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How can I force my name to change on Facebook without 60 days?

How can I force my name to change on Facebook without 60 days?

Changing your name on Facebook can be a frustrating process, especially if you want to make the change sooner than the 60 day waiting period Facebook enforces. There are a few potential workarounds, but none are guaranteed to work. Ultimately, you may just need to be patient and wait out the 60 days.

Why Does Facebook Have a 60 Day Waiting Period?

Facebook instituted the 60 day waiting period as an anti-abuse measure. By making users wait 60 days after changing their name, it makes it more difficult for people to repeatedly change their name in order to harass others or get around bans.

It also prevents fraud, such as someone changing their name to impersonate a celebrity or company. The waiting period gives Facebook time to review name changes and reverse them if necessary.

So in short, the 60 day waiting period is in place to protect users and maintain trust and safety across the platform. Facebook is unlikely to make exceptions to this policy.

Ways to Try and Force a Name Change

While there’s no guaranteed way around the 60 day waiting period, there are a few things you can try:

Request an Urgent Review

You can contact Facebook support and explain why you need the name change sooner. For example, if you changed your legal name for marriage or gender transition purposes and need to update your Facebook profile.

Facebook may expedite the review and approve the change sooner in extenuating circumstances like these. However, there’s no guarantee they will actually bypass the 60 day review.

Create a New Account

Setting up a new Facebook account with your new name is one way to essentially reset the 60 day period. You’ll be able to use the account with your updated name right away.

The downside is you’ll lose your followers and connections on your old account. You’ll have to start rebuilding your network from scratch.

Change the Name on Your Profile

You can change the name listed on your public Facebook profile to your new name without officially changing your username. For example, if your username is @janedoe123, you can list your name as “Jane Smith” on your profile.

This allows you to present your new name to your connections without going through the username change process. The URL for your profile will still contain your old username.

Use a Nickname

Adding a nickname to your profile is another option to display your new name. This doesn’t change your username either, but lets you associate your new name with your account.

Keep in mind nicknames are not as prominently displayed as your profile name. But it’s a temporary workaround.

Best Practices for Changing Your Name

If you do decide to go through the process of officially changing your username within Facebook, here are some tips:

Update Personal Info First

Make sure to change your name on any personal info sections in Facebook before requesting a username change. This includes your profile “About” section and account settings.

Facebook will try to match your name change request to your updated personal information. Having everything consistent makes approval more likely.

Explain the Reason for the Change

When submitting the request, take the time to briefly explain why you need the change. As mentioned before, major life events like marriage or transitioning gender can help expedite the process.

Be Patient

Remember that 60 days is the standard waiting period, even with a compelling reason for the change. Avoid repeatedly messaging Facebook support asking for updates on your request. Continued patience is your best bet for getting through the process.

Use Your Old Username When Logging In

An approved name change only applies to your public profile. Your login credentials remain the same. Be sure to log in with your old username during the 60 day waiting period to avoid any access issues.

Pros and Cons of Changing Your Username

Before going through the name change process, weigh the key pros and cons:


  • Your profile name will match your real-life identity
  • Easier for friends and family to find you if they search for your new name
  • New name can reflect major life events like marriage or transitioning


  • You’ll lose your follower/connection count and start over
  • Have to re-add friends/followers under your new profile
  • Won’t have access to old messages and memories attached to your old username
  • Must wait at least 60 days for change to take effect

Carefully weighing these key factors will help you decide if going through the name change process is right for you. There are workarounds like using nicknames that allow you to display your new name without changing your username.


Here are the key points to keep in mind about changing your name on Facebook:

  • Facebook requires a 60 day waiting period for all legal name changes
  • This policy is in place to protect user safety and prevent abuse
  • You can request urgent review, but 60 days is standard
  • Workarounds include new accounts, display name changes, and nicknames
  • Weigh pros and cons before officially changing your username
  • Explain reason for change and be patient throughout the process

While the 60 day waiting period can be inconvenient, it’s in place to keep the Facebook community safe and trusted. With proper planning and patience, you can successfully change your name while abiding by Facebook’s policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about changing your name on Facebook:

How many times can you change your name on Facebook?

Facebook limits you to changing your name only twice within a 60 day period. After the second change, you’ll have to wait 60 days before changing it again.

Does Facebook always make you wait 60 days?

The 60 day review period is mandatory for legal name changes on Facebook. However, you can change your display name on your profile as often as you want without waiting.

What if I changed my name years ago on Facebook?

If it’s been over 60 days since your last Facebook name change, you can change it again without any waiting period. The 60 day limit resets after each completed name change.

Can I change my name multiple times while I wait?

No, once you submit a name change request, you cannot request additional changes during the 60 day waiting period. You’ll have to wait for the initial change to be reviewed.

What if I create a new Facebook account with my new name?

There are no name change restrictions on brand new Facebook accounts. However, having multiple personal accounts goes against Facebook’s policies and may result in account suspension.

Can pages and groups change names instantly?

Yes, name changes for Facebook pages, groups, and events are not subject to the 60 day waiting period. Only personal profile name changes require the mandatory review.


While frustrating, Facebook’s 60 day review for name changes aims to foster trust and safety across its millions of users. There are a few shortcuts you can try, but ultimately patience is required when updating your account to reflect a legal name change. Consider all options and impacts before requesting a username change. With proper planning, you can make the transition to your new moniker on Facebook smoothly.