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How can I find the owner of a Facebook app ID?

How can I find the owner of a Facebook app ID?

Knowing the owner of a Facebook app can be useful for a variety of reasons. You may want to contact the developer about a bug or issue you’re having with their app. Or you may want to vet an app before installing it, by looking into the app creator’s reputation and history. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to find the owner or developer of any Facebook app, just by using the app ID.

Look Up the App in the Facebook App Center

The easiest way to find the owner of a Facebook app is to simply look up the app in the Facebook App Center. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Facebook App Center:
  2. In the search bar at the top, enter the app ID number. This is a unique number assigned to each Facebook app.
  3. Hit enter. The app should come up in the search results.
  4. Click on the app to go to its info page. The developer name and contact info will be listed there.

For example, if you want to find the owner of the popular game FarmVille on Facebook, you would enter its ID which is 102452128776. This brings up the info page showing that FarmVille is owned by Zynga Inc.

Use the App’s About Page

If you already have the Facebook app installed, you can also find the developer info right in the app itself:

  1. Open the Facebook app.
  2. Click on the Settings/Options icon or button.
  3. Look for an “About” tab or page.
  4. This page should have details like the app owner name, website, contact email, and more.

For example, in FarmVille, the About page shows that the owner is Zynga Inc. and provides their website as

Look Up the ID on is a free website that lets you enter any Facebook app ID and shows you data about that app, including the developer name and website. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to
  2. Paste the app ID into the search bar.
  3. Hit enter. It will pull up details about that app.
  4. The owner name will be listed under “App Details.”

You can also see other info like user ratings, category, permissions needed by the app, and more.

Use Facebook’s Developer App Dashboard

If an app has multiple owners or developers, the standard Facebook pages may only list the primary account. To see the full list of admins and developers for an app:

  1. Go to and log in with your account.
  2. Click My Apps in the top menu bar.
  3. This brings up the Developer App Dashboard. Click on the app you want.
  4. Go to the Roles tab on the App page.
  5. Here you’ll see a list of all the Developers, Testers, and Admins for that app.

This is useful if you need to know the names of everyone affiliated with building and managing an app.

Search for the App in the Facebook App Center

The Facebook App Center is searchable by app name as well as ID. If you know the name of the app but not the ID:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the app name in the search bar.
  3. Select the matching app from the dropdown search results.
  4. The app info page shows the owner details.

For example, searching for “FarmVille” brings up its info page showing it’s owned by Zynga Inc. This works even for lesser known apps and developers.

Use the Facebook App Profile Link

Every Facebook app has a link to its profile page in this format:


Where app_id is the unique ID for that app.

So you can also find the owner of an app by:

  1. Replacing app_id with the actual ID number.
  2. Entering that full URL into your browser.
  3. The app info and owner will be on the page that comes up.

For example:


This opens the profile for FarmVille, showing it’s by Zynga Inc.

Use the App’s Privacy Policy Link

Most apps have a privacy policy linked in their Facebook app profile and info pages. This policy must be published by the app owner, and provides their official legal name and contact info.

To find it:

  1. Go to the app’s info page.
  2. Click the “Privacy Policy” link.
  3. The developer’s name and details will be on this page.

For example, FarmVille’s policy shows it’s owned by Zynga Inc. This is useful if the other app pages don’t list an obvious company or owner name.

Search Facebook for the App’s Page

Many apps have an official Facebook page in addition to their app profile. This fan page is also run by the developer.

To try finding it:

  1. Go to and do a search for the app name.
  2. Look for a result that’s a Facebook Page, usually indicated with a blue checkmark icon.
  3. Go to the Page and the info section will show who it’s managed by.

For example FarmVille has an official FarmVille page manned by Zynga Inc. This can provide another way to confirm the app owner.

Look for the Developer’s Website

Most legitimate app developers will link to their official website from the app’s Facebook pages and About section.

To find it:

  1. Check the app’s About page or description for a website link.
  2. Go to the website.
  3. The site’s Contact page, About page, or Terms will include the developer’s name and company info.

For instance, FarmVille links to, which clearly shows it was created by gaming company Zynga.

Search Online for the App Name

Doing a web search for the app name can also uncover details on the owner. Useful places to check include:

  • News articles about the app – Often mention the developer.
  • App review websites – Include background on the creators.
  • Wikipedia – Some apps have Wikipedia pages listing their developers.
  • App stores – Look for the app in Google Play, iTunes, etc. The publisher is shown.

Combine the app name with terms like “developer”, “company”, or “creator” to find relevant info faster.

Check Who Registered the App Domain

Most apps will have registered a domain name for their website and marketing. Finding out who registered it can reveal the developer.

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the app’s domain (e.g
  3. The domain registration records show the Registrant Contact, including their name and address.

This registrant is likely the app creator, since they would register their official domain.

Look for the Developer’s Name in the App Store

If the app is available in an app store like Google Play or iTunes, the listing will include the developer name.

For example in Google Play:

  1. Open the Google Play app or go to
  2. Search for the app.
  3. Go to the app’s info page.
  4. Scroll down to Developer, which shows the name and website.

The same applies in iTunes for Apple devices. This provides a reliable way to see who made the app.

Check LinkedIn for Developer Profiles

Many app developers and companies have LinkedIn profiles. These often list the apps they have created.

To find them:

  1. Go to LinkedIn and search for the app name.
  2. Look for profiles of individuals or companies mentioning that app.
  3. Their employment and experience will confirm they developed the app.

You may also find their profiles just by searching LinkedIn for relevant developer names, websites, or companies from an app’s other info sources.


Finding out who owns or made a Facebook app is easy to do through several methods:

  • Looking up the app ID in the Facebook App Center
  • Checking the app’s About page
  • Using for ID lookup
  • Viewing the Developers list in Facebook’s dashboard
  • Searching for the app name in the App Center
  • Using the app’s profile link
  • Checking its Privacy Policy page
  • Finding its Facebook Page
  • Getting the developer website
  • Researching online
  • Checking the domain registration
  • Seeing the app store publisher
  • Looking up LinkedIn profiles

With the wide availability of information on Facebook apps and developers, uncovering ownership details is generally quick and straightforward. This allows properly vetting an app before use, contacting the creator if needed, giving credit to developers for their work, and distinguishing between legitimate apps and possible fakes or parodies. By taking a few minutes to research the source of a Facebook app using the techniques outlined here, users can apply appropriate trust in using the app and its features.

Method How to Find the App Owner
Facebook App Center Look up app by ID or name, info shows developer
App About Page Listing in app shows creator details Enter ID, owner listed under App Details
Facebook Dashboard See list of all developers and admins
App Profile Link shows info including owner
Privacy Policy Page lists app creator’s official legal entity
Facebook Page Search App’s official page managed by developer
Developer Website Linked site has company and contact info
Online Research News, reviews, Wikipedia identify creator
Domain Registration Registrant is developer who registered domain
App Store Details Publisher and developer shown
LinkedIn Profiles Developer and company pages mention apps made

Key Takeaways on Finding Facebook App Owners:

  • The Facebook App Center allows looking up apps by ID or name to see owners.
  • App About sections, privacy policies, and Facebook pages list creators.
  • Third-party tools like AppInspector can identify developers.
  • App store listings provide publisher and developer details.
  • Domain registrants and LinkedIn profiles reveal creators.
  • Online research can uncover sources mentioning the owner.
  • Multiple methods allow cross-checking app ownership.

Using the resources outlined here, Facebook users can easily verify app ownership before installing or utilizing an app. While most are legitimate, checking for proper accreditation helps avoid untrustworthy or fraudulent apps. An informed user can confidently utilize the expanding options in the Facebook app ecosystem.