating a Facebook Profile Link on Desktop

Here are the steps to create a link to your Facebook profile using the desktop website:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. In the drop-down menu that appears, select “View Profile.” This will bring you to your public profile page.
  4. In the intro section where your cover photo and profile picture appear, you should see your name followed by “” and your unique profile URL. For example, it may look like “”.
  5. Highlight and copy the full URL including the portion.
  6. Paste this URL anywhere you want to link to your Facebook profile.

Now you have a direct link to your profile page that you can share wherever you like. The link will always take people directly to your latest public profile, even if you change your username in the future.

Generating a Facebook Profile Link on Mobile

You can also easily create a link to your Facebook profile using the Facebook mobile app for iOS or Android. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone.
  2. Go to your profile page within the app. You can do this by tapping on the menu bar at the bottom and selecting “Profile”.
  3. Tap on the three horizontal dots in the top right corner of your profile.
  4. Select “Share Profile” from the menu that pops up.
  5. This will generate a link to your profile and open sharing options. Tap on Copy Link.
  6. Now you can paste this link to share it anywhere you want.

The mobile app makes it simple to quickly grab a link to your profile and copy it to share with friends, family, coworkers and more.

Customizing Your Facebook Profile Link

By default, your Facebook profile URL will be something like But you actually have the option to customize this link by renaming your username. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile page.
  2. Click on the “About” section of your profile.
  3. Hover over your current username and click the Pencil icon that appears.
  4. This will open up a box where you can type in a new custom username.
  5. Click “Save Changes” once you’ve entered your new preferred username.

Facebook will check if your new desired username is available. If so, your profile URL will automatically update to reflect the new custom username you set.

Having a customized, memorable username like can make your profile link more professional and personal. It also makes it easier to tell people your link verbally if it contains your actual name.

Just keep in mind that you can only change your username a few times, and you won’t be able to change it back to a previously used username.

Uses for Your Facebook Profile Link

Here are some great ways you can put your Facebook profile link to use:

  • Include it in your email signature so people can easily connect with you on Facebook.
  • Add it to your business cards to drive people to your Facebook page.
  • Share it on your website or blog so visitors can find and follow you on Facebook.
  • Promote it on other social media networks to expand your Facebook audience.
  • Add it to online profiles/bios so people can instantly access your Facebook profile with one click.

Basically, whenever you need a quick and easy way to share the direct link to your Facebook profile, having the profile URL handy solves the problem. Just generate the link once using the steps above, and then you’ll always have it available to promote your Facebook presence.

Troubleshooting Facebook Profile Link Issues

In most cases, generating a Facebook profile link is quick and straightforward. But occasionally some issues can pop up. Here are a few common problems and how to fix them:

Link leads to a general Facebook page, not your profile

This usually means your profile visibility is set to private. Make sure your profile visibility is public by going to your Facebook settings. Then generate a new profile link.

Get an error message when sharing your link

If you get an error when trying to share or open your profile link, try generating a new link again from your profile using the steps above. The previous link may have expired or been changed.

Link opens your timeline instead of your profile page

Facebook has made some changes recently where profile links now redirect to your timeline by default. You can change this by going to your Facebook settings and adjusting your default profile audience back to public.

Can’t change your custom username

Facebook only allows you to change your custom username a limited number of times, such as once every 60 days. If it won’t allow you to modify it, you’ll have to wait until the time period has passed before changing it again.

Your new custom username isn’t available

With millions of Facebook users, most shorter/common username options are likely taken already. Try some different variations of your name until you find one that’s available to use for your custom URL.


Generating a link to your Facebook profile is a simple but powerful way to share your Facebook presence with others. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create a direct link to your public Facebook profile from both desktop and mobile. Customizing your profile URL with your name or username helps make it more memorable too.

With your Facebook profile link handy, you can conveniently promote your Facebook page on websites, business cards, social media, and anywhere else you want to drive more engagement. Just be sure to occasionally generate a fresh link so the URL always sends people to your up-to-date profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create a Facebook profile link if my profile is private?

No, you can only generate a link to your Facebook profile if you have your profile visibility set to public. Private profiles do not allow the creation of a shareable link.

Does my Facebook profile link change if I update my username?

Yes, your profile link will change if you change your Facebook username. However, old links will still redirect properly to your new username/URL after changing it.

Can someone else share a link to my Facebook profile?

Yes, anyone can share a link to your public Facebook profile as long as they have the link. Links don’t stop working if shared by someone else.

What’s the benefit of having a custom username for my profile link?

A custom username like your name makes your profile link more memorable, professional, and personal. It’s also easier to share verbally.

How often should I regenerate my profile link?

It’s a good idea to generate a fresh profile link every few months. Links eventually expire, so refreshing ensures it always goes to your current profile.

Facebook Profile Link Best Practices

Here are some tips for getting the most out of sharing your Facebook profile link:

  • Customize your link with your name or username when possible.
  • Regenerate your link every 3-6 months to avoid issues.
  • Add your profile link to as many online bios and profiles as you can.
  • Include your link on business cards and resumes.
  • Share your link prominently on your website or blog.
  • Promote your link on other social media networks.
  • Use a link shortener to create a shorter and simpler link.

How to Troubleshoot a Broken Facebook Profile Link

If your Facebook profile link seems to be broken, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure your profile visibility is set to “Public” in your Facebook settings.
  • Try generating a brand new link again from your profile.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies and try the link again.
  • Open the link in a different web browser or device.
  • Check if you have any restrictions on profile viewing enabled.
  • See if you can view your own profile when logged out of Facebook.

In most cases generating a fresh profile link will resolve any issues. If not, adjusting your profile visibility or viewing restrictions usually fixes broken links.

Professionally Using Your Facebook Profile Link

Adding your Facebook profile link to business or social media profiles helps give you a professional presence. Here are some tips:

  • Include your customized Facebook link in your email signature.
  • List your Facebook profile on your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles.
  • Add your link to your resume or CV.
  • Put your link on online business or freelancing profiles.
  • Feature your Facebook profile prominently on your portfolio website.
  • Add your link to your YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok bios.

By featuring your Facebook profile link prominently on professional social media accounts and websites, you can drive more traffic to your Facebook page and connections.

Driving Engagement with Your Facebook Profile Link

To help boost engagement and growth with your Facebook profile link:

  • Share your profile link directly with connections.
  • Promote your link regularly on your other social accounts.
  • Include incentives for people to visit your profile.
  • Use it in your email newsletters or marketing campaigns.
  • Run contests or giveaways for people who follow your link.
  • Use a link shortener to simplify sharing your link.

Actively promoting your profile link and providing incentives will encourage more people to visit your Facebook profile and engage with your content.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key tips to remember about creating and using your Facebook profile link:

  • Make sure your Facebook profile is public before generating a link.
  • Customize your link with your name or username when possible.
  • Share your profile link anywhere you want to promote your Facebook presence.
  • Re-generate your link every few months to keep it updated.
  • Fix broken links by double checking your profile visibility settings.
  • Use your Facebook profile link professionally by adding it to your website, resume, portfolios, and more.

Having a working Facebook profile link makes it easy to connect with people on Facebook and drive more visits to your profile. By following the best practices outlined here, you can maximize the impact of your personalized Facebook link.

Link Type Platform Steps to Generate
Mobile Profile Link Facebook Mobile App
  1. Go to your profile in the app
  2. Tap the 3 dots icon
  3. Select “Share Profile”
  4. Tap “Copy Link”
Desktop Profile Link Facebook Website
  1. Click your profile picture
  2. Choose “View Profile”
  3. Copy URL from bio section