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How can I find something I posted on Facebook?

How can I find something I posted on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to post a variety of content, including status updates, photos, videos, and more. With hundreds of millions of users worldwide, Facebook has become the platform of choice for sharing life events, thoughts, and media. However, with such a high volume of posts made each day, it’s easy to lose track of things you’ve shared previously.

Fortunately, Facebook provides several tools to help you locate your old posts. Here are some tips on how to find something you’ve posted on Facebook in the past.

Search Your Own Profile

The easiest way to find an old post is to search your own Facebook profile. At the top of your profile page is a search bar that allows you to search all of your posts at once. Simply type a keyword or phrase from the post you’re trying to find into the search bar and press enter. The search results will display all posts on your profile that contain the keyword(s) you searched for.

For example, if you vaguely remember posting a photo from a trip to Hawaii 5 years ago, you could search your profile using keywords like “Hawaii”, “beach”, the year, or a specific location from the trip. Facebook’s search tool will scan all your posts and display any that match your query.

You can further filter the search results by selecting options on the left sidebar, such as Photos, Videos, Links, etc. Keep narrowing down your search parameters until you locate the specific post you’re looking for.

Check Your Activity Log

Facebook’s Activity Log allows you to view a comprehensive history of all your interactions and posts on Facebook. To access it, click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu.

This will display a feed of your Facebook activity in reverse chronological order. You can scroll back as far as your account history goes to try and locate old posts.

The Activity Log groups your activity into categories like Posts, Photos, Comments, Reactions, etc. Click into each category to only view that type of activity, which makes finding specific posts easier. Use the search tool within the Activity Log to quickly locate posts that match keywords or phrases.

Your entire Facebook history is archived in the Activity Log, so odds are the post you’re searching for can be found here if you scroll back far enough in time.

Check Your Profile’s Photos Section

If you’re looking for an old photo you posted, head to the Photos section of your profile. Under your profile picture and cover photo is an icon showing the number of photos you’ve posted on your profile. Click this icon to view a grid of all your uploaded photos.

Similar to your Activity Log, the photos grid shows your most recent pictures first. Use the search feature or keep scrolling back through your photo history until you come across the photo you posted. You can also filter your photos by date using the menu on the left side.

This method works well if you have a general idea of what year you posted the photo or roughly how long ago it was shared. Browsing through your photo archives may help jog your memory and lead you to the picture you’re after.

Check Posts You’re Tagged In

If you think someone else may have tagged you in a post or photo from the past, you can check the Posts You’re Tagged In section of your profile. In the left sidebar, click on the icon showing a human silhouette to view any posts you’ve been tagged in by friends.

This is a great way to uncover old posts you may have forgotten about. Even if you didn’t originally create the post, being tagged still associates it with your profile. Use the search feature here or browse back through your tagging history to uncover hidden gems.

View Your Facebook Memories

Facebook Memories are old posts that Facebook resurfaces because they are considered meaningful moments. These can include milestone life events, popular old posts, holiday celebrations, and more. Memories typically appear in your feed alongside current posts.

Viewing your Facebook Memories gives you another chance to rediscover significant posts you may have forgotten. Click “See More” on any Memories post in your feed to be taken to that post on your Timeline. The Related Memories module on the right shows other posts from around the same time period.

Facebook’s algorithms decide which Memories get highlighted, so this method depends on the post you’re looking for being important enough to resurface. But it can be a good starting point for falling down a nostalgia rabbit hole.

Check Posts You’ve Liked

Beyond your own posts, another way to uncover old content is by viewing the posts you’ve liked over the years. Click on the Friends icon in the left sidebar of your profile and select “Liked” to see a feed of all the posts you’ve liked.

Scroll back through your like history until a post jogs your memory. Seeing posts you interacted with can provide context clues about what you were interested in or doing during different time periods on Facebook.

If you remember liking or reacting to a certain post, this is the place to find it again. Use keywords to search your liked posts for the one you have in mind.

Check Posts You’ve Commented On

Along with liking posts, commenting is another type of interaction that associates content with your profile. To view posts you’ve commented on, click on the Friends icon in your profile’s left sidebar and select “Commented.”

This will display a chronological feed of all posts you’ve left comments on. Read through your commenting history for visual cues that may lead you to the post you’re searching for.

Commenting suggests you had something to say about a particular post, so you may have a stronger memory of it compared to casually liked or viewed posts. Let your past comments guide you to rediscovering forgotten posts.

Use Facebook’s On This Day Feature

Facebook’s On This Day feature resurfaces posts from your Timeline that were originally shared on that same day in previous years. You can access it by going to on the web or via the menu on mobile apps.

Browse through the posts surfaced for each day and year. If you have a general timeframe of when you think you shared a post, On This Day makes it easy to jump back to that exact date.

For example, if you’re looking for a photo you posted from a beach trip over summer vacation 5 years ago, check On This Day during the summer months from 5 years back. Seeing other posts from the trip may trigger your memory of the specific photo you’re after.

Search Within Groups You’re a Member Of

If you think you shared a post in a Facebook group, there’s an easy way to search just within that group’s content. Go to the group and click on the Search This Group field at the top. Enter a keyword or phrase and it will retrieve relevant posts only from that group.

This is much more precise than searching your entire Timeline. Use it to track down group-specific posts that may be difficult to find in the clamor of your overall Facebook activity.

Use Facebook’s Public Post Search

If all else fails, you can try searching the entire public corpus of Facebook posts. Go to and enter your name in the search bar to pull up posts that are visible to the public.

This casts a wide net, so use precise keywords, dates, locations, etc. to narrow it down. While not every post may be accessible here, it provides another avenue to rediscover something you posted in the distant past.

Adjust Your Privacy Settings

If you still can’t locate a certain post after exhausting all search options, privacy settings may be the issue. You or someone you were connected to at the time may have restricted the visibility of the post.

Head to your profile, click the three dots in the upper right corner, and choose “Settings & Privacy.” Here you can edit your privacy settings for past and future posts.

Make sure “Limit Past Posts” is disabled so search tools access your full history. Toggle “Who Can See Your Future Posts” to be as broad as possible. Expand individual settings like “Photo Privacy” to customize as needed.

Giving greater public access increases your likelihood of locating missing posts. Just be sure you’re comfortable with the associated privacy trade-offs.

Check Other Social Media Platforms

It’s possible you didn’t post the content on Facebook in the first place. Think about what other social media accounts you were using at the time, such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

Search through your post history on other platforms to uncover forgotten sharing that happened outside of Facebook. Cross-reference dates, events, and keywords across your different accounts from the time period.

Widen your search to uncover social artifacts you posted across various sites back in the day. Your Facebook post may have been a duplicate share of content posted originally elsewhere.

Ask Friends If They Have the Post

Reach out to close friends you were connected with on Facebook during the time period of the post you’re searching for. Ask if they happen to have or remember seeing the post.

Friends who interacted with the post by liking, commenting, tagging, or sharing may have better recollection or even a saved copy of it. Crowdsource among your social circle for aid in your search.

Describe details like rough timeframe, location, people tagged, etc. to trigger friends’ memories. Offering context clues gives them a better shot at pinpointing the specific post you can’t find.

Contact Facebook Support

If your post seems to have completely disappeared, you can contact Facebook support for additional help finding it. Click “Help & Support” in the lower right corner of Facebook and select “Something’s Wrong” to submit a support request.

Clearly describe the missing post and when you think you shared it. Provide as many identifying details as possible – location, tags, content, etc. Support has access to backend logs and tools that may be able to uncover deleted or hidden posts.

Keep in mind support response times may be slow. But for missing posts without other recourse, it’s worth a shot requesting Facebook’s direct assistance.

Recover Deleted Facebook Posts

If a post you’re searching for appears to be completely gone, you may have accidentally or intentionally deleted it. Deleting a Facebook post removes it from your profile and timeline.

However, you may be able to recover deleted posts using a few methods:

Check Your Archived Posts

If you’ve archived old posts on Facebook, start your search there. Archiving removes posts from your timeline but still preserves them on your profile under the Archived section.

Click the three dots at the top of your timeline, choose “Edit or Manage Posts” and select “Archived” to browse your archived content. If you think you may have deleted the post you’re looking for, this is the top place to check.

Use the Activity Log Download Tool

Facebook allows you to download an archive containing your full account history through the Activity Log. This includes deleted posts, photos, interactions, and more.

To use it, go to the Activity Log and click “Download Your Information” at the bottom. Select the date range to capture and request the download. Once ready, you can search the archive file for the deleted post.

Check Your Deleted Facebook Folder

When you delete a post, Facebook saves it in a Deleted folder for up to 30 days. During this time, you have the option to restore deleted posts.

On your profile, click the three dots in the top corner and choose “Bin” or “Trash” to access your Deleted folder. Click “Restore” next to any posts you wish to retrieve from deletion purgatory.

Use Third Party Data Recovery Software

Specialized software exists to help recover social media content, even after deletion. Tools like Disk Drill have Facebook recovery features that can resurrect vanished posts.

This requires downloading the software to your computer and having an archived local copy of your Facebook data. But if successful, the software can excavate posts long thought to be lost forever.

Prevent Losing Facebook Posts in the Future

Once you locate your missing post, take steps to avoid a repeat disappearance in the future:

Back Up Your Facebook Data

Download a copy of your Facebook information archive so you have an offline backup of all posts. Do this regularly to ensure your data stays preserved.

Use a Social Media Archiving Tool

Tools like Social Safe automatically archive your Facebook posts to make them easily searchable. Activating archiving means posts stay preserved if deleted.

Save Important Posts Manually

For milestone life events like weddings, vacations, etc., manually save copies of meaningful posts outside Facebook for redundancy.

Adjust Post Visibility Settings

Limit your audience for sensitive posts and expand visibility for important memories you want searchable. Tweak as needed.

Delete Posts With Caution

Be extra careful before deleting posts permanently. First consider archiving. And delete batches infrequently to enable recovery.


Facebook’s massive size makes locating old posts like finding needles in a haystack. But fortunately, its sophisticated tools give you a fighting chance at unearthing buried treasures from your past. Use keyword searches, check your archives, crowdsource assistance from friends, and take advantage of features like On This Day. With some strategic sleuthing, you can dig up posts you thought were gone for good.

If you take the time to regularly archive and back up your Facebook data, future searches will be much easier. But even for long lost posts, Facebook provides plenty of routes to take your digital archeology expedition. The next time you get a hankering for some social media nostalgia, put these tips to work uncovering the gems hiding in your Facebook history.